Baby development at 3 months: what is changing
At 3 months, your baby is learning new skills. Always more curious, he discovers the world around him with delight. Focus on the development of the 3 month old baby.
Growth and development of the child at 3 month
At 3 months, your baby continues to gain weight and centimeters: he is approximately 60 centimeters tall and weighs between 5 and 6 kilos. His head circumference is around 40 centimeters. The child becomes more flexible and stronger. For example, he can straighten his head and chin when he is lying on his back. His gross motor skills gain in balance and coordination: he is more successful in keeping his head upright when seated. He explores his body, touching his stomach when he is lying on his back, bringing his hands to his mouth, or even joining his hands. As for fine motor skills, the 3-month-old baby gradually loses his grabbing reflex: his hands open more.
Baby communication and interaction at 3 month
Your little one, at 3 months, loves making all kinds of sounds and twittering: it’s the way he talks to you and expresses his satisfaction. Your child’s hearing is sharp, he can distinguish and recognize the voices of different family members.
The 3-month-old baby has more tools than before to express himself: as a result, he feels less need to cry. He is now able to tell the difference between what is inside and what is outside of him. He really enjoys playing, interacting and sharing with those around him.
When you talk to your 3 month old child, you notice two new behaviors: he likes to vocalize to respond to your voice and his eyes are fixed on yours or your mouth. Finally, for your greatest pleasure, the 3 month old baby is able to laugh out loud and does not deprive himself of it. To stimulate him, you can have fun making faces or making noises that make him laugh.
Games with the 3 month old baby
You have many possibilities to play with your child. Indulge in tickling, caressing and massage sessions. Tell him stories using voice effects to convey different emotions. Nursery rhymes and lullabies are also popular with three-month-old babies. To go further and help them gradually discover touch, you can familiarize your child with tactile books.
The new materials give him new sensations that he enjoys exploring while the images reveal for him a colorful and fascinating world.
If you want to make him laugh or get his attention, you can, for example, play with soft toys and puppets: his eyesight is now fine enough for him to recognize them. Finally, the bath can now become a moment of pleasure, do not hesitate to instigate little games in the water and to play with the sound of drops, of a hand that plunges and blows bubbles, etc.
Feeding the child at 3 months
Normally, your child drinks between 4 and 6 feeds or bottles per day. If you plan to return to work, you can opt for a breast pump, or introduce mixed feeding, which allows other people to feed the baby. It is in principle during the 3rd month that the terrible colic of baby ends.
Baby sleep at 3 months
The 3-month-old child must gradually learn to sleep at night in a long cycle, that is to say to do without nocturnal meals. It takes an average of four to six weeks for an infant to get used to the day / night cycle.
To help him get over this course, respect his sleep and do not wake him up to change his diaper, for example. It is essential to distinguish between nocturnal awakenings and restless sleep. Sometimes while sleeping, your baby cries and opens his eyes.
In this kind of case, it is better to avoid hugging him. This is because handling it can wake it up and prevent it from going back to sleep easily. Stay alert without intervening at first, if he does not calm down then you can try to understand why he is crying.
Health and baby care at 3 month
During the third month of the child, you must give the second injection of vaccines against:
- Diphtheria;
- Tetanus;
- Whooping cough ;
- Polio;
- Meningitis ;
- Hepatitis B;
- Rotavirus
Do not forget to enter these reminders, once done, in the baby’s health record.
The third month can be difficult for the mother because the first separations will take place, in particular because of the resumption of work. Fortunately, your child will gradually gain autonomy and get used to other people, for his greater good.