Baby development at 2 months: what is changing

Baby development at 2 months: what is changing

At 2 months, your child takes a leap forward: he catches objects, and he intentionally smiles at you. Discover the detailed evolution of baby during the second month.

Growth and development of baby at 2 months

Your little one has grown well: he weighs a little less than 5 kilos, and measures between 54 and 58 centimeters on average. The perimeter of his skull is now 38 centimeters.

His gross motor skills have improved significantly, and your child:

  • better control of his movements: now he turns his head to both sides, voluntarily, even if he finds it difficult to keep it in the center;
  • no longer just follows objects with his eyes: he also turns his head;
  • pedal with his legs to express his satisfaction: his legs gently unfold;
  • lifts his head for a few moments when he is lying on his stomach.

On the side of fine motor skills too, a lot of progress is being made. Thus, a 2 month old baby still mostly keeps his fists closed, but he sometimes opens his hands. Your child is now able to grab an object in his hands, and hold it for a few seconds. His hands, moreover, interest him a great deal: he looks at them attentively and often. Your baby is starting to become aware of his body.

Your child’s emotional development at 2 months

Emotional development helps your child express and understand emotions as he grows older. At 2 months, your child shows strong sensations, such as disgust, pain, discomfort or even pleasure. He always expresses himself with tears, but also with throaty noises or hoarse sounds. Your little baby is also able to smile intentionally. Your child’s intellectual development is booming. Now he is sometimes able to link several events together or recognize situations. Chances are he’ll smile even more at you if he understands, the way you talk to him, that you’re going for a walk together or feeding him. If his vision is not yet clear, he can however distinguish what is happening around him.

The senses take on more and more importance

During the second month, your child’s sight becomes clearer. Baby is now able to look you in the eye for several seconds. He recognizes certain objects, especially those with bright colors. Your child’s visual contact with his environment and the world around him becomes clearer and it is a great pleasure for him. Continue to talk to him a lot and expose him to new noises: his hearing, too, is significantly refined. Overall, your baby’s mental development is accelerating and he is more and more attentive to the various stimuli he is facing. All his senses are awakened, which allows him to better understand the world around him.

Baby feeding at 2 months

It is always the milk which constitutes the exclusive food of your child. Whether bottle-fed or breast-fed, the two-month-old typically drinks 700 to 800 ml of milk each day. This volume nevertheless depends on its weight and its appetite. If you are in doubt about how much to give your baby, do not hesitate to seek advice from a pediatrician or midwife.

Care and health of your child at 2 months

During the second month of life of your child, he must receive important vaccines in order to preserve his health. From the second month, the pediatrician offers you the first injection of Pentavalant, which should be given in three separate injections one month apart. In the same way, this is also the time of the first injection of the DTHC vaccine, which protects your child from tetanus, diphtheria, whooping cough, hepatitis B, polio and haemophilus. The same goes for the pneumococcal vaccine. By 2 months, your baby is often prone to colic, which can be painful. Unfortunately, there is no cure for your child. On the other hand, it is recommended to give him belly and back massages, so that he still feels good in his body. Of course, you also have to give her lots of love and kisses.

Despite the small inconveniences of colic, which will pass normally from the following month, your child is progressing at his own pace. The interactions are more pronounced: at 2 months, the baby reacts to what brushes and touches him, he emits chirps and recognizes situations.

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