Baby development at 1 month: everything that changes

Baby development at 1 month: everything that changes

Between his first day in maternity and one month, baby undergoes great transformations. Here’s everything you need to know about infant development at 1 month.

Growth and development of the child at 1 month

At one month, a baby weighs a little less than 4 kilograms on average, and is usually between 52 and 55 centimeters. The perimeter of the baby’s skull is around 37 or 39 centimeters. Both his fine motor skills and gross motor skills are not yet well developed.

Its activity is said to be reflex. Among his most common behaviors, he tries to suck on his fingers, his head falls if it is not supported, and if you strain his palm with your finger, he will eventually squeeze it. Likewise, if you lay baby on his stomach, he will automatically release his head to the side, so that he can breathe. At the age of one month, babies wave their arms and legs to show their contentment or excitement. They have a lack of tone in the trunk, which is called axial hypotonia.

Baby communication and interaction at 1 month

At 1 month, baby’s eyesight changes: he has difficulty discerning contours, but he distinguishes bright colors very well, as well as contrasts. Even if he can still see blurry, baby loves to scrutinize you, especially when you are smiling.

On the other hand, he is already perfectly capable of recognizing the voices of those around him. Pay close attention to all his reactions: your child follows an object with his eyes if you move it in front of him, and informs you of his receptivity by making small noises and moving his limbs. Do not hesitate to stimulate your baby by talking to him a lot, by showing him colorful objects: slowly introduce him to the world in which he lives. Very intrigued, very curious, baby wants to know everything: help him by encouraging him!

Take it in your arms and walk it from room to room, especially since it loves to be carried. You can also initiate basic games with your child: bring your face close to his, and talk to him spirited, joyful. Baby appreciates these moments of complicity and play. At his age, the smile is not yet intentional. But rest assured: even if this smile is not particularly addressed to you, baby is expressing his well-being.

Oral communication: crying

At 1 month old, you and your baby are slowly getting to know each other. And if sleep is his main activity, covering between 16 and 20 hours a day, baby is expressed a lot by crying. At 1 month, his crying is not the same depending on the message he wants to send to his parents. It can be fatigue, hunger, or for some the need to be changed. Crying is the only oral way baby has to communicate. If this doesn’t seem obvious to you at first, don’t worry, after a few weeks you will be quite able to recognize the “hidden messages” of your child’s crying!

Hearing and smell, senses wide awake

Your baby can recognize your voice and smell perfectly well. His hearing is sufficiently developed to enable him to enjoy music and singing. You can thus make him discover soft melodies. As far as his eyesight is concerned, it is still blurry and your little one cannot clearly see objects and faces beyond a distance of 30 centimeters.

Baby feeding

The only food for your one month old baby is milk. Whether you are breastfeeding or have opted for powdered milk, feeding on demand is highly recommended at such a young age. From a bottle or breast, this means that you feed your baby about every 4 hours, which is 6 times a day. If your child is hungry more frequently, do not deprive him of food, and offer him the milk he wants.

Health and baby care at 1 month

By 1 month, baby’s umbilical cord has already fallen off, normally. This is also the time to take the tuberculosis vaccine, if you wish. This vaccine is recommended, but it is no longer compulsory. The pediatrician can perform it at birth or during the first month. During your visit to the pediatrician, take stock of the baby’s growth together. Digestive problems are common in infants, discuss them with the doctor if necessary.

When baby is one month old, he needs above all calm because he sleeps between 15 and 20 hours a day. So every step forward, when awake, is a great upheaval.

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