Baby care: the strengths of the liniment

Also called “oleo-limestone liniment”, the liniment is an emulsion used for washing the baby’s seat. A treatment much appreciated by parents which, contrary to popular belief, is not intended to cleanse, but rather to soothe and hydrate the child’s bottom. Explanations. 


What is oleo-limestone liniment made of?

Traditionally, liniment is made from 50% olive oil and 50% lime water. A short and ancestral formula, which appeals to parents in search of naturalness and whose basic pH compensates for the acidity present in the urine and stools of the baby. This sensitive area is thus protected from variations in pH and possible irritations such asnappy rash


To boost its effectiveness, many brands are enriching the formula of their liniment with various ingredients: for example beeswax at Joone, to nourish and protect the seat, or calendula at Weleda, for its soothing and soothing properties. softening. 


How to properly use the liniment?

The liniment is applied with a cotton or a cloth on the buttocks previously cleaned and dry. Indeed, if its moisturizing properties allow it to easily take off the residues, it does not contain a washing product, and is therefore not intended to wash the seat of babies, especially when the diaper contains stool. 


Effective in preventing diaper rash (or seat dermatitis), the appearance of redness, or to soothe the friction of the diaper, the liniment, thanks to its alkaline pH and its formula enriched with nourishing vegetable oil, will play the role of protective barrier by leaving a protective film between the baby’s epidermis and the stool and urine present in the diaper. It is therefore important not to rinse it after application.



Making your home liniment, precautions to take

If the formula is short and seems simple, beware of lime water. In fact, in the event of an overdose, it can have a corrosive effect and cause irritation or, in the most severe cases, burns in the seat.  


Mistrust is also in order regarding the use of essential oils which are not recommended for babies and children. 


How to choose your liniment?

It is important to understand how to read the label of skincare and beauty products before choosing your liniment. The components of the product are listed in descending order. That is, the first ingredient on the list is the one that will be present in greater quantity.  

We will favor a short formula, fragrance-free, in order to guard against the risk of allergy in children, and tested under dermatological control.  



Liniment as a massage product

This moisturizing emulsion with a rich texture can also be used daily to massage your baby and thus appease him. Heat a small amount of product in your hands before applying it, to prevent it from getting cold, and remove your jewelry so as not to risk irritating your baby’s fragile skin. 


Effective against cradle cap

Frequent phenomenon, cradle cap generally appear on the scalp, eyebrows or foreheads of newborns. Benign, they are generally due to an excess of sebum. The application of the liniment in the form of massage a few hours before the bath will allow them to soften, and thus to easily get rid of them at the time of the toilet. 


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