Cutting down on baby’s zizi does not rule out the risk of phimosis
Uncutting a baby is like sliding the skin covering the glans, in other words the foreskin, towards the base of the penis. In this way, the acorn came out, “in the air”. For a long time, doctors and pediatricians have recommended performing this gesture in babies, for hygienic reasons that we know today are unfounded. It was also thought that the scalping would help limit the risk of phimosis, a condition which results in an excessive narrowness of the foreskin and a total inability to retract, and which is sometimes the cause of infections and disruptions in the sexual life. adulthood. But we now know that early cracking does not prevent the occurrence of phimosis.
Sex of the little boy: a progressive scaling
Over time, under the effect of growth of the penis and small erections (from the first months of life), the preputial ring expands spontaneously and adhesions gradually disappear. If they last beyond 3 or 4 years, the doctor can carry out a scaling under anesthetic cream to release the last adhesions, by making a small incision, or outright circumcision in the event of phimosis.
Note: if the child complains of pain when urinating, that his urine stream goes all over the place, if his penis is red or if they complains of pain in this area, it is advisable to consult, as these symptoms may mask inflammation of the glans head (balanitis), inflammation or infection of the foreskin, or inflammation of the urinary meatus.
Decaloting: a classic baby’s toilet is enough
For a teenager or an adult, it is more hygienic to pull back during personal hygiene. But what is true for adults is not true for babies: a classic toilet of his sex and his buttocks at each change is more than enough. around the age of 3 or 4, when the child learns to wash on his own, we can teach him the right gestures for his personal hygiene, and teach him to pull back alone to clean this area, with clear water.
Baby rescued: blood, red foreskin… Possible complications
Stressful for the mother who is afraid of doing it wrong, painful for the baby, the scaling can be the cause of more serious complications: bleeding, edema and even, during healing, the appearance of areas of fibrosis. A scar narrowing would require the doctor to perform surgery to free the foreskin. And the infant may experience quite severe pain with each pee within 24 to 48 hours.
Sometimes, the foreskin is so narrow that the mother does not manage to recalote: the “strangulation” obliges to consult urgently a pediatrician who will put back the foreskin by a very painful maneuver. Suffice to say that this kind of episode can leave some psychological consequences …
In short, we do not touch the baby’s zizi until it is necessary (care and treatment due to infection or other). The scaling of the baby’s penis is no longer recommended by healthcare professionals.
Baby’s penis: respect his privacy
From birth, avoid the little boy, manipulation of his penis that could appear aggressive to him: until he knows how to wash himself, use delicate and discreet gestures. It is also important to explain to the child that no one other than him is allowed to touch or play with his penis or testicles.