Baby and music

From pregnancy, babies love music!

Very early on, the fetus, well installed in the intrauterine cocoon, is able to hear what is happening outside. Mum’s voice is undoubtedly the first “sound” heard to be known. Some studies show that a baby responds to sounds around week 16 of pregnancy, with hearing maturing no later than week 30. Future mothers, do not neglect these little moments when, lying quietly, you let yourself go to listen to a sweet melody. Baby can hear it too and, you can be sure, he’s not immune to it.

Your relaxation sessions (yoga, sophrology, haptonomy, etc.), against a background of sound, are also beneficial. All that for be 100% attentive and in harmony with the child that you wear. It also seems that Baby has the rhythm in his blood. As confirmed by researchers in “Psychosonics” (study of the effect of sounds on humans), the fetus reacts to changes in the tempo of music, fast or slower. Yep, he beats the bar, as they say. And this, from his life in utero!

Do you know everything he can do in utero?

Safe in your womb, the fetus is capable of extraordinary feats. To find out what your baby can do, even before it’s born, take our test. You will be “blown away”!


Baby has musical ears

Would it then be possible to “condition” your little one to music? Well yes ! Very early, at birth, newborns are able to recognize sounds, or melodies, heard in Mom’s womb. Take the test! If you’ve spent your pregnancy lounging in front of your favorite variety shows, Baby will be all the more sensitive and able to recognize them afterwards. Seated in his deckchair, near you, he will undoubtedly calm down or fall asleep, reassured by “the sound bath” he knows, reminding him of what he was going through in your womb … 

It would seem, moreover, that the earlier mothers expose their babies to a melody (and even more so from intrauterine life), the more likely they are to be sensitive to it. No wonder, finally …

“In order for a Gypsy child to become a musician, it was decided that during the last six weeks before his birth and the first six weeks of this child’s life, every day, the best musician of an instrument would go and play for him with him. of the pregnant mother, then given birth and breastfeeding. And, it seems, the child later wanted to play this instrument and excelled at it. »(Françoise Dolto, 1985)

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