Coloring, a complete activity
Coloring is full of benefits for children. “This psychomotor exercise allows the little one to place his body in a frame, explains Roseline Davido. Indeed, by coloring, he learns not to exceed beyond the line. At the same time, the child becomes aware of his own limits. But this activity also allows him to let off steam, to express his anger, which he will do by coloring outside of the drawing. It is therefore a life learning “. The coloring is generally done in an emotional and non-anxiety-provoking atmosphere: the little coloring under the attentive eye of his parents, who kindly advise him: “do not exceed” or “it is very pretty what you do”. This activity is therefore a real means of communication. It also awakens the notion of aestheticism in the child: he is like in the skin of an artist and tries to reproduce the model as best as possible. Finally, based essentially on the codes and the color marks, the coloring can allow the adults to detect any color blindness.
With or without a model?
Many coloring books have color models to guide toddlers. Having a role model can reassure them. But isn’t that a drag on their imagination? Roseline Davido’s response: “coloring should be fun. In our society, we teach children very early on to force themselves. However, it is important to let their imagination run free. They can have their own desires. In addition, it takes a lot of time, even years, before making a perfect coloring, respecting the outlines. As a result, if the child does not succeed, he may feel clumsy, have the impression of doing badly and thus lose his self-confidence ”. Clearly, in all cases, when your offspring gives you his work, do not hesitate to congratulate him.
What about coloring on touch tablets?
Integrated or downloaded applications, coloring can also be done on touch screens. “The tablet and the stylus are the paper and pen of tomorrow. It is important to bring children up to date, ”underlines the psychoanalyst. “Coloring on a tablet opens the mind of the child: he plays with different options, erases, redoes …” Moreover, while coloring on paper develops fine motor skills, here it is his tactile sense that is required. However, if you sometimes choose digital to appreciate the artistic talents of your toddler, know that the tablet is not a digital nanny. A single watchword therefore, moderation and no exclusivity…
Egg, rabbit, Easter hen, we go fissa on to print pretty Easter coloring pages … |