Bärenfang – bear hunter’s liqueur

Berenfang (Bärenfang, aka Meschkinnes) is a German honey liquor with aromatic herbs based on grain alcohol or strong distillate. Known as bärenjäger in English speaking countries.

Bärenfang is German for “bear trap” and bärenjäger means “bear hunter”. The name meschkinnes is used mainly in East Prussia and comes from the Lithuanian meškinas (“male bear”).

Berenfang liquor is not a registered trademark, but a type of “folk” alcohol, which, if desired, can be made even at home. The strength of the drink is 30-45%.


Prussian housewives have been making homemade berenfang since the XNUMXth century, and the name of the liqueur comes from the fact that their hunter husbands often used the sweet honey product to lure bears out of their dens. A century later, a similar drink called krupnik appeared in Poland and Lithuania.

The first commercial samples of Berenfang appeared in East Prussia, in the city of Königsberg. The most famous (but not the only) modern liquor manufacturer is Teucke & Koenig, which produces two versions – with a strength of 35 and 33 degrees. Since 1945, the drink has been exported throughout Europe.

Bärenfang – bear hunter’s liqueur

The bear trap is made by many companies. On the market you can find Bärenfang honey schnaps, a variation from Krischer, and even honey liqueur from Internet portals dedicated to the fantasy subculture (Mytholon).

Technology of preparation

First, flower honey is dissolved in vodka or alcohol, then the mixture is infused for several days on vanilla pods, cinnamon sticks, cloves, lemon zest and other spices. Almost ready liquor is filtered and left to “ripen” in a dark place. It is important that the room temperature does not fall below room temperature, otherwise the honey will crystallize.

Only honey from flower nectar is suitable for berenfang, and not honeydew, as the latter is bitter and gives the drink an unpleasant aftertaste.

Honeydew is a sweet “water” that accumulates on the leaves of plants due to temperature differences. Bees collect it instead of nectar and make “quasimed”, which is not suitable either for feeding insects during wintering or for production.

The berenfang recipe is not officially recorded anywhere and allows for more than a free interpretation. Each manufacturer himself determines the exact composition, type and amount of spices, exposure time, etc.

homemade berenfang recipe


  • vodka (alcohol 40-45%) – 1 liter;
  • liquid flower honey – 350 grams;
  • carnation – 8 buds;
  • vanilla – 1 pod.


  1. Finely chop the cloves, divide the vanilla in half, pour the spices with vodka in a glass container and leave for 24 hours at room temperature.
  2. Strain the infusion through cheesecloth, then pour honey in a thin stream, stirring constantly. Honey can be preheated (no higher than 40 ° C, otherwise it will lose its beneficial properties) to make it more liquid.
  3. Leave the resulting drink for 7-10 days at room temperature for aging. When a precipitate appears, filter through cotton wool. Fortress – 31-33% vol.

Bärenfang – bear hunter’s liqueur

How to drink Berenfang

Honey liquor can be drunk in its pure form with ice, the drink is also added to tea and coffee, hot winter cocktails are prepared on its basis. There are no gastronomic recommendations specifically for berenfang, but honey liqueurs go well with fatty cheese, cheese with white or blue mold, foie gras, and fruit.

Cocktails with Berenfang

  1. German Bright (German bright). 3 parts apple schnapps, 1 ½ parts berenfang, one part pink and white dry vermouth, 6 parts pineapple juice. Shake everything in an ice-filled shaker and serve in a chilled glass.
  2. Honey bourbon smash (Blow of honey bourbon). Crush 5 blackberries, 3 orange slices in an old-fashioned glass, add ice and top with berenfang. You can further dilute the cocktail with soda to taste.
  3. Bearly old fashioned (Bear old-fashioned). Crush a quarter of an orange in an old fashion glass, fill the container with ice, pour over honey liqueur and add a couple of drops of angostura. Serve with a cocktail cherry.
  4. Golden Apple (Golden Apple). Mix 2 parts berenfang, 4 parts apple cider and 2 drops of angostura in a shaker with ice, serve with apple wedge.
  5. Honey Rickey (Honey Rickey). Mix in an ice-filled shaker a part of honey liqueur, ½ part of freshly squeezed lime juice, 2 parts of vodka, pour an old-fashioned glass, add ice and lime wedges, dilute with soda to taste.

Bärenfang – bear hunter’s liqueur

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