Bert Hellinger is not only the creator of the family constellation method, whose popularity is growing rapidly all over the world, but also an interesting thinker.
Bert Hellinger is not only the creator of the family constellation method, whose popularity is growing rapidly all over the world, but also an interesting thinker. Here are just three examples. 1. If a person caused the death of another person, the deceased enters his family, becomes a member of his family. 2. If someone was excluded from the family, then the children «look» at such excluded and, as it were, replace them — this explains many oddities in the behavior of children. 3. Conscience has nothing to do with good and evil, but with our belonging to the family. Our conscience hurts when we feel we have lost our right to belong. The brightness and unusualness of his ideas is captivating, regardless of whether we agree with them or argue.
Institute for Consulting and System Solutions, 151 p.