Three straws
Three different colored leaves
A pair of scissors
A ruler
Place a straw on a colored sheet and cut a strip about 5 inches wide along the length of your straw.
Repeat the operation to obtain 3 bands of a different color.
Apply glue on each of the colored bands.
Fold each of the 3 strips to cover each of the straws.
Cut each strip into pieces to get the different pieces of your Aztec necklace.
Give each piece a particular shape reminiscent of Aztec patterns: triangular, pointed, fringed… You too can imagine other patterns.
Cut a yarn a little longer than your neckband.
Thread each piece of your necklace by passing the woolen thread through the ends of the straw. Consider alternating colors and patterns.
When finished, ask Mum or Dad to tie the necklace around your neck. It is the total look assured.
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