Azofoska has gained fame as a universal fertilizer both in agriculture and in summer cottages. Let’s find out what is included in its composition, when and how to apply it correctly.

Azophoska is based on 3 main plant macronutrients:

  • nitrogen (N) – it is responsible for the growth of stems and leaves;
  • phosphorus (P) – plays a crucial role in the development of the root system; 
  • potassium (K) – ensures the development of buds, flowers and fruits.

 Although azophoska is often called nitroammophoska, from the point of view of chemistry, this is not quite the same thing – the latter contains nitrogen in the nitrate form. For the most part, azophoska does not contain chlorine, except for the fertilizer produced by Buisky Fertilizers, which must be taken into account when growing crops that do not tolerate the presence of chlorine in the soil.

So that nitrates do not accumulate in the soil, it is recommended that every 2 years of using azophoska, take a break, replacing mineral fertilizers with organic matter.

What is azofoska

Azofoska is a complex complex mineral fertilizer for application to the soil during digging and planting. Recommended for growing all crops on any soil. In addition to nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus, it may contain magnesium, calcium and sulfur, as well as such important trace elements as iron, manganese, copper and zinc. Phosphorus in the fertilizer is contained in the form of water-soluble phosphates.

Azophos composition

The classic composition of azofoska is N (nitrogen), P (phosphorus), K (potassium) in a ratio of 15:15:15 or 16:16:16. Soluble phosphates in it – more than 90% (1).

There are several more brands of azophoska, which differ in composition:

  • NPK 22:11:11 – recommended for depleted soils;
  • NPK 25:9:9 and NPK 19:9:1 – for soils rich in mobile phosphorus;
  • NPKS 19:16:8:3 and NPKS 18:6:18:2 +Mg – for soils deficient in sulfur or magnesium.

Azophosic properties

Azofoska is a granular loose powder of gray-pink color. At the same time, the structure of the granules is such that the fertilizer is not washed out of the soil, but releases nutrients gradually, and does not generate dust when used.

Nitrogen quickly begins to evaporate from the fertilizer in the soil. Therefore, for effective use, azophoska is applied under embedding or in liquid form into irrigation grooves, followed by backfilling with earth. After fertilizing, the soil is moistened.

Due to the fact that nitrogen is removed from the upper layers of the soil faster than other elements, it is undesirable to use fertilizer during autumn digging. Or in the spring it is additionally replenished with another nitrogen fertilizer.

Excessive application of azophoska leads to the accumulation of nitrates in the fruits.

The use of azofosk in the garden and vegetable garden

Azofoska is suitable for all crops: for fruit and ornamental trees and shrubs, garden and flower crops, it can be used when growing and planting seedlings. 

It can be used on all soils (2) and in all climates.

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making Dates 

When applying azofoska, you should consider the quality of the soil in your garden. On soddy-podzolic soils, fertilization is most effective in the spring when preparing the soil for sowing or planting. In the southern regions, on chernozem or alkaline soils, azofoska gives good results if regular watering is provided.

Thus, this fertilizer shows high efficiency in spring application to the soil and fractional top dressing in the first half of summer.  

An important condition: azophoska is applied when the earth has warmed up, but still retains spring moisture.

When using azofoska in autumn for planting seedlings or digging the soil, it is recommended to use a brand with the lowest nitrogen content (3).

Dosage of application

Fertilizer is applied in dry form with incorporation into the soil in spring or autumn.

Doses are:

  • for fruit, vegetable and ornamental crops – 40 – 50 g (3 tablespoons) per 1 sq. m;
  • on virgin lands or for a long time abandoned areas – 55 – 60 g (4 tablespoons) per 1 sq. m;
  • in the hole for seedlings of cabbage, tomatoes, peppers and eggplants – 4 g (0,5 teaspoon);
  • for cucumbers, zucchini, pumpkins – 12 g (1 tablespoon) per 1 sq.m.  
  • for potatoes – 25 g (2 tablespoons) per 1 sq. m. for digging.

Application methods

There are 2 ways to apply azophoska:

  • dry fertilizer during digging and planting;
  • aqueous solution for top dressing under the root. 

Dry fertilizer is applied according to the norms recommended by the manufacturer, always for incorporation, preferably with subsequent soil moistening.

During the growing season (limited until August), aqueous solutions are used to feed plants under the root. Norm – 1 – 2 top dressing per season.

For root dressings, 20-30 g of azophoska are dissolved in 10 liters of warm water (18-22 ° C), stirred well until completely dissolved and watered over moist soil in the near-stem circles of plants. In a similar way, not only garden and garden plants are fed, but also indoor flowers. 

Popular questions and answers

We asked about Azofoska agronomist Oleg Ispolatov – he answered the most popular questions of summer residents.

How much does it cost and where to buy azofoska?

Azofoska is sold in almost all garden centers, garden shops and online stores. Package price (1 kg) – 60 – 140 rubles.

Is it possible to apply azofoska in the fall?

It is possible, but this reduces the effectiveness of the fertilizer due to nitrogen losses. 

Is it possible to do foliar top dressing with azophos?

No. Azofoska when spraying is ineffective and can cause burns on the leaves.

How to store Azofoska?

Azofoska does not need special conditions for storage, it does not cake and does not absorb moisture from the air. It is non-toxic and non-explosive, but should still be kept away from sources of ignition. 


Pay attention to the expiration dates of this fertilizer – 6 months after opening the package, the fertilizer loses its properties. 

Can azophoska be mixed with other fertilizers?

Azofoska is a neutral fertilizer, so it can be mixed with almost any mineral fertilizers and organic matter. But it is difficult to calculate the proportions correctly; it can be brought to an excess of certain substances in the soil. 


Most often, azophoska is mixed with magnesium sulfate or magnesia.

How to dispose of expired azofoska?

You can’t just throw away the fertilizer: fill the rest with water, stir and pour it into the soil, where nothing is growing yet, but in the future you would like to plant a tree.

Sources of

  1. Yagodin B.A., Zhukov Yu.P., Kobzarenko V.I. Agrochemistry (Edited by Yagodin B.A.) // M.: Kolos, 2002 – 584 p.
  2. Kochetkov V.N. Phosphorus-containing fertilizers. Handbook // M.: Chemistry, 1982 – 400 p.
  3. Mineev V.G. Agrochemistry (Textbook: 2nd edition, revised and supplemented) // M.: MGU Publishing House, KolosS Publishing House, 2004 – 720 p.

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