Azalea (rhododendron) Golden Lights: description, frost resistance, reviews

Rhododendron Golden Lights is a hybrid of a deciduous ornamental shrub, the first varieties of which were bred by American breeders in the late 70s. of the last century as part of the work on the creation of a variety of frost-resistant rhododendrons. This shrub is popular with domestic flower growers and is widely used in landscape design projects.

Description of Rhododendron Golden Lights

Rhododendron or azalea Golden Lights (Rhododendron Golden Lights) is a slowly growing ornamental bush, reaching a height of 10-150 cm by the age of 200. Crown width is from 100 to 150 cm. The plant is compact, has a straight shape. The shoots are densely branched, with age the crown thickens and forms a hemisphere shape.

The leaf plate of a rhododendron or azalea is wide, oblong, the shape is pointed at the ends, and wedge-shaped at the base. The leaves are green-olive in color, in autumn – rich, bright burgundy. The leaves fall off in winter.

Rhododendron or Azalea Golden Lights is an early variety. It is noteworthy that the hybrid enters the flowering phase simultaneously with the appearance of leaves – in mid-May. It blooms profusely with funnel-shaped flowers up to 5-6 cm in diameter with a pronounced sweet aroma. The flowers are pink-orange, with a lighter shade towards the edge of the petals. Collected in inflorescences, consisting of 10 flowers. Flowering lasts a little less than a month, but the whole season the bush does not lose its attractiveness due to the beautiful crown.

Azalea (rhododendron) Golden Lights: description, frost resistance, reviews

Frost resistance of rhododendron Golden Lights

Rhododendron or Azalea Golden Lights is an extremely hardy hybrid that can withstand temperatures down to -37°C. In the conditions of the winter, he feels comfortable without shelter for the winter, not only in the middle lane, but also in regions with a more severe climate.

Planting and caring for deciduous rhododendron Golden Lights

In the minds of many amateur gardeners, rhododendron or azalea is a capricious culture that requires special care and a lot of experience, but the deciduous variety Golden Lights is less whimsical than its evergreen relatives.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

To plant this shrub, you should choose a place protected from strong winds and direct sun. Azalea Golden Lights will feel comfortable in the shade of trees or buildings. With this placement, it is worth considering the likelihood of snow falling from the roofs, so the distance from the wall to the bushes should be at least 3 m. It is best to place this moisture-loving culture near ponds or fountains.

Light slightly acidic and acidic soils, moist but well drained, are suitable for planting the Golden Lights hybrid; on heavy clay soils and in places with stagnant moisture, rhododendron grows extremely poorly.

Seedling preparation

Getting seedlings of rhododendron or azalea Golden Lights from cuttings requires the following steps:

  • during the spring formation of buds in an adult plant, shoots up to 10 cm long are cut, leaving an oblique cut;
  • the bark at the base of the shoot is carefully peeled off;
  • cuttings are soaked in a root growth stimulator for 24 hours;
  • prepare a substrate for rooting: for 3 parts of sawdust 1 part of sand;
  • cuttings are rooted in the substrate at an angle of 30°, watered, placed under a film or glass, providing a soil temperature of +24° … +26°C.

Azalea (rhododendron) Golden Lights: description, frost resistance, reviews

Attention! Rooting seedlings can take up to 45 days.

Rules of landing

Rhododendron Golden Lights tolerates planting well, but if the technology is violated, it will not grow for a long time and may even die. It is recommended to adhere to the following landing algorithm:

  • dig planting holes with dimensions of approximately 60x60x60 cm;
  • pour drainage with a layer of 10 – 15 cm;
  • half fill the pit with sphagnum;
  • top with a mixture of soil with leaf humus;
  • place the bush vertically, spread the root system;
  • sleep with soil without deepening the root collar;
  • water (you can add a growth stimulator to the water);
  • mulch.

Azalea (rhododendron) Golden Lights: description, frost resistance, reviews

Watering and top dressing

Azalea Golden Lights does not tolerate drought well, but moisture stagnation should not be allowed. In the season, the shrub is watered 1 time in 3-4 days. If possible, it is better to use water acidified with organic acids. One tree should have 1-2 buckets of water. On the hottest and driest days, the crown is additionally sprayed. Abundant watering is especially important during flowering shrubs. In winter, 1 watering per week is enough and only in dry weather.

Attention! Since azaleas have a branched root system, the soil should be moistened evenly over the entire surface. This method will provide the plant with moisture and prevent soil erosion.

For azalea Golden Lights, they use top dressing for heather crops, acidifying the soil. Before the onset of frost, potash and phosphorus fertilizers are applied. In early spring, before buds swell and buds form, plants are fertilized at the rate of 2 tbsp. l. mineral fertilizers per 1 sq. m. soil. It is not recommended to fertilize during the formation of buds.


Rhododendron or azalea tolerates pruning well. Young bushes up to 4 years of age are regularly pruned, thereby forming a bush. In adult specimens, too long shoots are shortened by half and the inflorescences remaining after flowering are removed.

Preparation for winter

Rhododendron or Azalea Golden Lights winters beautifully in Our Country without shelter. Young plants need frost protection for the first 2 years after planting, adult shrubs also require shelter if the winter is not snowy. Most often, spruce branches or burlap are used for this purpose. In order for the shrub to winter well, it is watered abundantly before the onset of frost. For winter planting, it is recommended to mulch.


Rhododendron or Azalea Golden Lights are most often propagated vegetatively, that is, by layering and cuttings. You can also get plants from seeds, but this is a much longer and more troublesome way. Seeds are germinated in early spring in boxes, subject to a special temperature regime. Azaleas obtained in this way do not bloom until the age of 5, while when propagated by cuttings and layering, a young bush may bloom the very next year.

The most common way to propagate azaleas is by rooting cuttings. In early spring, last year’s shoots are pulled with wire, bent to the soil, fixed and sprinkled with a substrate. Layers need to be watered regularly. In the fall of the following year, rooted plants can be separated from the parent bush.

💮 Propagation of rhododendron by division and cuttings, seeds and layering

Diseases and pests

A varietal feature of the Azalea Golden Lights is its resistance to fungal diseases. However, the culture can be affected by spider mites, mealybugs, and rhododendron bugs. You can get rid of these pests with any insecticide.

Attention! A strong well-groomed azalea or rhododendron plant is not very susceptible to diseases and pests.


Rhododendron Golden Lights is one of the most unpretentious and hardy flowering shrubs. Exceptional frost resistance and immunity to diseases, combined with a magnificent view of the flowering plant, make it attractive for use in landscape design by professional florists and amateurs.

Reviews of Rhododendron Golden Lights

Sarycheva Olga, 45 years old, Ivanovo
I have 7 years growing 4 bushes of this azalea. I am not a florist at all, but I wanted to revive the beds. My daughter and I chose the Golden Lights rhododendron according to the photo and description, planted it near the gazebo in the far corner of the garden. Never had any problems with them, only a couple of years ago I had to transplant. In spring they look amazing! The very first on the site bloom. And in the fall, the bushes are also beautiful. True, they grow slowly, but I want them to be thicker.
Podgornaya Anna, 31 years old, Kaluga
I was afraid to get involved with rhododendrons – they are so beautiful that you immediately suspect whimsicality. If you don’t look closely, they’ll die. I have always envied those who have such beauty grows. I was recommended a variety of rhododendron Golden Light, and now I know that such exotics also live well with us. Even surprising.
Drobysheva Victoria, 48 years old, Kazan
I got a few azalea bushes Golden Lights along with the site. And then they were very neglected, I had to work hard to restore them – transplant, cut off all unnecessary, feed, shed, loosen. I can’t say that there were absolutely no worries with this rhododendron, but if you take care of it regularly, it’s not at all troublesome, but it looks very impressive!

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