Azalea Kenigstein: description, planting and care, winter hardiness

Rhododendron Königstein was created in 1978. Its originator is Danuta Ulioska. The shrub is slow-growing, low, frost resistance zone – 4, suitable for growing in most regions of Our Country.

Description of rhododendron Königstein

Rhododendron Königstein is a semi-evergreen species. The shrub during flowering is covered with small bell-shaped flowers of lilac color. Flowering is very abundant.

Azalea Kenigstein: description, planting and care, winter hardiness

The height of the bush at the age of 10 does not exceed half a meter. The crown diameter is about 80 cm. The maximum plant height during life is 1 m. Do not confuse the Koenigstein variety with the Koenigsgem White rhododendron, a tall shrub with white flowers.

The leaves of the azalea Koenigstein are small, oval, leathery, dark green in color. The root system is fibrous, superficial. Rhododendron prefers acidic soil, like others and representatives of the Heather family. Its roots enter into a symbiosis with fungi – mycorrhiza, which help absorb nutrients.

Winter hardiness of Koenigstein azalea

Azalea Kenigstein endures frosts down to -27 ° C. It belongs to semi-evergreen species – sheds one part of the leaves in the fall, and the other in the spring. An adult plant does not need shelter for the winter.

Important! Young seedlings up to 3 years of age are covered with spruce branches, the shelter is removed in late March or early April.

Planting and caring for the Kenigstein rhododendron

Rhododendrons are easy to grow in the suburbs. These flowering shrubs are not afraid of winter cold with proper planting and proper care. Unlike most ornamental crops, they only grow well in acidic soil. It is best to plant the Kenigstein rhododendron next to conifers – undersized decorative firs or pines. Plants do not need frequent feeding.

Selection and preparation of the landing site

The soil in household plots is most often neutral in acidity. That is why rhododendrons planted in ordinary garden soil do not grow. They need to prepare a special soil mixture. It includes the following components:

  • loamy land;
  • sour brown peat;
  • pine litter.

All parts are taken in equal proportion and added to the planting hole. The size of the pit depends on the soil on the site, the age of the seedling. For two-year-old azaleas with a well-developed root system, the hole is 50 cm deep and 80 cm in diameter. Broken brick drainage is placed at the bottom to protect the roots from moisture stagnation. Then pour the prepared earthen mixture.

Seedling preparation

The best time to plant rhododendrons is in spring. They handle transplants well. It is better to choose container seedlings in garden centers.

When buying, it is advisable to get the rhododendron out of the pot and check the condition of its root system. The roots should tightly entangle the earthen ball, be white. The plant is transplanted into open ground from the container by transshipment.

Rules of landing

To understand where it is better to plant the Kenigstein rhododendron, you need to take a closer look at how it grows in nature. These shrubs choose the neighborhood of plants with a deep root system. It will be good for a rhododendron under a plum, apple, pear, pine, oak. It cannot be planted next to poplars, maples, spruces, birches. Suitable place in light partial shade, protected from the wind.

The seedling is placed in the hole so that the root collar is flush with the soil. This will create favorable conditions for the growth of new young shoots. After planting, the ground in the trunk circle is watered and mulched with coniferous litter or pine bark. Properly planted rhododendron lives for a long time and pleases with flowering for 40-50 years.

Watering and top dressing

For abundant flowering, Koenigstein rhododendrons must be fertilized once every 2-3 years with rotted compost or manure. Instead of organics, you can use mineral supplements – special fertilizers for rhododendrons. The second time potassium-phosphorus fertilizers are applied after flowering, this will help flower buds form for next year. The soil is acidified annually by adding 1 tsp to a bucket of water. electrolyte.

Azalea Kenigstein: description, planting and care, winter hardiness

If the summer is dry, the Königstein azalea is watered as the soil dries out. Mulch will help retain moisture longer. Under each adult bush in the summer pour a bucket of water 2-3 times a week. Rhododendrons love spraying on the leaf after flowering. If there is not enough moisture, the leaves droop, brown spots appear along the edges, as with fungal diseases.

Advice! Water for irrigation and spraying is taken soft, rain or passed through a filter. To reduce hardness, acidic peat is added at the rate of 1 kg per 1 m3 water and insist day.


After the end of flowering, wilted inflorescences are broken off. Azalea Kenigstein does not need a shaping haircut, as it grows slowly. Sanitary pruning is done after flowering, because spring flowers bloom from buds that form in autumn.

Preparation for winter

In snowy winters, adult azaleas do not need shelter. Young seedlings are covered in autumn with spruce branches for the first 3 years after planting. Moisture-charging irrigation, which is carried out in October, helps to increase the winter hardiness of the Kenigstein rhododendron. After that, mulch is added to the trunk circle with a layer of 20 cm.

Sheltering bushes in February with burlap or kraft paper serves as reinsurance against drying flower buds and leaves under the sun. At this time, the roots of the plant cannot absorb moisture from the frozen ground, and the green leaves begin to actively evaporate it.

Reproduction of Japanese azalea Koenigstein

Species rhododendrons are grown from seeds, and cultivars, such as Japanese azalea Koenigstein, from cuttings. 2-year-old seedlings are planted in open ground.

Cuttings are harvested at the end of May, June or July after flowering. To do this, choose young annual shoots with a length of at least 10 cm. They must be hard, lignified, green branches are not suitable for rooting. They break it out with their hands, leaving a small heel of the bark.

Rooting order:

  1. Before planting, the base of the cutting is dipped in Kornevin powder.
  2. For rooting, acidic peat mixed with sand is used.
  3. The stalk is deepened to the petioles of the leaves, covered with a jar to create a greenhouse.

Rhododendrons take root for a very long time. This process takes them 4-6 months. The cuttings planted at the end of May will give roots in September-October and bloom approximately in the 3rd year after planting in open ground.

Kenigstein rhododendrons reproduce well by layering. To obtain a seedling, the branch is bent to the ground, fixed and sprinkled with earth. After 2 years, a young bush is disconnected from the mother plant and transplanted to a new place.

Diseases and pests

Rhododendrons Koenigstein almost do not get sick. The key to success in growing is the right choice of location and planting in acidic soil. If the summer is hot and the air is dry, spider mites or rhododendron bugs can settle on the bushes. For prevention, spraying with tobacco infusion with the addition of soap is carried out. If there are a lot of pests, treatment with Phosphamide emulsion is effective.

From fungal diseases (root rot, rust and spotting), rhododendrons are treated with fungicides, Bordeaux liquid.


Rhododendron Königstein blooms profusely with bell-shaped lilac flowers in spring, fits well into the landscape of the backyard. For successful cultivation, the plant must be properly planted – add acidic peat and coniferous litter or soil for azaleas to the planting pit. In the usual neutral soil, the Kenigstein rhododendron will get sick and soon die.

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