Ayurvedic massage

In recent years, various unconventional methods of therapy have experienced a real boom, often originating from distant corners of the world. One of them is Ayurveda, a system of medicine that dates back to ancient India. Part of this system is Ayurvedic massage, offered by more and more salons specializing in this method. Find out what this massage method is all about and whether it is worth using.

Basic assumptions of Ayurvedic massage

Ayurveda is literally “knowledge of life”. This system of medicine developed from antiquity and it is impossible to understand its assumptions in isolation from Indian philosophy and religion, because it has always been influenced by them. The main concept of Ayurveda is the assumption that the body is a coherent whole, so all diseases and ailments of its parts depend on the overall balance of the body. Therefore, Ayurvedic treatments always involve the entire body, not its individual parts, as in Western medicine. Balance must take place not only between individual organs and systems in the body, but also between the whole body and the spiritual or mental sphere of a person.

Following Indian philosophy, Ayurveda presupposes the existence of prana, the life force that permeates everything. In the human body, its flows are concentrated in the chakras, centers responsible for receiving, storing and exchanging life energy. There are seven chakras:

  1. crown chakra at the top of the head,
  2. third eye chakra in the middle of the forehead,
  3. throat chakra under the throat,
  4. heart chakra in the middle of the breastbone,
  5. solar plexus chakra above the navel
  6. sacral chakra at the top of the coccyx,
  7. the root chakra at the base of the spine.

Ayurvedic massage, like other techniques belonging to this tradition, involves working with the chakras. Another key concept for this type of massage is the so-called constitutional types. According to Indian philosophy, the world consists of five elements: earth, fire, water, air and ether. These elements combine with each other in a specific way to create the human body according to three main types:

  1. vata – combination of ether and air,
  2. pita – consists of fire,
  3. kapha – consists of earth and water.

Many features of both body structure and personality depend on this typology. The masseur’s task is to recognize the constitutional type of his client and select a massage technique for him, as well as the appropriate composition of oils. Ayurvedic massage is based largely on the use of various types of essential oils. The most commonly used types are sesame, brahmi, mustard and lavender oils. They are mixed with a variety of additives depending on the constitutional types mentioned above, as well as the ailments that massage is intended to help. Lavender can be found, for example, in Relaxing Massage Oil with Ylang-Ylang Bioherba Oil.

For massaging the body at home, it is worth using the Rotary Firming Body Massager, which you can buy at a favorable price at Medonet Market.

What is Ayurvedic massage?

Ayurvedic massage has many techniques. One of the most popular is the Ayurvedic Abhyanga massage, which involves massaging the whole body in seven special positions. It is often performed by two people, synchronizing their movements in the right rhythm. During the abhyanga massage, the person is massaged naked to ensure that all movements of the masseurs are smooth. It is also worth using Relaxing bath and massage oil with a hint of lemon Bioherba or Bath and massage oil with a hint of lavender, which will help maintain this smoothness of movements.

You can also meet with a shirodhara massage, in which the area of ​​the third eye chakra is massaged with a stream of warm oil. According to the Indian tradition, this is to foster the opening of the third eye, which provides a view of a higher spiritual reality. Even if we do not adhere to this concept, such a massage will be perfect as a relaxation technique.

Another popular variant is padabhyanga, or foot massage. According to Ayurveda, the nerve endings in the feet are connected to various organs of the human body, and by massaging the appropriate parts of the feet, it is possible to influence their proper functioning.

Who and how does Ayurvedic massage help?

It is worth saying clearly that many of the essential assumptions of Ayurvedic massage, such as the existence of chakras or the connection of the foot areas with internal organs, are directly falsified by modern science. This means that it would be a big mistake to replace traditional methods of therapy with Ayurvedic massage, especially in the case of more serious diseases. However, there are also no reports that the techniques used in Ayurvedic massage are harmful.

Ayurvedic massage can therefore be a great proposition of a relaxation technique. Aromatic oils, rhythmic massage, mantras repeated by some masseurs or massaging the feet are conducive to entering a state of deep relaxation. No wonder then that Ayurvedic massage is becoming more and more popular among busy and stressed inhabitants of big cities.

  1. Use the Acupressure Massage Foot Mat to massage your feet.

The oils used in Ayurvedic massage are also known on the cosmetic market as ingredients of many preparations. This means that regardless of the effects of the entire massage, the oils themselves can have a positive effect on the condition and hydration of the skin. For this reason, many salons after the Ayurvedic massage offer their customers a hot bath with the use of powdered chickpeas, which does not rinse off the entire oil immediately and allows it to affect the skin. Try Beauty Balsamique® Professional Massage Oil or Bioherba Forest Hint Bath and Massage Oil.

To perform a relaxing massage supporting blood circulation, you can use special massage brushes, which are available on the Medonet Market. A wide range of products will make you surely find something for yourself. The brushes are made of natural elements, beech wood, natural agave bristles or bristles. They are perfect for daily care, both wet and dry, preparing the body for further treatments with the use of lotions or creams.

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