- How does Ayurveda relate to excess weight and what does it associate its appearance with?
- How is it customary in Ayurveda to deal with extra pounds?
- What secrets and rituals of Ayurveda can be profitably borrowed without even practicing the teachings?
- Is Ayurveda for Russians? After all, our products are very different from Indian ones.
Ayurvedic stew kichari (other variants of the name – kichri, kichadi) is considered one of the exotic miracle foods for weight loss – it is credited with the cherished property of burning fat in a matter of weeks. The popularity of the Kichri diet continues to grow, but will a single meal benefit from the dietary rules and philosophy of Ayurveda?
24 660 17August 26 2020
A common “popular” plan suggests making kichri, a thick stew-stew made of cereals and spices, as the only dish on the menu. Well-wishers recommend sitting on such a diet for two or three weeks, promising that after this time you will see in the mirror a person who has miraculously found harmony, and with it harmony. But do not rush to the nearest Ayurvedic shop for ingredients. Kichri has been known for a long time as food suitable for people of any dosha (in Ayurveda, doshas are called three main body types; it is necessary to build your diet in accordance with the balance of the elements filling the body of vata, pitta or kapha. For more information about the basic rules of nutrition for doshas, read our article “Weight loss according to Ayurveda”). However, this versatility does not at all make Indian stew a remedy that replaces the whole of Ayurveda and helps to lose those extra pounds.
“A common misconception is to consider kichri as a food that promotes weight loss,” says Elena Oleksyuk, doctor of the highest category, nutritionist, lecturer at the Ayurveda Department of the Institute of Oriental Medicine of the RUDN University.
Yogis brought fashion for kichri from India, and with someone’s light hand they began to attribute non-existent properties to this food, ”the expert continues. – In Sushruta Samhita, one of the main Ayurvedic texts, it is clearly stated that kichri is a heavy food that takes a long time to digest. And everything that is digested for a long time contributes to weight gain. Of course, the kichri has many advantages: it is very well balanced in terms of protein, carbohydrate and fat content and is suitable for those who work hard and subject themselves to intense physical activity. But nowhere in Ayurvedic sources you will find information that kichri is suitable for a weight loss diet. “
Healthy Food Near Me asked Elena Oleksyuk several questions, primarily of concern to those who are interested in the help of Ayurveda in gaining a slender figure, but are not yet ready to completely and recklessly share the rules of life discovered by Indian sages.
How does Ayurveda relate to excess weight and what does it associate its appearance with?
Charaka Samhita, an authoritative treatise on the teachings, informs its readers that being overweight contributes to the development of diseases and shortens life.
In Ayurvedic practice, we often look not at the weight in the form of numbers, but at the size of the clothes. Because this is not a joke or a myth – there are people with heavier bones (this is one of the signs of the predominance of kapha dosha in the body), and fat, as you know, is lighter than bones and muscle tissue. It is best to focus on how a person looked and what size of clothing they wore between the ages of 17 and 25 as a conditional starting point. During the subsequent years of life, it is allowed to add up to 5 kilograms – by weight and visual assessment.
You can also use modern formulas to calculate your body mass index (BMI). If it is above 24, then it is considered that there is too much, but you always need to look at a person – does he really have an excess of mass, or is it rather about the features of the constitution.
In Ayurvedic cooking, there are many vegetable dishes, however, Indian teachings recommend raw vegetables to be consumed extremely in moderation, giving preference to boiled, stewed or fried plant foods that facilitate digestion
From the point of view of Ayurveda, the main reason for being overweight is overeating. This problem does not surprise anyone today. City dwellers are guided not by the physiological feeling of hunger, but they eat simply because the time has come – lunch break, then there will be no time to eat, have not eaten for a long time, it is time to eat, etc. Many have unnecessary snacks, and in offices they often drink tea with sweets.
It turns out that we eat when the previous food has not yet been digested. The remnants of previous meals are deposited in the excretory systems, where they form what Ayurveda calls ama.
Ama first accumulates on the intestinal walls, and eventually spreads throughout the body and “settles”, as a rule, in those organs that are genetically weak and causes the development of chronic diseases.
Other reasons for the accumulation of excess weight can be noted non-compliance with the rules of food intake – eating on the go, in the company of the TV or reading books and magazines, talking while eating, insufficient chewing of food. Also, the formation of toxins and weight gain, according to Ayurveda, is promoted by the consumption of cold foods and an excess of fried, animal fats, refined foods (including flour, white sugar, pasta, etc.). Stress and hormonal imbalances make people fat too.
How is it customary in Ayurveda to deal with extra pounds?
The easiest and most affordable way is a mono-diet in the format of fasting days. According to Ayurveda, unloading is most beneficial on Ekadashi. This is a Vedic fast that falls on the eleventh day after each new moon and full moon. If you wish, you can easily find Ekadashi calendars for your region on the Internet.
It is beneficial to practice a mono-diet for the waning moon. What is there these days? Buckwheat without additives or simple squash or pumpkin soup. If there are no medical contraindications and contradictions to the lifestyle, such a mono-diet on buckwheat or soup can be followed for 1-2 days, the body is well cleansed.
If we talk about more serious methods, then this is, first of all, panchakarma – a complex system of procedures of individually selected natural Ayurvedic preparations that allows you to balance a disordered body.
To combat excess pounds in Ayurveda, they use special bitter teas for weight loss, and they also practice a special massage with hot bags of herbs and udvartana, massage with hot herbal powder. Sometimes, in one such procedure, you can lose up to 3-4 kilograms! “Branded” Ayurvedic remedy for cellulite – local steaming.
What secrets and rituals of Ayurveda can be profitably borrowed without even practicing the teachings?
Compliance with the regimen of food intake. The break must be at least three hours. You can eat as in childhood – breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner. And avoid snacking.
Water! Drinking is recommended for thirst, but it is important to drink two glasses of clean water daily. Watch its temperature – you can drink water at room temperature, warm, just boiled, but not cold. Ayurveda liquid is consumed either with meals (you drink your meal in small sips), or 40 minutes before or after a meal. It is believed that otherwise the “digestive fire” will weaken – this is the name of the body’s ability to properly digest food.
Never eat at night. At the latest – eat dinner three, at least two and a half hours before going to bed. Restrictions do not apply to drinks – drink to your health.
The rule is not described in ancient treatises, but derived from modern times: try not to eat on the plane. Flight changes the intestinal microflora, and it becomes especially vulnerable in relation to long-lasting food, cold carbonated drinks, packaged juices. If the flight is short, limit yourself to still water; if you have to fly for a long time, choose your food carefully and limit yourself to a small amount.
An equally important habit that you should acquire is not to eat if there is no feeling of hunger.
Not only to lose weight, but also to maintain weight and health, a person needs physical activity – 20-30 minutes a day. If you move and sweat – great, with sweat breakdown products of fats and toxins come out. The load must be selected individually, but an aerobic one is definitely needed. If you only do soft yoga, practice qigong or something similar, be sure to load yourself additionally every day, at least by walking down the street.
The last secret: Ayurveda values sleep very much! Sufficient, but no excess. Sleeping during the day and / or getting up regularly after eight in the morning contributes to weight gain. Since the functions of the body are closely related to the rhythms of nature and each organ has its own hours of activity, Ayurveda recommends going to bed at 22.00 – 23.00, and waking up at 6.00 – 7.00 to prolong youth, general recovery, and prevention of chronic diseases, including excess weight. Exceptions can be for those who are sick, weak, and for pregnant women. You can also sleep a little longer in winter or during periods of high stress.
Is Ayurveda for Russians? After all, our products are very different from Indian ones.
Ayurveda is not only possible, but also needs to be adapted to the peculiarities of the area where you practice it. The teaching divides foods not only in accordance with the balance of doshas: any food can be harmful or useful, depending on the climate in which the person who is going to eat it lives.
“For example, rice does not grow in our country, so it is not very good for us: it promotes the formation of mucus and the accumulation of excess weight. In the climate of central Russia, potatoes are better than rice, – explains Elena Oleksyuk. “But since it’s a starchy food, don’t eat potatoes for dinner, and when you cook them in the morning or for lunch, be sure to add turmeric, black pepper, garlic or onions to” reorient “and balance the harmful qualities of starch.”
Spices can rightfully be called a universal tool for adapting any local cuisine to Ayurvedic principles: with the help of spices, herbs and seasonings, almost any product can be “brought” to the desired properties.
For those looking to lose weight, Ayurveda recommends eating foods that are spicier, more astringent and bitter – and these flavors are easiest to achieve with the help of spices. For example, in order to add exotic food to food and at the same time help your body get rid of excess, season food and drinks with spicy ginger (ginger for weight loss has proven itself well), hot red and black pepper – these spices “feed the digestive fire”, promote perspiration and increase the heart rate, that is, they burn fat. Handle spicy foods with caution if you are prone to stomach pain or intestinal upset.
Astringent, or the tart taste is carried by such well-known seasonings as cinnamon, turmeric and mustard seeds. Astringent foods are believed to be good for emotional overeating in the first place. If you eat stress, spice up a vegetable or bean meal with a pinch of turmeric!
Having a sobering effect, tart spices, when consumed excessively, can provoke indifference, excessive categorical judgments, therefore, if you do not want to turn into a slender, but bilious nihilist, use the potential of astringent food with caution.
Bitter taste – the first assistant in the fight against cravings for sweets. If used in moderation, bitterness will not disgust the eater and, on the contrary, accentuate the natural taste of the dishes. Try natural chicory, including in the form of salad greens, gentian herb as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, citrus zest as an addition to vegetables and desserts. Also, grapefruit remains the carrier of bitter taste, well known in weight loss. However, do not forget that Ayurveda recommends eating fruits separately from other foods.
Although the Kichri diet, according to a specialist, is unlikely to make you lose weight miraculously, this dish, nevertheless, is a classic Ayurvedic food, tasty, healthy, filling without heaviness.
Poll: Do you believe that you can lose weight through Ayurveda?
Yes, I know of examples!
Rather, I believe it is an ancient and wise teaching.
It is possible, but in order to get the result, you need to immerse yourself very deeply in this philosophy.
Ayurveda helps you lose weight no more and no less than any other balanced diet.
No, I don’t believe – how can you lose weight on cereals and butter?