Varieties of tenacious creeping with photos and names are not difficult to find. It is more difficult to deal with plant species of the Ayuga genus, so as not to make a mistake when buying. As a decoration for the garden, only one representative of the Zhivuchek is bred, but due to the variety of varieties, it is often difficult to recognize what exactly the seller is offering.

What does a survivor look like

This name hides not a specific flower, but a botanical genus, which includes 71 plant species. The Latin name is Ajuga. Zhivuchka also has several other names:

  • deep house;
  • dubrovka;
  • rejuvenated;
  • Vologda.

Not all types of ayuga, of course, bear this name. Only 5 species are common in Our Country.

Due to the presence of a large number of plant species in the genus, descriptions of ayuga can vary greatly. The survivors are:

  • perennial and annual;
  • with creeping or standing stems;
  • yellow or blue flowers;
  • smooth or pubescent, broad or needle-like leaves;
  • appearance – grass or shrub.

But the survivors also have common features. The very ones that made it possible to identify all these diverse plants in one genus.

Comment! In fact, the name “young” refers to succulents of the Tolstyankov genus. They are also often called survivors, which causes confusion.

Botanical description of survivors

The height of these annual and perennial herbs is 5-50 cm. The leaves are always opposite. The flowers sit on the tops of the stems in false whorls.

Comment! For survivors, spike-shaped inflorescences are characteristic.

The corolla is bell-shaped, with 5 teeth. After flowering, it dries up. The color of the petals is:

  • blue;
  • yellow;
  • purple;
  • blue.

Stems can be creeping, erect or ascending.

The foliage is the most diverse in tenacious. It is divided into root and stem. The first group is large. May be spatulate, with jagged edges. Able to winter. The second is smaller than the basal one, few in number. It has an oval or oblique heart shape. Gradually turns into bracts.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Wild-growing ayuga creeping is a nondescript plant, garden options are more beautiful and, like their wild ancestor, are frost-resistant, which allows you to grow flowers without shelter for the winter

Comment! It is necessary to monitor the growth of creeping tenacity. With the help of stolon-shaped stems, it is able to quickly fill the entire garden.

Types and varieties of tenacity

In fact, only one type of ayuga is grown in gardens: creeping tenacious. This species has many varieties, while others cannot boast of such a variety.

Comment! Sometimes also in the flower beds you can meet a shaggy tenacious.

The tenacious creeping

In Latin Ajuga reptans. There are also popular names “gorlyanka” and “gorlovinka”. The range of the wild-growing variant of the creeping ayuga covers the whole of Europe. The tenacious creeping grows on the forest edges, glades and among the bushes. This is a perennial herb.

Its feature is polymorphism, that is, the ability to greatly change the phenotype. The creeping tenacious can have different pubescence of leaves, color of the corolla and leaves, flowering time. Creeping shoots, for which this type of ayuga got its name, are absent in some cases.

The leaves are oval, soft. Their edges can be with wavy and short-toothed edges. Pubescence is present on both sides or only on the top.

Creeping long shoots grow from a basal rosette, the height of which is not more than 8 cm. The tenacious uses them for vegetative propagation. Its rhizome is short and has no stolons.

Flowering begins in spring. Stems no more than 35 cm high begin to grow from under the rosettes. Peduncles can be pubescent. Or not.

The basal leaves have long petioles, the stem leaves are “sessile”. Bracts ovoid, entire. The lower ones are longer than the flowers, the upper ones are shorter.

Comment! The creeping tenacious differs from its relatives in that its rosette leaves do not dry out during flowering.

The double-lipped flowers are located in the axils of the bracts and are actually rather nondescript. The color of the corolla varies:

  • blue;
  • blue;
  • purple.

Much rarer, but pink or white flowers are also found.

Inflorescences spike-shaped. The dried corolla does not fall off, but remains with the fruits. Its average length is 1,5 cm. The fruit is a rounded light brown nut. In fact, it consists of 4 lobules, each of which is a separate seed. Slice length 2,5 mm.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Creeping ayuga seeds are small, but have good germination

In Central Our Country, flowering lasts from April to July.

Ayuga creeping in horticulture is used as a ground cover and early flowering plant. She can also be a honey plant. But this is when the bees have no other choice. There is little nectar in flowers, and it is difficult for insects to get it. Thanks to the use of the plant in landscape design, more than 10 ornamental varieties have been bred. These species do not require any specific planting and care techniques. Outwardly, they also differ not much. Therefore, it makes no sense to describe each of them separately. It is enough, together with the photo, to indicate the name of the creeping tenacious variety:

  • Atropurpurea/Purpurea;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The creeping Purpurea differs from its wild ancestor in its violet or purple leaves, which do not harmonize well with the color of the flowers.

  • Black Scallop;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The description says that Black Scallop has large, brown leaves, but the latter is hardly true, rather, they are purple

  • Multicolor/Rainbow;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The main distinguishing feature of the creeping tenacity variety Multicalor is multicolor, the rich blue color of the corollas is lost against the background of stem leaves painted in purple, white and pink.

  • Burgundy Glow;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    In the color of the variegated leaves of Burgundy Glow, cream and burgundy colors alternate, against this background the blue petals of the corollas are lost

  • Catlin’s Giant;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    At first glance, the Caitlins Giant variety does not differ from the wild creeping ayuga, but its leaves are larger, and the peduncles are 45 cm high, while the prototype has no more than 35

  • Jungle Beauty;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    Jungle Beauty differs from the wild prototype and other varieties of creeping tenacity by dark green leaves with a burgundy tint, large size and rapid vegetative reproduction.

  • Brown hertz;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The main difference between Brown Hertz is very dark, almost black, burgundy stem leaves.

  • Pink Elf;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The compact undersized variety Pink Elf is distinguished by light or dark pink flowers.

  • Variegated;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    This Variegata mutation is the most common among garden and indoor plants: parts of the leaves are discolored

  • Rosea;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    Rosea has pale pink flowers and light green foliage, otherwise the plant is very similar to the original ayuga creeper.

  • Sunrise;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The name Alba directly indicates the white color of the corollas, the variety looks more advantageous than creepers with corollas of other colors.

  • Chocolate Chip;
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    Chocolate chip – the shortest variety of creeping ayuga, the height of the peduncles does not exceed 5 cm

  • Arctic snow.
    Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

    The Arctic snow differs from the Alba variety in that the former has a larger area of ​​discolored leaf areas, but the flowers, if any, are unlikely to attract attention

Shaggy tenacious / Geneva

In Latin Ajuga genevensis. A close relative of the creeping tenacious, with which it forms hybrids. Perennial grass.

The height of the peduncle is up to 0,5 m. Rosette leaves are obovate or oblong-spatulate. The edges are crenate-toothed, rarely almost entire. Stem: lower oblong, upper -crenate-toothed.

Flowering from April to June. The petals are blue. The fruits are hairy dark brown nuts up to 3 mm long.

It is found throughout Europe from France to western Our Country. Grows in dry forests, meadows and shrubs. Naturalized in America, “escaping” from the gardens.

Although hairy ayugu is often grown in gardens along with creeping ayuga, it does not have varieties. But this species of survivor has two wild varieties: A. genevensis var. arida and A. genevensis var. elatior.

The first subspecies grows in mountain meadows. Leaves and stems are pubescent with short silvery bristles. The second is also a mountain plant, but the stems are only selectively pubescent. Both subspecies differ slightly from each other in the shape and size of leaves and bracts.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Ayuga geneva is very similar to the creeping tenacious, but its leaves and flowers are located at a greater distance from each other

Pyramid zhivuchalka

It is also often grown in flower beds along with creeping and Geneva survivors. This is a herbaceous perennial plant. The root is vertical. Stolon-like shoots and roots are absent. Peduncles 7 to 30 cm high. Ribbed stems. They may be pubescent or naked.

Rosette leaves are obovate. The average length is 6×3 cm. The edges are solid or blunt-toothed. They don’t fade for a long time. The upper bracts are egg-shaped, bluish or red-violet. Rarely, their color can be green. The edges of these leaves are entire or serrated.

The inflorescence is dense, whorls consist of 4-8 flowers with a corolla length of up to 3 cm. The color of the petals is pale bluish-lilac. The fruit is a yellowish-brown, obovate nut. The surface is shiny, mesh. Length up to 2,5 mm.

In nature, pyramidal ayuga grows at an altitude of 300-2700 m above sea level. In fact, its range is the whole of Europe, where there are deciduous forests, as well as alpine pastures and meadows.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Against the background of large colored leaves, the flowers of the wild pyramidal tenacious are almost invisible, although they are larger than those of the “relatives”

Wild ayuga looks like a small strong tower that is not easy to break. Of course, this is not so, the stem of the grass is thin. This is clearly seen when looking at the most popular cultivar of the pyramidal tenacious: Metallica Crispa.

Metallic curls

This mutation is more similar to ayuga geneva, but it is not. The rest of its characteristics correspond to the wild-growing prototype.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

The leaves of the Metallica Crispa variety are shiny, bronze-purple in color, this is the most famous and decorative variety of the pyramidal ayuga.

Zhivuchka Turkestan

It is rarely used in landscape design, although the plant is elegant. This is a low-branched perennial shrub with high, from 10 to 50 cm, stems and a powerful rhizome. It will be difficult to remove as unnecessary. Stem diameter 3-5 mm. The color is usually light brown. May be reddish. And very rarely whitish underneath. Pubescence is absent everywhere, except for the very upper part of the branches with young, thinnest leaves. Shoots do not woody. Spines are absent.

Flowers are planted on pedicels. Corolla color pink or purple, length 25-40 mm.

In the wild, the Turkestan tenacious is found in Central Asia. On the territory of the former

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

The semi-shrub is decorative enough to serve as a decoration for a flower bed.

The aerial part can also be used to make a tonic tea. Dried leaves and flowers are used for diarrhea as an astringent and for rinsing the mouth in inflammatory processes.

Herringbone tenacious

She is Ajuga Chamaepithys Schreb. It is found in the southern regions of Our Country and sometimes in the middle lane. Perennial grass 10-40 cm high. At first glance, the stems really look like young Christmas trees. Single yellow flowers at the ends of the shoots usually bloom in May. Stems quadrangular reddish-purple. Needle-like leaves 4 cm long are divided into three lobes. When rubbed, they have a coniferous smell. Seeds black, shiny.

Comment! Seeds of herringbone tenacious do not lose their germination for 50 years.
Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Herringbone ayuga has a tonic and diuretic effect, but it is dangerous for pregnant women, as it causes uterine contractions.

Pseudochios tenacious

She is Ajuda chia schreiber. Distributed mainly in warm regions:

  • Asia Minor;
  • Southern Europe;
  • in the Caucasus;
  • in Iran.

It is also found in the south of Our Country. Prefers open dry areas with relatively poor soil.

The stems are erect or ascending, up to 20 cm high. There are two options for pubescence: evenly in a circle or alternately on both sides. In the latter case, the bristles may be pressed.

The shape of the rosette leaves is varied. They can be oval, solid, or divided at the top into three teeth. Taper towards the petiole. The stem is usually three-toed, with narrow lobes. Covered with long bristles.

Yellow flowers are located in the axils of the upper leaves, one by one or in a bunch of 2-4 pieces. Corolla up to 25 mm long. A distinctive feature is purple stripes and specks on the lower “lip”. The fruits are relatively large, compared to other types of survivors – 3-4 mm. Oblong. The surface is wrinkled.

Flowering time: May-September. Ripening nuts: June-October.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Due to its unpretentiousness, the pseudo-chios tenacity is well suited for growing in large rocky gardens.

It is necessary to monitor the growth of the species, as it quickly forms a continuous soil cover and is able to drown out more valuable plants.

Zhivuchka Laxmann

The Latin name is Ajuga laxmannii. Steppe plant. In Our Country, it is found in the southern regions.

Tenacious Laxmann perennial. Stems with many large pubescent leaves. The shape of the latter can be ovoid or oblong. Edges are solid. Due to the dense pubescence, the leaves have a silver tint. Stem height 20-50 cm.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

The tenacious Laxmann grows in small curtains, which look very decorative in the garden, but are completely lost in the steppe grass

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

Small inconspicuous flowers are lost against the general background of the leaves, but upon closer examination they are not inferior in beauty to other types of survivors

East tenacious

She is Ajuga orientalis. The area of ​​​​growth is Western Asia and Southern Europe. In Our Country, it can be found in the mountainous Crimea. The height of the peduncles is 10-30 cm. The upper leaves are divided into segments. Blue flowers are relatively rare on the stem.

Ayuga (Zhivuchka): types and varieties, photo, description, planting and care

The eastern tenacious is a bit like a creeping one, but in the wild it is completely lost in thick grass

Planting and care

The wild tenacious creeping is unpretentious. It grows well in both sun and partial shade. It is also undemanding to the soil. But a lot depends on the variety. Decorative varieties are sensitive to light intensity. But most varieties of tenacious creeping prefer partial shade.

In gardens, it is often planted in near-stem circles of fruit trees. Growing ayuga creeping drowns out any weeds.

Attention! The creeping tenacious is a fragile plant and cannot stand it if they walk on it, like on ordinary grass.

Creeping ayuga is planted in loosened moist soil. At first, seedlings need to be watered frequently so that they take root better. Further watering is carried out rarely and only during a prolonged drought. The tenacious creeping easily endures the absence of rain for a month.

Creeping ayuga seedlings are planted in April-May, without fear of spring frosts. This is a frost-resistant plant that can easily withstand temperatures down to -10 ° C.

Caring for creeping ayuga takes a little time and, basically, comes down to weeding it. The plant was not just called tenacious. Thanks to stolon-like creeping stems capable of rooting, it captures free space very quickly. If its growth is not controlled, it will quickly drown out all other plants. You can reduce the “appetite” of the creeping tenacious by making a barrier for it from special materials.

The growth of the aggressor is prevented by what does not allow it to take root: slate, stones, concrete, synthetic material.

Comment! Some gardeners prune this perennial grass to give it a decorative look.
Ground cover plants for the garden Tenacious creeping Ayuga


Varieties of tenacious creeping with photos and names are difficult to list. Due to its unpretentiousness and endurance, this type of ayuga is very popular with gardeners. During its cultivation, many varieties have been bred and new ones continue to appear.

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