
This fermented milk drink is akin to kefir. It is very popular among the Caucasian, Balkan and Turkic peoples. In ancient legends, he is known as the drink of the gods and the elixir of youth and beauty. In general, the subtle oriental people are connoisseurs of everything useful and beautiful. Fermented milk drinks with healing and rejuvenating properties are worth their weight in gold. In the old days, ayran recipes were passed from mouth to mouth, from the ancient sages to their young followers, and were kept secret from most people.

A bit of history

This drink came to us from far southern Kerkinitida. Around the XNUMXnd century BC, the ancient Greeks loved it for its taste and beneficial properties. Later, during bloody wars with nomadic peoples, the recipe for ayran became known to the Scythians. And during the Great Migration, it became simply indispensable during long transitions, as it could retain its valuable qualities for a long time in adverse weather conditions.

Eastern highlanders steadfastly kept the recipe for this drink. Interested in the secret of the longevity of the mountain peoples, the Russians learned about the existence of this miracle drink. But when trying to learn how to cook it, they ran into an unexpected obstacle. The Caucasians did not want to give out their secret for any benefit. However, the eastern aksakals could not resist female beauty. One of the Caucasian princes fell in love with a beautiful Russian girl and the treasured ayran recipe became a wedding gift to the beauty.

The birthplace of this drink is considered to be Kabardino-Balkaria and Circassia. It is noteworthy that ayran is cooked differently by sedentary and nomadic peoples. For some it is more like a drink, for others it is more like food. It is prepared using katyk – a type of sour milk, which evaporates when fermented and turns out to be very fatty. Among settled peoples, katyk was mixed with cold spring water and ice was added. He remarkably quenched his thirst and was used in this capacity. For cooking, nomads used a special leather bag – a wineskin, into which milk and sourdough were poured. During the race, the heat from the horse and the hot sun did their job, and the product became dense like sour cream. It was often used for food, and to quench thirst it was diluted with water, milk or koumiss. Such a diluted drink was called chalap or chalap. Armenians have a product very similar to ayran, called tan.

On the territory of our country, the mass production of ayran began around the 90s of the XX century. Now this product can be easily found on the shelves of modern supermarkets or in stores. Such a drink is quite simply prepared at home, but, unfortunately, in terms of its taste and useful qualities, it is rather inferior to its Caucasian counterpart.

Chemical composition of the product

This unique drink contains lactic acid bacteria, easily digestible proteins (about 1,1 grams), lactic acid, essential and non-essential amino acids. Each country has its own recipe for the drink, and each nation prepares it differently. Therefore, the fat content of ayran also turns out to be different. On average, it contains about 1 gram of fat, and about 2,4 grams of carbohydrates. The calorie content of the drink also fluctuates and is approximately 19-25 grams. The product contains a rich mineral complex, represented by:

  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • magnesium;
  • iron;
  • zinc;
  • copper;
  • chlorine;
  • iodine;
  • gray.

A high content of potassium (about 106 mg) and sodium (about 159 mg) can be noted. Ayran contains useful vitamins A, B, C, D, H and PP, organic acids and unsaturated fatty acids.

How to choose and store

When buying a finished product in a store, you need to take into account the fact that the product tends to form a precipitate. This is in no way a sign of deterioration of the product. Before use, you just need to shake it until smooth. Of course, you should pay attention to the expiration date, and do not use the product after it expires. It is also recommended to look at the composition of the drink. Real ayran should not contain artificial preservatives and dyes, food additives and other chemicals, and the presence of powdered milk is also not welcome.

Fresh homemade ayran should be stored in the refrigerator for no more than a day. The same applies to the purchased product. After opening the package, it should be eaten as soon as possible. Real mountain ayran has a long shelf life, as it contains salt, which is a natural preservative. But you will not find such a drink in our stores, and you can only try it by going to the Caucasus.

Useful Properties

Ayran has a unique vitamin and mineral complex, thanks to which it acquired its famous healing properties. It is widely used in folk medicine and cosmetology, it is incredibly useful for pregnant and lactating mothers. Its natural composition is very good for baby food and is widely used in diet programs.

Due to its nutritional properties, it can be a complete meal or a snack, saturating the body with energy and vigor. And its low energy value makes it indispensable for any diet, as well as for people suffering from obesity.

Lactic acid bacteria renew the intestinal microflora and prevent the reproduction of harmful microorganisms. Airan is a great hangover cure. It normalizes the water-salt balance in the body, contributes to the stable functioning of the nervous and cardiovascular systems. It is able to activate blood flow, and saturate cells with oxygen.

Regular consumption of the drink strengthens the immune system and promotes the body’s natural defense against bacteria and viruses. It helps to reduce bad cholesterol in the blood and keeps the human body in good shape.

Application in home medicine

Homemade freshly prepared ayran is often used for medical purposes for the prevention and treatment of diseases such as:

  • cholecystitis and other liver diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • intestinal dysbiosis;
  • bronchitis;
  • hemorrhoids;
  • pancreatitis, but not during an exacerbation;
  • hypertension.

Ayran is also useful for cancer patients. It is believed that it is able to stop the development of cancer cells. This product is one of the best osteoporosis preventatives. The fact is that calcium is very well absorbed by the body with the help of milk fats. Both are contained in ayran in large quantities. It is thanks to its daily use that the Caucasian people, even at a venerable age, do not complain about joints and fragility of bones.

It is recommended to use this drink in regions with poor environmental conditions, as it removes dangerous toxins and toxins from the body and protects it from free radicals. It is useful to use it for athletes or during heavy physical exertion. Due to the fact that it contributes to the normalization of the water-salt balance, ayran is a decongestant and effectively rids the body of excess fluid.

Ayran for a hangover

To get rid of a hangover syndrome, it is recommended to mix ayran with mineral water in equal proportions and drink in small sips for half an hour.

Ayran against dysbiosis

To prevent this disease and improve the intestinal microflora, you should drink a glass of fresh drink every morning for a month. This recipe will be effective for frequent constipation.

Airan for hemorrhoids

With the help of this healing drink, you can prepare a cure for this delicate ailment.

To do this, you need 2 parts of ayran, 1 part of thick rice water and 1 part of honey. All this must be mixed and cooled at room temperature. Put the mixture on a plantain leaf and apply it to the hemorrhoids for about 10 minutes twice a day for two weeks.

Airan with pancreatitis

With an exacerbation of the disease, it is not recommended to drink the drink. You can start drinking it as a prophylaxis two weeks after the onset of the disease. It is advisable to start with small doses of the product (50 grams) at bedtime to prevent negative reactions. If the use of ayran did not cause pain or a violation of the digestive process, then the amount of the drink can be gradually increased and brought to 200 ml. It is advisable to use ayran in the evening as a light dinner.

Ayran from pressure

If you mix this healthy drink with a few sprigs of cilantro, you get a wonderful tool for normalizing pressure. To do this, add finely chopped greens to a glass of the finished drink. It is better to use the medicine in the morning for 3 months.

To normalize metabolism

To improve metabolism, it is good to use freshly prepared ayran with spices. To do this, you need to throw a pinch of red hot ground pepper and half a teaspoon of cinnamon into a glass of the product. Drink daily 2 hours before bedtime for three weeks. You can repeat the course after a week. It is important not to eat any more food after taking the medicine.

Cooking application

Ayran is used as a drink in hot weather, to quench thirst and normalize the salt balance. Often it is used as a base for making okroshka or other cold soups. It goes well with herbs, herbs and spices:

  • cilantro;
  • mint;
  • basil;
  • coriander;
  • paprika;
  • cumin;
  • zira.

Sweet lovers often use ayran as a dessert, combining it with various fruits. And some gourmets add finely chopped pickles, garlic and green onions to the drink.

Recipe for cooking at home

Goat’s, sheep’s or cow’s milk is considered traditional for the preparation of ayran. For sourdough, you can use kefir, yogurt, curdled milk or sour cream. The density of the resulting product will depend on the density of the ingredients that make up its composition. Moreover, it is quite easy to regulate it by adding mineral water or milk to the finished ayran.

For cooking you will need:

  • milk – 220 grams;
  • sourdough – 40 grams.

Add sourdough to boiled, cooled to room temperature milk. Mix thoroughly, pour into a container and close the lid tightly. Leave warm for 6 hours.

Many people simply dilute sour milk with water and beat with a blender to make ayran. Serve chilled with ice water. This recipe is called ayran in Mongolian.

Use in cosmetology

Useful properties of ayran have found application in the field of beauty and cosmetology. On its basis, face and hair masks are often made, used for the production of nourishing and moisturizing creams.

Hair Mask

A mask based on this product gives shine to weakened hair, strengthens and revitalizes it.

For preparation it will be required:

  • ayran ‒ 100 ml;
  • potato starch – 2 tablespoons;
  • honey – 1 teaspoon;
  • burdock oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • hair balm – 1 teaspoon.

Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply the heated product to the hair roots for 20 minutes. Procedures are carried out once a week for 10 weeks.

Nourishing Face Mask

For cooking you will need:

  • ayran ‒ 50 ml;
  • white clay – 2 teaspoons;
  • yolk – 1 piece.

Mix everything until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Apply to a previously cleansed face for 10 minutes. After washing off the remnants of the product with warm water. Repeat weekly for 7 weeks.

Diet properties

Airan is a low-calorie product with high nutritional value. This is just an indispensable assistant in the diet menu. Replacing the usual dinner with this drink, you can easily and painlessly lose a few pounds. Regular consumption of this drink speeds up metabolism and removes harmful substances from the body. Often, for quick and effective weight loss, a three-day ayran diet is used. It implies the daily use of only this product and mineral water. To achieve the result, it is recommended to drink 2 liters of ayran per day, a glass of the product every two hours.

Ayran for pregnant women and in the children’s menu

This is a very healthy drink for expectant mothers and their babies. But in some cases, it should be taken with caution. In the first trimester, this drink is very useful, as it saturates the body with the vitamins and minerals needed during this period. You need to use only fresh, not fermented product. The recommended dose is 1-2 cups per day. In the second trimester, you should reduce the dose of the drink to 2 glasses 4 times a week. At this stage, the use of ayran will help prevent weight gain, and will also be a good prevention of constipation. In the last trimester, it should be remembered that this drink is contraindicated for girls prone to edema. This product contains salt, which tends to retain water in the body. But even if they are not, the recommended dose of ayran is 1 glass 2 times a week.

For nursing mothers, the use of ayran is not prohibited, but it is better to introduce it into your diet after the baby is three months old in order to exclude the option of increased gas formation in the baby. And from 10 months you can enter it into the diet of baby food. It is best to give the product in the morning, starting with a teaspoon. And if no negative reactions have occurred, the dose can be gradually increased.

Harm and Hazardous Properties

Airan is contraindicated in diseases of the stomach and duodenum, gastritis, heartburn, peptic ulcer. It is not recommended to use the product during an exacerbation of pancreatic disease, as well as in case of individual intolerance to the drink. The use of a stale product can lead to indigestion or poisoning.


Airan is undeniably worthy of its fame as the drink of the gods and the elixir of longevity. Its valuable composition has beneficial and healing properties. Thanks to him, the product is in great demand in cooking. On its basis, delicious first courses and wonderful desserts are prepared. It is also popular in the diet menu. Due to its low calorie content and high nutritional value, it is an essential ingredient in many dietary programs. Its valuable qualities have not bypassed the field of medicine and cosmetology. Based on it, medicines are prepared for the prevention and treatment of various diseases. And also used as a basis for the preparation of creams, masks and other cosmetics. This drink is useful for both young children and aged consumers, it is popular with pregnant women and nursing mothers. It is important to remember that using a fresh product is good for health, and a stale or improperly prepared drink will not bring anything good for the body. The best ayran is made at home from natural ingredients.

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