From birth: a very stimulating world

The faces that turn to him, the voices and melodies he hears, the mobile above his cradle, the physical contact when he is carried, fed, washed, will allow him to open up to the world and to develop its potential. These daily interactions are more than enough to wake him up.because he sleeps about sixteen hours a day and the calm he needs is essential for his development. From 3 or 4 months, you can broaden the field of your discoveries by using different childcare accessories (play mat, deckchair, portico, etc.), but without excess. “You don’t raise a flower by pulling on its stem,” observes Alexandrine Saint-Cast. A baby is not a machine. He gets tired quickly. He only appreciates the new possibilities offered to him if we remain attentive to his needs and reactions.

When Baby Doesn’t Respond to Stimulation

Observe your baby well: if he is hungry or if his diaper is dirty, he certainly does not want to respond to your smiles and vocalizations. If he rubs his nose, looks away or looks away, if he whines, he is tired. It is your arms and his bed that he needs. Likewise, if he pulls his head back, tugs his hands, and pushes his feet really hard, he’s too excited to continue playing. He needs calm. Pay close attention to these signs and respect what your little one is saying.. He has his whole life ahead of him!

The best stimulation: with mom and dad

No activity toy can replace a hug, a walk in the arms of his parents, expressive looks, soft words, the chorus they sing. During his first year, exchanges with mom and dad, shared pleasure, represent the only condition necessary for the baby to flourish. First, because they provide him with the emotional security he needs to open up to the world and enjoy the possibilities of his environment. But also because these exchanges offer him countless possibilities of awakening: the knees of dad are much more stimulating than a deckchair, the portage in a kangaroo much richer than the stroller. “African babies, because they are carried all day, walk earlier than European children”, emphasizes the psychomotor therapist. As for the looks, the language, the little tickling or cuckoo games that mom spontaneously launches for her pleasure and the joy of her baby, they have an emotional color that promotes learning, much better than handling an object, however interesting it may be. It is through these exchanges that a baby best develops his capacities for action and representation of the world.

The right accessories to stimulate Baby

  • The cellphone. Soft, cheerful and soothing, this is THE great classic. Above the bed, it helps your baby to fall asleep. Its colors should not be too bright, the accompanying melody should be able to be extinguished: your child should also enjoy the silence.
  • The awakening mat. From 3 months, when he holds his head well, placing the baby on his stomach allows him to straighten his head and promotes learning of ‘four legs’. Choose a simple carpet, not too crowded, and leave baby there only for short periods (five to ten minutes maximum). As long as he appreciates it!
  • The deckchair. To be used only when your baby has muscular his back, around 4 months. It allows him to rest while participating in family life, and prepares him for sitting. You can leave it there for an hour, but not out of the way, and always directly on the ground. The straps do not eliminate the risk of falling.
  • The portico. From 5 or 6 months, it allows various manipulations and promotes eye-hand coordination. It can be placed in front of the deckchair. If it contains small removable objects, it renews the interest of the child and supports his progress.

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