- “Neapolitan novels”
- “Thirst”
- “Stay with me”
- “Baby Wind”
- “Look and see. Guide to the Art of Perception”
- “KinoStolitsa. Moscow in the Mirror of Cinema”
- “Vasa” goes to sea! The ship and its era: facts that awaken the imagination»
- “Ships. The art of navigation from primitive times to the present day
- Rybka Unyvak
- The song is not the same
- Hi it’s me! Supersummer
Psychologies has selected books to help you unwind, relax and experience new emotions. The list includes stories for every taste: hungry youth, complicated friendship, sophisticated sadism or tender love. If you choose a novel for the road, the artistic world may coincide with the real one. And read these books at home – take a trip in the imagination.
“Neapolitan novels”
The long-awaited continuation of Elena Ferrante’s Neapolitan tetralogy has been published: Volume 2 “The Story of a New Name” and Volume 3 “Those Who Leave and Those Who Stay”. The circumstances of the life of school friends change: Ferrante takes them from the wild Neapolitan region to the rich, and further – to Pisa, Rome and Paris. The images of tramps and mafiosi contrast with the university intelligentsia, and social inequality is aggravated.
The heroines grow up, fall in love and experience the pain of rejection, listen to the first confession and experience loneliness. Ferrante’s epic is a rarity in the current “short novel” trend. Having lived with the characters for a thousand pages, you close the book and stroke the cover as if alive. Fortunately, they will return in the fall – in the final, fourth part.
Author: Elena Ferrante.
Publisher: Sinbad.
Translation from Italian by Natalia Bystrova.
The new Harry Hole detective is Mastrid. Sophisticated sadism, perversions, mental illness, nightmares and rivers of blood – reading Nesbo is not scary. He only pretends to find out who is more eager to kill – the killer or the detective. In fact, the reader is thirsty for blood. Let us accept the drink with gratitude and remember: the more violence on the pages, the less it is in reality.
Author: Yu Nesbo.
Publisher: Azbuka.
Translated from Norwegian by Ekaterina Lavrynaitis.
“Stay with me”
Wallace Stegner, a Pulitzer laureate, wrote this slow and gentle novel 30 years ago. He lived with one woman for 60 years. This is a novel about long life and long love. About hungry youth, philology and, most importantly, friendship. The Langs and the Morgans are not alike, and it is a complicated friendship carried to death. There seems to be no plot: people breathe, choose a dress, look at the sky. But you can go into this quiet romance when there is not enough light or heat.
Author: Wallace Stegner.
Publisher: Corpus.
Translation from English by Leonid Motylev.
“Baby Wind”
…And beauty in New York. The heroine spent her childhood in communal apartments and hairdressers in Kiev, and then emigrated to the States. The genre of the book is specific – a beautician’s monologue about the weather, love, clients, incidents and tragedies. If you don’t usually communicate with a hairdresser or manicurist, then you will not like this reading. If you listen to them with pleasure, this is your novel.
Author: Dina Rubina.
Publisher: Eksmo.
“Look and see. Guide to the Art of Perception”
You will have to start with a truism: it is warm and light in summer. This means that you can walk slowly, lightly, and, most importantly, look for a long time. American cognitive scientist Alexandra Horowitz will teach you how to shift your focus from what you are used to to what you have never noticed before. To do this, the author walked through her native quarter, either following the dog, or in the company of a child and a blind man. And each time she opens the familiar crossroads anew – through the eyes of others. Horowitz argues that we can reclaim our childhood happiness of traveling in our own backyard. And she’s right.
Author: Alexandra Horowitz.
Publisher: Corpus.
Translation from English by Sofia Dolotovskaya.
“KinoStolitsa. Moscow in the Mirror of Cinema”
The only time I walked with Psychologies columnist Leonid Kostyukov was a centimeter studied route from Tverskaya to Tretyakovskaya for 20 years – and it was definitely Moscow, which I saw for the first time. Now Leonid Kostyukov has written KinoStolitsa, a book about the cinematic Moscow of the XNUMXth century, where frames from his favorite films are side by side with his thoughts about time, the city, art, and relationships.
Author: Leonid Kostyukov.
Publisher: B.S.G.-Press.
“Vasa” goes to sea! The ship and its era: facts that awaken the imagination»
The book Vasa by Mats Wahl and Sven Nurdqvist is a deep philosophical story about the twins Johan and Eric, about genius and villainy, love and death, complemented by magnificent drawings by Nurdqvist. In fact, the Swedish ship Vasa, a ship from the early XNUMXth century, sank as soon as it left the port. It was obtained and studied in the middle of the XNUMXth century. “Vasa” really stands on the island of Djurgården in Stockholm and you can touch it.
Authors: Sven Nurdqvist, Mats Wahl.
Publisher: White Crow.
Translation from Swedish by Ekaterina Chevkina.
At first glance it seems that this is a boyish book, but girls love the wind, the sea and freedom no less. The ships of the German artist Ali Mitgush is a book about the history of navigation from Viking longships to modern lighthouses, a book about travel, about sea monsters and pirates, about battles and discoveries.
Author: Ali Mitgush.
Publisher: Melik-Pashaev.
Translation from German by Marina Vinogradova.
Rybka Unyvak
From 2 years. This warm, summer book is for young children and their parents. Maybe even more for parents. It’s normal to look at sad people. They can be shamed and laughed at, but this is of little use. Sad people don’t choose to be sad – they don’t do it on purpose. What to do with them? Be in love. This is such a huge topic in a small poem, so that adults look at their loved ones differently, and the children are simply happy for the fish Unyvaka, who saddened the whole ocean, and then cheered up.
Author: Deborah Disen.
Publisher: CareerPress.
Translation from English by Maria Galina.
The song is not the same
From 5 years. Do you know this feeling: to be different from everyone, to be an outsider, and then suddenly meet someone the same? So the Dog of Biddulph, unlike the rest of the dogs of the city, leaves to look around the world, where there are those like him. The joy of recognition is great. Tell your child that being different is normal. This will help him interact with other children. By the way, Rob Biddulph dedicated his story to his parents in gratitude for their support.
Author: Rob Biddulph.
Publisher: Polyandria.
Translation from English by Maria and Ekaterina Junger.
Hi it’s me! Supersummer
From 12 years. Oda has a crush on Almi’s classmate and doesn’t know if they are already together or not yet. And she is also in love with Eric from the camp, and they are definitely together. How to be? Oda confides girlish secrets to the diary in order to think at the end of the summer: “I have experienced both the best and the worst. Maybe this is how life should be? Nina Gröntvedt has written more than one book about Oda, and all of them are cheerful, without tediousness and artificial conflicts. I am three times older than Oda, but I recognize myself in her.
Author: Nina Gröntvedt.
Publisher: KompasGid.
Translation from German by Vera Dyakonova.