Avoid complications!

If diabetes is not treated properly it can cause serious complications, including damage to eyesight, nerves, failure of the kidneys and other organs.

Diabetic foot

One of the most common (6 to 10% of patients) and most dangerous complications of diabetes is the diabetic foot. About half of the leg amputations performed in Poland are its consequences. The cause of the diabetic foot is damage to the nerves and blood vessels that can lead to a deterioration of the blood supply in the foot, making it hypoxic.


Due to damage to the nervous system, the patient may not feel pain. The complication can be recognized by the appearance of the foot, as its skin becomes dry, peels, ulcerations and necrosis appear. If the disease is very advanced, it may be necessary to amputate the toes, foot or even the entire lower leg.

How to prevent

Complication can be prevented by following the therapy recommended for diabetes. You should also take care of your feet, i.e. wear comfortable shoes, prevent chafing and scratching the feet. Avoid strenuous marches, getting wet and warm. You also need to lubricate the skin with an appropriate cream (preferably designed specifically for the care of the diabetic foot). Each wound should be disinfected with hydrogen peroxide or iodine. Be careful not to cut your nails when cutting your nails, as wounds can spread infections. If we have some spare funds, it is worth going to a specialist beauty salon for pedicures where treatments for diabetics are performed.

Eye damage

A serious complication of diabetes is eye damage. This is called diabetic retinopathy.


In the early stages of the disease, the symptoms are imperceptible to the patient and can only be detected by an ophthalmologist. The earlier the disease is diagnosed, the greater the chances of helping the sick person.

How to prevent

Strictly follow the instructions of your doctor and dietitian and regularly (twice a year) undergo ophthalmological examinations. Always inform your doctor that you are diabetic. During each visit, he should do a fundus examination. If he doesn’t – you have to ask him – and the next time he goes to another doctor who won’t forget to do this basic test.

Ckidney disease

Nephropathy is serious kidney damage – a complication of diabetes. Pharmacotherapy is used in the initial stage of the disease. In advanced – the patient must undergo dialysis, and later a kidney transplant becomes necessary.


The disease is asymptomatic in the early stages. For us, the alarm signal should be the appearance of protein in the urine.

How to prevent

The most important thing in the prevention of nephropathy is the proper treatment of diabetes. You should also remember to have your kidney tests performed annually. The amount of protein in the urine per day is then determined, as well as the amount of creatinine in the venous blood (a waste product that must be removed by the kidneys). In addition, measure blood pressure.

Text: Piotr Janczarek

Source: Domowe Kuracje, Let’s live longer

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