Avocados – origin, health-promoting properties, culinary applications, interesting facts

Avocados are a popular, tasty fruit that has many health benefits. You can eat it as a side dish, add it to a variety of dishes, and make a paste known as guacamole.

Where does the avocado come from?

The avocado is a plant (tree) known and cultivated for a long time in south-central Mexico. Avocados were one of the staple foods of the Aztecs who, due to the shape of these fruits, called them “tree kernels”. The name did not just refer to shape; The avocado is also a well-known and valued aphrodisiac, also known as “tasting pear” or “alligator pear” (due to the green skin).

Properties of avocados

Avocados contain many valuable nutrients that are beneficial to health and the human body. One of them is oleic acid, which lowers blood cholesterol. Avocados are also a rich source of potassium (it contains more than bananas), regulating blood pressure, positively influencing the work of the heart and the nervous system. There are few simple sugars in avocados, and a lot of omega-9 monounsaturated fatty acids. Avocados also have a healthy proportion of omega-3 and omega-6 unsaturated fatty acids. For this reason, they increase the absorption of lycopene from tomatoes, so it’s a good idea to combine avocados with tomatoes, for example in a salad or guacamole.

Avocados contain a large amount of vitamins C, E and A, which are antioxidants and have anti-cancer properties. They also have a lot of B vitamins, valuable substances that support the work of the brain and nervous system. Folic acid contained in avocado fruit has a positive effect on the development of a child in the womb, therefore it is recommended to eat pear pears by pregnant women. Its beneficial effect on blood cholesterol levels makes avocados an excellent choice for people at risk of atherosclerosis. Regular consumption of these fruits has a preventive effect and prevents the development of atherosclerotic lesions. Scientific research has shown that eating avocados can also significantly improve the health of people with insulin resistance, which causes type II diabetes.

Avocados are a good source of protein and fiber. It also contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. Due to the presence of antioxidants in the avocado flesh, this fruit also helps the body to slow down the aging processes and their effects such as weight gain, decreased physical activity and vitality, and reduced insulin sensitivity. Eating avocados supports the immune system, liver function, eyesight, and also increases bone density, which is very important in the prevention of osteoporosis. Avocados also have a beneficial role in supporting therapy in the case of myeloid leukemia and other cancers – because it regenerates and strengthens the body.

To take advantage of the beneficial properties of avocados, even if you do not like this fruit, order YANGO avocado phytosterols available in a package containing 90 capsules.

The properties of avocados are also used in cosmetics. Avocado butter protects the skin against the negative effects of external factors such as cigarette smoke and sunlight, strengthens the lipid barrier of the epidermis and stimulates collagen synthesis, giving the skin elasticity and flattening fine expression lines. It is one of the main ingredients of the Biolaven regenerative night cream for dry and irritation-prone skin, available at medonetmarket.pl. Avocado butter is also part of the intensely soothing Vianek body butter. You can also find them in anti-aging cosmetics by Vianek – day cream, night cream and eye cream, as well as intensively nourishing night cream for all skin types and nourishing eye cream.

In turn, avocado oil can be found in Orientana cream for mature skin with Indian ginseng. It was created on the basis of an Ayurvedic recipe, the effectiveness of which has been scientifically proven.

Avocados are also great as an ingredient in hair cosmetics. At Medonet Market you will find, for example, Biolaven grape hair mask, which perfectly moisturizes and nourishes your hair. Biolaven moisturizing and smoothing hair conditioner is recommended to strengthen the hair.

Ideas for avocado dishes

Avocados can be eaten as an addition to salads or alone. You can also make a delicious guacamole paste from it. Remember, however, that avocados are very caloric. This should be taken into account by people who care about their shape and are slimming. 100 g of avocados contain as much as 160 kcal.

  1. You can order Bioherba avocado oil from food at Medonet Market.

Avocado oil is also found in some cosmetics. We can find it, for example, Nourishing and soothing body lotion with the scent of Bioherba mango.

Interesting facts about avocados

The avocado fruit trade, because of its popularity, is so profitable that Mexican drug cartels have taken an interest in it. There have been attempts by the Mexican mafia to take over avocado plantations. Unfortunately, the demand for avocados has also led to deforestation for new plantations of these trees. This has a very detrimental effect on the environment.

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