Авокадо – уникальный экзотический фрукт, который растет в условиях тропического или субтропического климата. Помимо нежного вкуса мякоти, он славится повышенным содержанием микро- и макроэлементов. Авокадо Хасс – это самый распространенный сорт этого фрукта, который можно приобрести в магазинах на протяжении всего года.
Description of the Hass avocado
Avocado is often called an alligator pear, or an American perseus. This is an evergreen low tree with fruits of the same name. Avocado Hass is one of the varieties that was bred from two types: Mexican and Guatemalan.
American Rudolf Hass successfully germinated a stone in his garden. Interestingly, he took the bone from one restaurant after a hearty dinner. After rooting, he grafted a branch from another variety, which he brought from Peru, to the seedling. This variety was named after his last name when he applied for a patent in 1935. After that, the enterprising Californian sold the seedlings to a local nursery. Since then, the variety has been successfully cultivated in the United States and is called the Californian. Due to the peculiarities of the translation, the Californian avocado in Our Country is often called Hass or Haas: both names imply the same variety.
The fruits ripen on trees growing up to 20 m. The peculiarity of the plant is the year-round leaf fall. Bisexual flowers bloom in the axils of the leaves. Fruits begin to appear on the upper branches, and then on the lower ones. Up to 200 kg of fruits are harvested from one tree per season.
Краткое описание фруктов сорта Хасс:
- epileptic or pear-shaped;
- their weight can reach 500 g, and, on average, is 300 – 350 g;
- peel: dense, bumpy or smooth.
The color of the skin when fully ripe avocados can be almost black: this can be seen in numerous photos of the Hass variety. The pulp has a light green tint. Taste – creamy, oily with nutty notes. The ripe fruit of the Hass variety is soft, the stone is easily separated.
Variety Hass is grown in Brazil, Canada, Mexico, Spain. It thrives in moist, light soils and tolerates rainy seasons and periods of drought.
Чем авокадо Хасс отличается от обычного
First of all, the difference between the Hass avocado and the usual lies in the shade of the peel: when fully ripe, it becomes black. The fruits of other varieties are usually green and light green in color.
Variety Hass tolerates transportation and storage well, which may differ from other varieties. Hass fruits ripen on trees all year round, unlike other common varieties. The pulp is most suitable for making classic guacamole due to its special nutty flavor.
Hass | Other varieties |
Грушевидная форма. | Round shape. |
Bright pronounced taste. | Weak taste. |
Increased oiliness. | Medium oiliness. |
Польза авокадо Хасс
Avocado Hass is consumed raw. Heat treatment destroys the fibers and deprives the fruit of its main beneficial properties. As a rule, avocados are included in the composition of dishes that must be eaten freshly prepared.
Мякоть ценят, благодаря высокому содержанию эфирных масел, которые обладают уникальными полезными свойствами. Эта особенность увеличивает полезные свойства фрукта:
- Micro and macro elements give the fruits of the Hass variety the ability to positively influence metabolic processes in the body. This quality is especially useful for those who suffer from diseases of the digestive tract.
- Пиридоксин, в большом количестве наполняющий мякоть, препятствует появлению атеросклеротических бляшек и помогает улучшить показатели крови.
- Fatty monosaturated acids become an activator of regeneration processes, which helps to improve the general condition of the body.
- Vitamin D contained in the pulp helps to normalize the growth of the skeletal system, and also affects the strengthening of blood vessels.
- Of particular value is the oil contained in the pulp. It helps to reduce the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, as it acts to strengthen the heart muscle and stabilizes the activity of hematopoietic processes.
- Витамин E и витамины группы B благотворно влияют на состояние кожи, ногтей, волос.
- Folic acid, which is contained in the pulp, is useful for expectant mothers.
- Due to the fiber content, the fruit affects the digestive system. It helps to digest food more actively and remove toxic substances from the body.
- Олеиновая и пальметиновая кислоты улучшают мозговую деятельность, а также препятствуют процессам, которые лежат в основе образования раковых клеток.
Кроме того, авокадо используют как компонент для приготовления косметических средств. Благодаря жирным маслам, которые содержит плод, происходит процесс активной регенерации на клеточном уровне. Этим качеством пользуются косметологи, которые включают в составы средств экстракты масел.
Masks for face, body and hair are prepared at home. The Hass variety is much better suited for this than others, as it contains an increased amount of oil. The benefits of eating Hass avocados become tangible if the consumption of the fruit is regular.
How to choose a Hass avocado
When choosing a fruit, one should take into account the characteristics of the culture. Variety Hass, unlike other varieties, is chosen by the color of the skin. If it is not ripe, then the peel will be light green in color. When ripe, it becomes almost black.
There are several accompanying signs that indicate the ripeness of the fetus:
- область, где располагается черенок, должна быть ровной, светло-коричневой;
- the fruit should be moderately soft to the touch;
- при потрясывании косточка внутри должна слегка подрагивать;
- a ripe fruit weighs more than an unripe one;
- the peel should be even, without damage and scratches;
- у зрелого плода при надавливании на область черенка выделяется несколько капель масла.
Чересчур мягкий плод говорит о том, что фрукт уже переспел. На этой стадии есть несколько разновидностей спелости. Многие потребители задаются вопросом, можно ли приготовить переспевший плод, не будет ли это вредно для здоровья.
- Полностью темный плод со склизким содержимым и косточкой, покрытой налетом, употреблять нельзя.
- If the flesh of the Hass avocado is uniformly brown inside, with dark streaks and dots, then this fruit is spoiled.
- Black dots on the pulp of a light even shade indicate the achievement of ripeness, they can be cut with a knife and cooked according to the planned recipe.
How to eat avocado
Авокадо используют для приготовления разнообразных блюд. Плоды могут быть основным ингредиентом или вспомогательной добавкой.
После покупки фрукт разрезают на 2 части, вынимают косточку. Из-за повышенного содержания железа при воздействии воздуха мякоть быстро темнеет. Авокадо предпочитают готовить сразу после разрезания, а для препятствования потемнению используют небольшие кулинарные хитрости:
- половинки сбрызгивают лимонным соком;
- the pulp is generously covered with olive oil.
The cut fruit can be stored in the refrigerator for up to a day in a sealed container. The bone after cutting is taken out with a spoon. A ripe Hass avocado has a light brown pit.
Из авокадо Хасс готовят суп-пюре, салаты, соусы, коктейли. Фрукт хорошо сочетается с помидорами, морепродуктами и зеленью. Сырой свежий авокадо может стать легким перекусом, если его положить на ломтик зернового хлеба, полить оливковым маслом, посолить и поперчить.
When buying an unripe avocado, it is left to ripen. In order to speed up the process, use one of the appropriate methods:
- placed in a paper bag and put away where it is warm and dry;
- bananas or apples are placed next to avocados, which release ethylene, which accelerates the process of tissue softening.
Чтобы размягчить твердое авокадо перед приготовлением, хозяйки пользуются некоторыми хитростями:
- плод помещают в микроволновку на 30 сек., предварительно накрыв его салфеткой (воздействие магнитных волн приводит к размягчению тканей, фрукт становится мягким, его можно нарезать и готовить);
- avocados are wrapped in foil and placed on the oven grate, incubated for 10 – 15 minutes. at 200 °C.
These methods help to make the flesh suitable for slicing and cooking, but significantly affect the palatability.
In addition, avocados can be frozen. It is usually frozen as a puree. To do this, the ripe pulp is cut into pieces, then pureed. A few tablespoons of lemon or lime juice are added to the mass. The mixture is leveled at the bottom of the container and removed in the cold. The pureed mass will expand when frozen, so do not fill the container to the brim. Frozen mashed potatoes can be stored in this way for up to 6 months.
Huss avocado weight without pit
The average fruit weight of the Hass variety varies from 150 to 350 g. The fruits ripen all year round and are transported a little underripe, as they ripen quickly at normal temperatures.
The stone of a ripe fruit can weigh about 50 – 70 g. When the stone is removed, the fruit will become much lighter, but remain heavy. The weight of a ripe fruit depends largely on the oil content.
Avocado hass calories
The content of useful fatty acids determines the calorie content of Hass avocados: on average, 1 pc. the fetus has about 160 kcal. Of these, about 15 g is occupied by fats. At the same time, the fruit is not a food product that can provoke the deposition of fats. This is due to the fact that the substances contained in the fruit are able to be quickly and easily absorbed.
Этим качеством авокадо пользуются при планировании диетического меню. Фрукт насыщает организм, но жиры не откладываются, а трансформируются в полезную энергию.
Nutritionists recommend preparing avocados for breakfast or as a snack before dinner. Morning fruit consumption activates the metabolic processes of the body and helps to stabilize digestion at an early stage.
The Hass avocado is a common alligator pear variety that is known for its excellent taste and unusual skin color. The variety is distinguished by its ability to withstand long-term transportation and storage. It is used to prepare delicious healthy dishes, as well as a herbal supplement that can positively affect health.