Avocado calories per 100 grams
What does an avocado consist of, what is the calorie content of this fruit, how is it useful, and is it possible to get better from it – we deal with experts

Not so long ago, avocados were considered exotic, but today you can buy it in almost any supermarket. The popularity of this product is growing – it is loved by athletes and adherents of proper nutrition. But not everyone knows how many calories are in an avocado, what vitamins and minerals it is rich in. We talk about the nutritional value of this fruit (and avocado is a fruit) and its benefits for the body.

How many calories in 100 grams of avocado

On average, the calorie content of an avocado is approximately 200 kcal per 100 g. But there is a dependence on the size, variety and place of cultivation. Although avocado fruits are high in calories, they are also recommended during diets. This fruit contains polyunsaturated acids, due to which weight is normalized.

Caloric value160-220 kcal
Water73,0 g

Chemical composition of avocado

Avocado has a high nutritional value and a rich chemical composition. 100 g of the product contains about 73 g of water and almost 7 g of fiber, which has a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract. 

Vitamins in 100 g of avocado

 QuantityPercentage of Daily Value
A7 μg0,8%
B10,1 mg5,6%
B20,1 mg10%
B31,7 mg10,9%
B414,2 mg2,8%
B51,4 mg27,8%
B60,3 mg19,8%
B981 μg20,3%
C10 mg11,1%
E2,1 mg14,2%
К21 μg17,5%
Beta-carotene62 μg1,2%
Alpha carotene24 μg0,5%

Minerals in 100 g of avocado

 QuantityPercentage of Daily Value
Hardware0,6 mg5,5%
potassium485 mg10,3%
Calcium12 mg1,2%
Magnesium29 mg7,3%
Manganese0,1 mg6,2%
Copper0,2 mg21,1%
Sodium7 mg0,5%
Selenium0,4 μg0,7%
Phosphorus52 mg7,4%
Fluorine7 μg0,2%
Zinc0,6 mg5,8%

Avocado nutritional value

Avocados are rich in vitamins and minerals. The fruit contains a large amount of fat-soluble vitamins: A, E, K, alpha-carotene and beta-carotene, as well as water-soluble vitamins of groups B and C. 

Avocado pulp is rich in minerals: potassium, phosphorus, magnesium, calcium, etc. Due to this composition, this fruit is considered one of the most useful foods. Its regular use strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and slows down aging. 

BJU table

For the healthy functioning of the body, it is important to eat proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU). Proteins are needed for muscle building and cell growth, fats for keeping the brain and other body systems working, and carbohydrates for energy. 100 grams of avocado contains 2,2% of the daily requirement of protein, almost 22% of fat and 2,8% of carbohydrates. 

BJU indicators in 100 g of avocado

 QuantityPercentage of Daily Value
Proteins2 g2,2%
Fats16 g21,9%
Carbohydrates8,5 g2,8%

Proteins in 100 g of avocado

 QuantityPercentage of Daily Value
Essential Amino Acids0,61 g2,8%
Replaceable amino acids0,98 g1,7%

Fats in 100 g of avocado

 QuantityPercentage of Daily Value
Unsaturated fatty acids11,681 g28,2%
Omega-30,085 g11,1%
Omega-6        1,577 g18,4%
Saturated fatty acids2,143 g9,7%

Carbohydrates in 100 g of avocado

Mono – and disaccharides0,66 g
Glucose0,37 g
fructose0,12 g
sucrose0,06 g
Starch0,11 g
Fibre6,7 g

Expert Opinion

Nutritionist, founder of the Center for Distance Education “School of Nutritionists”, the University of Personalized Dietetics and Nutrition, and the social project “Healthy Generation” Ksenia Pustovaya:

– Despite the fact that the taste of avocado resembles a vegetable, it belongs to the fruit. Only the pulp of the fruit can be eaten, the rest of this plant is considered poisonous. The benefits of avocados are due to the high content of nutrients, for example: B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, K, folic acid, minerals and trace elements.


Do not eat unripe avocados, as they contain persin. This substance contributes to the accumulation of fluid in the body and can cause swelling, choking and vomiting.

Popular questions and answers

Readers’ questions about avocados are answered by our experts: nutritionists Ksenia Pustovaya and Olga Yusupova.

Can you eat avocado while on a diet?

“Avocados are an excellent source of monounsaturated fats and vitamin E, as well as folic acid,” comments Olga Yusupova. – The oils found in avocados include oleic and linoleic acids. They are recommended for use during a balanced diet to control cholesterol levels. Yes, avocados are higher in calories than other fruits and vegetables, but the fat and fiber content of avocados makes you feel full, which helps regulate your appetite.

Can you get better with avocados?

“It’s almost impossible to get better from avocados,” says Ksenia Pustovaya. – 100 g of avocado pulp contains about 20 g of fat, but these are mostly monounsaturated vegetable fats. Oleic acid (Omega-9) has a positive effect on metabolism. Such fats are not deposited in the form of extra pounds, as the body uses them as an energy source. Low glycemic index (GI 15) and lack of sugar make this fruit an indispensable product in the diet. Avocados are the favorite fruit of keto dieters.

Can you eat avocado at night?

“Avocados contain mannoheptulose, a natural monosaccharide that has a positive effect on the nervous system and reduces the feeling of fatigue,” answers Ksenia Pustovaya. – Due to the low content of carbohydrates, you can afford to eat avocados even for dinner. However, any product is considered unhealthy for the body if it is eaten at night. It must be remembered that the last meal should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. Avocados contain as much fiber as carbohydrates. It improves intestinal motility, contributes to its timely and complete cleansing and, as a result, weight loss.

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