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Avitaminosis is a serious condition that results in the complete absence or very severe deficiency of one of the vitamins. As we know, vitamins are the elements necessary for the proper functioning of the body, therefore their deficiency is a very disturbing phenomenon and can lead to serious diseases. Avitaminosis occurs in two forms: as a primary disease – then the supply of a specific vitamin is reduced, or in a secondary form – when the supply of a vitamin is correct, but as a result of other factors, such as diseases or an incorrect lifestyle, the vitamin is lost or improperly absorbed. through the body.

Avitaminosis – symptoms of the disease

Avitaminosis it has different symptoms characteristic of particular vitamins.

Vitamin A avitaminosis

When we do not have enough in our body vitamin A., you may experience disturbed vision after dark, the so-called night blindness or night blindness. It can also manifest as excessive dryness of the conjunctiva, cornea or eyeball, i.e. dry eye syndrome. Vitamin A is also an essential element in the process of building immunity, so in the absence of it, we may be exposed to more frequent infections, fatigue, dry and brittle hair and nails.

Vitamin D avitaminosis

Vitamin D it is produced under the influence of sunlight and absorbed with food. It is an essential component to maintain strong bones, has a beneficial effect on reproduction, shaping immunity, and the functioning of nerves and muscles.

Jej deficiency is manifested by: osteoporosis or rickets, frequent fractures or curvatures, postural defects, weakening of the body, poor immunity, problems with dentition.

Vitamin E avitaminosis

Vitamin E plays a significant role in preventing certain diseases, including cancer. Ensures the proper functioning of blood vessels. Her deficiency symptoms include: anemia, irritability, decreased concentration, muscle weakness, slower wound healing, miscarriage, increased risk of heart disease.

Avitaminosis of B vitamins

B vitamins play a special role in regulating neurological processes, therefore their deficiency causes disturbances in this background. In case of shortage vitamin B1 the following may occur: sensory disturbances, libido, nervous system disorders, muscle atrophy. Vitamin B2 deficiency manifests itself: herpes, hair loss, malfunctioning of the nervous, respiratory and visual systems.

Vitamin C avitaminosis

Lack of sufficient amount of vitamin C manifests itself in a disorder of iron absorption or collagen production, which in turn leads to: scurvy, problem with wound healing, and immune disorders.

Avitaminosis – causes of ailments

Avitaminosis it can occur for many different reasons, the most common being:

  1. lack of a properly balanced diet, as a result of which there is a deficiency in the supply of certain vitamins,
  2. digestive and absorption disorders, in this case the supply of vitamins is correct, but there are problems with their absorption in the gastrointestinal tract.

Vitamin D deficiency is the result of low sun exposure, as its production is stimulated by light, therefore this vitamin should be supplemented.

Avitaminosis – what tests should be performed to diagnose the disease?

Avitaminosis is diagnosed by examining the concentration of vitamins in the blood. It should be noted that it is often difficult to diagnose. Based on specific clinical symptoms, other diseases are searched for, forgetting that symptoms could be caused by a deficiency of certain vitamins.

Avitaminosis – treatment

Treatment this disease is based on the supplementation of vitamin preparations with regular blood tests. If oral supplementation proves insufficient, vitamins are administered by the intramuscular or intravenous route. If we use a proper diet, and yet it occurs avitaminosisworth deepening diagnostics digestive system to find the causes of malabsorption of vitamins.


To prevent vitamin deficiency, we should take care of the variety diet, based on vegetables and fruits, which are the source of many vitamins. They should be included in every meal, it is best to eat them raw as heat treatment adversely affects the nutrients in them. The body can only function properly if the supply of vitamins is adequate, and it is properly varied diet will protect us from the possibility of an appearance avitaminosis.

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