Avamis for adenoids

Avamis for adenoids

Adenoids are a pathological growth of the nasopharyngeal tonsil. Especially often the disease is diagnosed in childhood, although adults can also face a similar diagnosis. Patients have difficulty with nasal breathing, colds become more frequent, runny nose is always protracted and prolonged, difficult to correct. If you ignore adenoids and do not receive high-quality treatment, then the risk of complications increases significantly. In childhood, they are expressed in hearing loss, frequent otitis media, speech problems, lagging behind in school, etc. When the disease is advanced, it will not be possible to avoid surgery, and for any person, surgical intervention is a serious stress for the body.

Avamys is one of the most commonly prescribed drugs by otolaryngologists and allergists, which is used to treat adenoids and other diseases of the nasopharynx and sinuses.

Avamis belongs to the drugs from the group of glucocorticosteroids, that is, it contains hormones in its composition. It is used only locally.

The main active ingredient is fluticasone furoate. The liquid in the bottle has a light color and a subtle smell. If the drug is not expired, then there should be no foreign impurities in it.

The main effects that can be obtained from the use of Avamys spray:

  • Removal of puffiness from the mucous membrane of the nasal sinuses, which contributes to the normalization of breathing.

  • Reducing the severity of inflammation.

  • Providing anti-allergic effect.

  • If you enter a nasal spray just before bedtime, you can get rid of snoring, which is provoked by adenoids.

How is Avamys used to treat adenoids?

Avamis for adenoids

Avamys is injected into each nasal passage. To achieve a therapeutic effect, regular administration of the drug is necessary, without gaps and self-reducing the dose.

The effect should be expected after 8 hours from the first use of the spray. Such a long time period, which must be waited for to facilitate breathing, is explained by the specifics of the work of the main active substance. The fact is that Avamys spray does not contain components that have a vasoconstrictive effect. Therefore, instant relief of breathing does not occur. The hormone, which is part of the drug, is aimed at suppressing local immunity, thereby reducing the severity of the inflammatory reaction. In order for reporting to decrease, time must elapse, which on average equates to 8 hours.

Before administering the drug, it is necessary to carry out preliminary preparation, which boils down to the following activities:

  • Sinus lavage. For this purpose, you can use a normal saline solution. After washing, blow your nose thoroughly to completely get rid of mucus in your nose.

  • The next step is the introduction of vasoconstrictor drugs into the nasal passages. This condition is optional. It is performed only when there is a severe runny nose.

  • After using a vasoconstrictor, you must wait about half an hour. After this time, you can proceed to the introduction of Avamys spray.

  • Before spraying the drug through the nasal passages, it must be thoroughly shaken for 10 seconds. This is done so that the thick suspension becomes more liquid.

  • The head must be tilted forward. The nebulizer is inserted into the nose, so that it is directed to the side wall of the nostril, and not to the septum.

  • The injection is carried out during inhalation, so the drug will penetrate deep into the sinuses and reach the adenoids.

  • After performing a single press, it is necessary to remove the nebulizer from the nostril and inhale through the mouth.

The dosage depends on the age of the patient:

  • Children from 2 to 11 years old.  Treatment begins with one injection in each nasal passage. Perform the procedure once a day. If after a day there is no therapeutic effect, then the next time 2 injections are performed in each nasal passage. After the symptoms of adenoids are under control, that is, they decrease, the dose is again reduced to one injection in each nostril.

  • Ages 12 years and older, including adult patients.  Treatment begins with 2 injections in each nasal passage. The procedure is carried out once a day. When the severity of symptoms of adenoids decreases, the dose is reduced to 1 injection in each nasal passage. The procedure is also performed once every 24 hours. As a rule, this is enough to provide a supporting effect.

What to look for before starting treatment?

Avamis for adenoids

Avamis is a drug that allows you to eliminate the symptoms of adenoids, but it cannot get rid of the disease. Therefore, treatment should be supplemented with other drugs.

Avamys can help to completely get rid of adenoids only when the growth of lymphoid tissues of the tonsils is due to an allergic reaction.

Avamys can be safely used to treat children. If the agent is administered internally, then the concentration of the main active substance in the blood is not determined. This means that the drug does not have a systemic effect on the body.

If the patient has serious pathologies of the liver or kidneys, then before using the drug, it is necessary to obtain medical advice.

An overdose of the drug is extremely unlikely, because it is available in a bottle that is equipped with a dispenser. However, even if it happened, you should not panic, but it is still necessary to get medical advice. The fact is that the developers of the drug conducted a study during which adults received a dose of the drug, which was 24 times higher than the recommended dose. At the same time, they did not observe any negative reactions from the side of health.

During a single press on the dispenser, a person receives 27,5 micrograms of the main active ingredient.

As for the sharing of Avamys spray with other drugs, it cannot be combined only with Ritonavir (a drug for the treatment of HIV infection). There are no other restrictions.

When undergoing therapy, a person can lead his usual lifestyle. The drug does not have any effect on mental or physical performance.

It is necessary to store the drug with a closed cap, which will avoid accidental pressing and will not allow various contaminants to penetrate into the vial.

If during use the drug gets on the mucous membrane of the eyes, it is necessary to quickly rinse them with plenty of water. Similar situations should be avoided in the future.

How to care for the sprayer?

Avamis for adenoids

If a person uses the drug on a regular basis, it is necessary to wipe the tip of the vial with a clean cloth after each use. You need to make sure that no liquid flows inside. Keep the container with the drug should be closed.

If the bottle is not used for a long time, then it is stored in a dark and dry place at room temperature.

When no liquid comes out of the vial after pressing the sprayer, it is possible that there is too little medicine left inside. You can check its level by looking at the transparent window.

When should you use Avamys?

Spray Avamys is prescribed in the acute period of the disease, when a person has pronounced symptoms of adenoids. This will alleviate the condition, and therefore reduce the risk of complications.

When not to use Avamys spray

The drug has a very small number of contraindications, which include:

  • Hypersensitivity to the main active ingredient.

  • Age under 2 years old.

  • The period of bearing a child and breastfeeding. This contraindication is not absolute, that is, if the doctor considers that the benefits of using the spray outweigh the possible harm, then he can prescribe it to a nursing mother or a woman in position.

Side effects

Avamis for adenoids

As a rule, Avamys spray is well tolerated by patients. Side effects are rare. In the vast majority of cases, they are due to self-exceeding the dose.

More often than other side effects in patients with adenoids, epistaxis is observed. It develops when treatment is delayed for a long time – more than 6 weeks.

The formation of ulcers on the nasal mucosa is another side effect of therapy.

It is extremely rare to encounter such serious health disorders as: Quincke’s edema, urticaria, anaphylactic shock, skin rashes. Similar phenomena are observed with allergies to the main active substance. They can pose a threat to human life, so you should immediately stop using the drug and seek medical help.

Pros and cons of Avamys

Avamis for adenoids

Advantages of Avamys:

  • The drug is available in the form of a nasal spray, which allows you to accurately dose its dosage.

  • The set of contraindications is minimal.

  • The drug allows you to eliminate the symptoms of adenoids and facilitate nasal breathing.

  • The bottle with the drug is equipped with a transparent window, which makes it possible to control the consumption of the drug.

  • The bottle is closed with a removable cap, which is necessary in order to avoid accidental spraying. In addition, the dispenser will not get dust and other contaminants.

  • The drug has a long shelf life of 3 years.

Cons of the drug Avamys:

  • The drug has side effects.

  • The cost of the drug is quite high. For a bottle containing 30 single doses, you will need to pay about 550 rubles.

  • The drug is dispensed in pharmacies only by prescription.

  • The drug has an age limit.

  • Avamys does not cure adenoids, but only alleviates the patient’s condition. To get rid of the problem, complex therapy will be required.

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