Autumn skin hydration. A few steps to a smooth, elastic skin
Autumn skin hydration. A few steps to a smooth, elastic skin

With the change of weather to colder, as well as heating, which we deal with in many places, the skin on the face can become more tight, dry and prone to irritation. Frequent temperature changes and frost can worsen the condition of our skin. Autumn is the time when we should regenerate our skin after summer and prepare it for the arrival of winter. In addition to moisturizing the skin, it is also important to properly prepare the face for individual treatments and anti-aging protection.

People whose skin is insufficiently moisturized usually feel tight, and their facial skin is thin, not very firm and prone to wrinkles and furrows. Skin dehydration also affects people with combination and oily skin. Insufficient hydration can contribute to the loss of the lipid coat, which increases the production of more sebum. This is why the skin is then more shiny, and people with this problem try to fight it with matting (and thus often drying) cosmetics, which is a mistake.

Prepare your skin for moisturizing treatments

Before we start moisturizing the skin, you need to properly prepare the skin and stimulate it to better absorb the care ingredients that we will use. After the summer, the face is often tired from excessive exposure to the sun, so it is necessary to perform a peeling. Thanks to the exfoliation of dead epidermis, we will improve the skin tone and its structure becomes more even. If you have sensitive skin, exfoliating treatment it is enough to perform it every two days, using an enzyme peeling, which is gentler on the epidermis.

It is worth remembering that the condition of our skin is also affected by our lifestyle and diet. It is forbidden to sunbathe in the solarium (in the summer sun), smoking cigarettes, as well as excessive consumption of coffee and alcohol. Stress and a sedentary lifestyle, not being outdoors, are also not conducive. All this leads to dehydration of the skin and its faster aging.

Step two: Intensive hydration

The skin needs to be moisturized both from the outside and the inside. Drink 1,5 to 2 liters of water every day, preferably in the form of mineral water, as well as green tea, herbal and fruit teas. However, pure water will work best – it removes toxins, helps filter the blood, improves digestion and moisturizes the skin.

The basis for moisturizing from the outside is to apply the right one in the morning and evening cream. It should contain ceramides and lipids that seal the epidermis cells. In addition, a good cream contains vitamins, plant extracts, e.g. aloe vera or algae. A good way to moisturize the skin during the day, without weighing it down, is to use it thermal water or other moisturizing cosmetics in the form of a “mist” for application in the form of a spray.

It is also worth investing in various types masks with herbal extracts or algae with a moisturizing effect, as well as serums and creams in which it is present hyaluronic acidbinding water molecules with the skin. Moisturization will also increase the use of oils with active ingredients that strengthen the complexion and work deeply. They give the best results oiland stimulating cell regeneration, which at the same time have an anti-aging effect.

What’s more, it’s good to change the cream you use from time to time, e.g. every six months. You can use, for example, two favorite creams for a change, or try out completely new cosmetics from time to time. This is important due to the fact that over time the skin may become resistant to certain substances and will no longer react so well to the ingredients of a given preparation.  

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