Autumn planting: what to plant in late September-early October

Autumn planting: what to plant in late September-early October

What vegetables and garden plants should be planted in late September – early October? How to do it correctly?

25 September 2015

Choose a site for planting that is lighted, not flooded by spring waters. It needs to be changed annually. You should not plant garlic after onions, potatoes. He feels good in the aisles of strawberries. In addition, it repels berry pests. Dig the soil onto a shovel bayonet, apply a complex mineral fertilizer (1 tablespoon per 1 sq. M), half a bucket of well-rotted compost or humus and mark the furrows. Do this a few days before planting so that the soil settles, otherwise the cloves can go deep and die without air. Select healthy, large wedges. The outer scales should be intact, the bottom without cracks. Disassemble the cloves by size and plant the larger and smaller ones separately so that the plants develop evenly, without oppressing each other. Pre-soak them for 20-30 minutes in a 1% solution of copper sulfate for disinfection. A good result for the healing of planting material is obtained by treatment with ash liquor: boil 2 cups of sifted ash in 1 liter of water for 30 minutes, cool, drain from the sediment and soak the teeth for 1–2 hours.

Carrots, beets, spinach …

And these vegetables can be planted before winter. Wait for a steady cooling to minus 2-3 ° C and sow cold-resistant crops: beets, carrots, lettuce, spinach, parsnips. If you do this earlier, the seeds will sprout and die. For podzimny sowing good varieties of beets “Podzimnyaya A-474”, “Cold-resistant-19”; carrots – “Moscow winter”, “Nantes-4”; parsley – common leaf; dill and spinach – any. Arrange the seeds in the prepared grooves. You will need more of them than with conventional sowing. And so that the spring waters do not carry them away, add sand. Cover the top with peat or compost. Sowing in the winter allows you to get a crop two weeks ahead of schedule and reduce the stress of spring garden work. However, it is worth remembering that vegetables sown before winter are only suitable for summer consumption and are not suitable for storage.

Plants from the small-bulbous family – crocuses, muscari, redwoods, camassia and others – need to be planted now, and then they will appear on the thawed patches as soon as the snow begins to melt. Primroses are unpretentious, winter well in the ground and can grow for a long time in one place without transplanting – in tree trunks or on a lawn. For planting, choose a place where melt water does not stagnate in spring. At the end of September, make holes 3-4 times the diameter of the bulb and plant flowers. There should be no mice-attracting compost piles nearby. Late September and early October are the best times to plant tulips. They will just have time to take root before frost, but they will not start growing yet. Before planting, discard damaged bulbs, and keep the good ones in a solution of fungicide or potassium permanganate for disinfection. Typical planting depths are 5 bulb diameters. If you want to get a carpet of small tulips in the spring, plant them very close to each other. If you give the flowers room to grow, they will be larger. Make grooves, pour sand on the bottom, spread the bulbs and cover with earth. Do not screw them into the ground, as this can damage the bottom.

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