Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

The blade, or autumn line, rarely attracts the attention of mushroom pickers, and for good reason: mycologists have identified the properties of this variety to cause severe poisoning. At the same time, the culture is used in traditional medicine recipes for external use.

Description of autumn lines

Marsupial rare fungus autumn line (lat. Gyromitra infula) belongs to the genus Lopatnikov, or Helwell, family Discinaceae. It differs in original appearance and medicinal properties. In Our Country, the autumn line is called horned, and among the people – smarzhok. It grows in the fall, as the name of this representative indicates, this also distinguishes it from other Discinaceae growing in the spring.

Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

Cap Description

The horn-shaped hat of the autumn line with a diameter of up to 10 cm surprises with an unusual three-horned, saddle-shaped shape and edges fused with the stem. The incomprehensible, irregularly shaped surface in young individuals has a light brown color, in adult lines it is dark brown, even black. Its upper part is wrinkled, more saturated in color, rarely smooth. The lower one is pale, velvety to the touch. The thin, even translucent flesh of the autumn line has a grayish color and emits a mushroom aroma.

Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

Description of the leg

The leg of the autumn line is hollow, from 4 to 10 cm high and up to 2 cm wide, has a range of shades – from almost pure white to light brown, pinkish or gray. From the sides it is flattened, narrowed upwards.

Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

Where and how to grow

The autumn line grows in the temperate climate of central Our Country and Europe, meeting everywhere in coniferous, deciduous or mixed forests. Most of all, this species prefers pine thickets, where it can grow singly or in small groups on wood that is prone to decay or in close proximity to it. It also prefers mountainous terrain for autumn stitching, however, during certain periods it massively settles on the plains. You can meet the original mushroom from the beginning of July, but the peak of its activity is observed from the second half of August until the end of September.

Mushroom autumn lines in natural conditions in the photo:

Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

Twins and their differences

With its shapeless hat and the size of the lines, autumn is outwardly similar to other members of the genus:

  • black vane;

    Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

  • curly lobe, or white-legged.

    Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

As you can see in the photo, the color of the hat of these representatives has obvious differences. In the first double, it is, according to the name, black, and in the white-legged species, it is light, almost white. The line, like the rest of the genus, belongs to inedible mushrooms, it is forbidden to eat it.

Attention! Despite the fact that certain varieties in East Asian countries are used in traditional cuisines, the autumn line contains toxins that are dangerous to human life.

Is the mushroom edible or not?

The debate about the edibility of this species is highly controversial. This is due to the content in the autumn line of a poisonous substance – gyromitrin, which can destroy the human nervous system, liver and gastrointestinal tract. The toxin is so strong that its high dose is life-threatening.

Gyromitrin in autumn lines is presented in various quantities. So, myologists have identified strains of autumn morels with a high content of this toxin, which cannot be destroyed even by long-term processing of the product. The distribution of the concentration of toxic substances in different populations has not been fully studied, therefore, it is not possible to determine the degree of risk to life under normal conditions.

How to prepare autumn lines

In addition to gyromitrin, overgrown, large specimens of autumn lines accumulate waste products from industrial enterprises, heavy metals, poisons, exhaust gases, etc. over time. Thus, the toxicity of fruiting bodies increases.

As a result, such a complex content of gyromitrin and environmentally harmful substances cannot be eliminated either during heat treatment or during drying recommended in some sources. All this makes it impossible to eat autumn lines for food.

Important! The poison of the fungus is able to accumulate in the human body, which poses an additional danger to health and life.

Healing properties of autumn lines

Autumn lines are still able to have a beneficial effect on the human body. The properties of the product have a wide range of applications in alternative medicine recipes:

  • increase tone;
  • improve appetite;
  • anesthetize;
  • have a positive effect on the work of the digestive organs, especially the pancreas.

Autumn lines (Gyromitra infula) are distinguished by a high content of toxic substances, even in comparison with their spring counterparts. This is due to the time of active growth. So, the lines of the giant and ordinary bear fruit in the spring, when the soil and air are not yet warmed up.

Autumn line (Autumn vane): photo and description of how to cook

Therefore, they do not accumulate as much gyromitrin as the autumn species, which is of interest to mushroom pickers only for medicinal purposes.

On the autumn lines, an alcohol tincture is prepared, which helps with pain in the joints and in case of respiratory diseases. It is used in particular:

  • with rheumatism;
  • arthrosis;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • radiculitis;
  • bronchitis and pneumonia;
  • neuralgia.

How to make tincture on autumn lines

Attention! Alcohol tincture is used exclusively externally, after consulting with your doctor.

Mushroom homemade medicine is prepared from autumn lines collected in dry, sunny weather. To do this, use large specimens that have accumulated a sufficient amount of poisonous and at the same time healing (if used correctly) substance.

Step by step preparation of tincture:

  1. Autumn lines in the amount of 200 g are cleaned and crumbled by hand
  2. Fold in a half-liter jar or glass bottle.
  3. Pour 0,3 liters of vodka or alcohol, cork with a lid.
  4. Put in the refrigerator for insisting for 14 – 20 days.
  5. The tool is used without filtering.
  6. Store in a cool, dark place.

The lines contain a natural form of cortisol, which has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Important! Cortisol-based products are used for bronchial asthma, autoimmune diseases and allergic reactions.

Rules for the use of tincture

For pain in the joints or a strong cough, the tincture of the lines is rubbed into sore spots, into the chest, and then the body area is wrapped with a woolen cloth. Do this 3 times a day until the pain subsides or the cough subsides. Despite the fact that gyrometrin is considered a poison, it is he who has a strong analgesic effect. Its largest amount is found in overgrown, large autumn lines that have grown in dry, warm weather.

Important! Self-medication is strictly prohibited. Before deciding to use drugs from the product, it is imperative to undergo an examination and consult a doctor.

The video will tell you how to be treated with lines and properly prepare the drug at home:

Lines. Mushroom Strochok. Joint treatment. Gyromitrin and Cortisol – Frolov Yu.A.

Contraindications to the use of autumn lines

Lines and remedies prepared on their basis should not be used:

  • pregnant women;
  • nursing mothers;
  • children;
  • people suffering from cardiovascular diseases;
  • if you are allergic to any of the ingredients of the product.


The autumn line is a difficult mushroom, which should be taken very carefully. It is forbidden to eat it, since the concentration of gyromitrin can be life-threatening. With the external use of this type for the purpose of treatment, special attention is required: strictly adhere to the doctor’s prescriptions and monitor the body’s reaction.

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