Autumn depression: how to get rid of? Video
When summer passes, it is very sad for many. After all, it is no coincidence that the classic called autumn “dull at times.” However, most people find solace in the luxury of autumn colors, the splendor of the harvest, leisurely walks in the parks and anticipation of the autumn holidays. Unfortunately, there are those who are not happy about everything at this time of year, because they have an autumn depression.
Autumn depression: how to overcome the disorder?
Causes of the autumn depression
Autumnal depression is a seasonal affective disorder. It can last all autumn and even the first months of winter, and then decline. This depression is a common cause of decreased performance in the fall months and, much more sadly, an increase in the number of suicides at the same time. The farther north the country in which people live, the longer and more severe this disorder goes.
Signs and symptoms of autumn depression are:
- sleep disorders (insomnia, hypersomnia)
- trouble concentrating
- irritability
- decreased libido
- eating disorders (bulimia, anorescia)
- lack of interest in life
- recurring thoughts of suicide
- panic attacks
- decreased immunity
Hypersomnia – an excess of sleep; bulimia – uncontrollable appetite; anorexia – unmotivated refusal to eat, lack of appetite
Although scientists have not found conclusive evidence, they nevertheless agree that the main causes of depression in autumn are hormonal changes that the body experiences due to the change of seasons and short daylight hours. First of all, the level of melatonin in the blood rises. This hormone, among other properties that promote healthy sleep, breaks down under the influence of light, accumulating, it leads to sleep disturbances. Melatonin also regulates body temperature, an increase in the amount of the hormone, decreases it, which leads to the fact that a person seeks to compensate for the lack of energy used to “warm” the body with high-calorie, fatty and sweet foods. This is why autumn depression is often associated with weight gain.
An increase in melatonin leads to a decrease in the amount of another hormone in the body – serotonin. This hormone is also involved in the regulation of the cycles between sleep and wakefulness, in addition, it regulates mood, it is called the hormone of happiness. A lack of sunlight is also associated with a lack of dopamine (dopamine), which causes a lack of concentration and loss of interest in life.
Ways to Overcome and Treat Autumn Depression
Light (photo) therapy is considered to be an effective way of dealing with autumn depression – the effect on the body with special lamps, but it is not recommended to carry it out without the supervision of a doctor, since this therapy needs to be carried out for a certain, verified amount of time. However, this type of therapy can have side effects such as headache, nausea and eye fatigue. For light therapy, lamps are used whose light is ten times more intense than conventional bulbs. Light therapy is most effective in the morning, it is important that the lamps are directed directly at the face and the patient does not close his eyes, but does not look directly into the light. Usually, light therapy is prescribed for those who have autumn depression for at least two to three years in a row.
Light therapy has contraindications – diabetes, retinopathy, it is incompatible with taking certain medications. Failure to comply with the limits may result in damage to the retina. In bipolar disorder, light therapy can cause manic symptoms or hypomania.
Another method of treating autumn depression is medication. It should also be carried out under the supervision of a doctor, only a doctor can select from a wide range of antidepressants those that will be effective in your case.
According to statistics, women are more prone to autumn depression than men. They become especially vulnerable between the ages of 15 and 55
Mild forms of autumn depression can be prevented or corrected by yourself. To do this, you should find time every day to go for a walk in the daylight, try to work in the daytime next to a window that provides sufficient lighting. Light colors in clothes and home decoration not only lift the mood, but also reflect light better, so you should try to dress brighter and bring juicy, clean colors to the decor of the room. To cope with a decrease in body temperature, you can not only wrap yourself up warmer when going outside, but also pay attention to the fact that your bed has a warm enough blanket, a heating pad.
How to treat autumn depression
Try aromatherapy to tame your fall depression.
Use the following recipe:
- 20 drops of sweet orange essential oil
- 20 Lavender Essential Oil Drops
- 10 grapefruit essential oil drops
- 5 drops of lime essential oil
- 5 drops of rosemary essential oil
- 2 drops of jasmine essential oil
Combine all ingredients in a dark glass bottle. Pour a few drops of the mixture into an aroma lamp, or simply drip onto a cloth and inhale.
Healthy nutrition, rich in vitamins and minerals, moderate physical activity, active social life and the presence of any exciting activity or hobby are also important in the fight against the disease. It will not be superfluous to watch a good, positive movie more often, read funny books. Girls from autumn depression are often helped by spa treatments and shopping. A folk remedy for fighting depression – alcoholic beverages – is best used in moderate doses, giving preference to high-quality red wines rich in tannins.
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