Autumn crocus varieties

Autumn crocus varieties

Autumn crocuses create a special atmosphere, it seems that it is spring again. The varieties that bloom in autumn are rare, but there are worthy examples among them.

Varieties of autumn crocuses

Some varieties of this plant bloom in early autumn, others at the end, when you no longer see flowers on the street. They look impressive against the background of fallen leaves, but their flowering is not long.

Another name for the autumn crocus is “saffron”

Crocuses grow and develop throughout the spring and summer period, the ovary remains in the soil next to the bulb. With the arrival of autumn, the flower comes to the surface of the ground and opens up.

Popular varieties:

  • “Beautiful”. The earliest variety, crocus blooms in September. Plant up to 30 cm in height. The flowers are large, up to 7 cm in diameter. There are different shades – white, blue and purple. The shape of the flower depends on the variety; there are species with sharp and slightly rounded petals. Popular varieties are Oxinan, Albus, Artabir and Conqueror.
  • “Palassa”. Pink-lilac buds appear in September. Leaves make their way to the soil surface in April.
  • “Sharoyan”. A variety with a shade of petals, rare for saffron. They are orange-yellow in color.
  • Long-flowered. Blooms in early November.
  • “Average”. Petals are pale lilac, goblet-shaped inflorescences.

A sunny or slightly shaded area is suitable for growing crocuses. Only “Sharoyan” can grow in the shade.

Rare varieties of autumn crocuses

These crocus varieties are suitable for pot growing. They are distinguished by beautiful flowering:

  • Tournefor. Inflorescences are light lilac. The stamens are white. Flowers do not close at night. Crocus grows up to 10 cm in height.
  • Zonatus. Blooms in early October. The petals are pink with a yellow center. Inflorescences up to 4 cm in height.
  • “Sowing”. Crocus of this variety reaches 10-30 cm in height. The flowering period is September-late October. Inflorescences are pale purple, white or light yellow. The photo shows the blooming of this autumn crocus.
  • “Valley”. Plant up to 12 cm in height. Blooms in early September. The bloom is snow-white.

Crocuses can be propagated by seed or by dividing the bulbs. In the first case, the plant will bloom in the 3-4th year.

Fall crocuses can be grown in a flower bed or in a pot. They can grow under trees and shrubs, along the path, near water bodies. They can be used to decorate alpine slides and rockeries.

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