Autumn care and cannes preparation for winter: how to prepare flowers for shelter for wintering

Kanna is a perennial that has become the main decoration of flower beds, flower beds, parks and squares thanks to large, decorative leaves of different colors and shades. The plant is unpretentious, rarely gets sick, resistant to drought. There is only one drawback – it is very sensitive to frost. Therefore, the main task of flower growers is the preservation of rhizomes in winter. From the article you will learn how to prepare cannes for winter.

Proper digging

Cannabis care in autumn is different. This is a heat-loving plant, so you can not leave the rhizomes in the ground for the winter. You can dig up the tubers in the second half of September, having previously prepared them for this. Cut off flower stalks, as well as dry and damaged leaves. Reduce watering to once a week, and stop altogether a couple of weeks before digging.

Autumn care and cannes preparation for winter: how to prepare flowers for shelter for wintering

It is better to start work on a dry sunny day. First, cut the stems almost at the base, leaving 15–20 cm above the ground. Treat the sections with a solution of manganese. It is better to dig up the rhizomes with a pitchfork – this way they are less injured. It is not necessary to shake off the earth from the tubers. Divide the overgrown rhizomes into separate parts. Carefully inspect them: cut off the damaged areas to a healthy tissue and treat with a solution of manganese or sprinkle with charcoal.

Planting material is ready for storage.

Video “Storage of cannes in winter”

From this video you will learn how to properly store cannes in the winter.

#CANNES. Winter storage.

Subsequent storage

Storage conditions in winter affect the appearance of cannes in summer. How lush and long flowering will be depends on compliance with the rules for the chosen storage method.

There are several types of storage of canna rhizomes:

  • in cellars;
  • at rest;
  • as a houseplant;
  • in a refrigerator.

For each of them, the preparation of flower tubers is carried out in different ways.

In the cellars

Cut, dug and processed plants must be dried in the shade under a canopy so that when laying for storage, the earth on the rhizomes is not damp. We put the planting material in a box or other container of suitable size. We fall asleep with sand, peat and sawdust (only not coniferous) in a ratio of 1: 1: 1. In this form, we lower it into the basement or cellar. In storage, the temperature should not exceed 6–8 °C above zero, and the air humidity should not be lower than 50%. Check the soil moisture once a month and moisten it if necessary.

Autumn care and cannes preparation for winter: how to prepare flowers for shelter for wintering

At rest

Eland for storage at rest does not need to be cut. Remove only flower stalks. Dig up the plant with an earthy clod and place it in a spacious flower pot, fill the voids with peat mixed with wood ash. The plant will overwinter better in a room with good lighting and a temperature not higher than +15 ° C. A loggia, an insulated balcony or a veranda are suitable for this. Flower care is simple: water moderately once every two weeks.

Like a houseplant

You can enjoy the beauty of a tropical flower in winter. To do this, it is necessary to transplant the canna into a large flower pot in early autumn so that the rhizomes are spacious. Cover with a mixture of high peat, vermiculite and sawdust in a ratio of 1: 1: 1, and leave it outside so that the flower adapts to the new container. Before frost, bring the canna into the house and place it closer to the window (if it is high) or on the windowsill (if it is low).

For lush flowering requires sunlight and frequent watering. It is necessary to feed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers once every two weeks. In January, the leaves turn yellow and fall off, a dormant period begins, which will last 1,5–2 months.

In a refrigerator

Canna rhizomes can also overwinter in the refrigerator if there are few tubers and the refrigerator is large. For proper storage you need:

  1. Trim stems at the root.
  2. Dig up the roots. Rinse thoroughly with running water and cut off damaged and rotten areas with a knife to a healthy tissue.
  3. Soak for a day in a weak solution of manganese. Then dry the tubers.
  4. Wrap each spine in paper and carefully place in the vegetable storage compartment. Twice a month, review tubers and remove decaying ones.

In regions where the temperature does not drop below -5 ° C in winter, you can not dig up the rhizomes, but their safety depends on how you cover the cannes for the winter.

First, cut the stems at the root. Then lay the spruce branches and cover with a dense spunbond, lutrasil or other covering material.

Press the material along the edges with heavy weights or pegs so that it does not fly away during the wind. So the tubers will safely overwinter.

Follow the rules for storing planting material, and then next summer the cannes will delight you with their magnificence.

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