Autohemotherapy some time ago was a fairly popular procedure. Then interest in her faded somewhat, and now begins to flare up with renewed vigor. It is mainly used by patients who seek to get rid of acne on the face for little money, as well as cleanse the skin of other pustular rashes.
In simple terms, autohemotherapy is a transfusion of venous blood into the buttock. Doctors are very ambivalent about this procedure. Some experts believe that autohemotherapy is a time-tested method, while others are of the opinion that there will be no effect from it. As evidence, they cite the fact that autohemotherapy was invented by the surgeon August Beer in 1905, when they had a superficial idea of other methods of treatment. However, it should be noted that with the help of autohemotherapy, Beer successfully treated patients with fractures.
The modern pharmacological industry offers people the widest choice of means to adjust the immune system. Autohemotherapy is used as an additional method of treatment, which is primarily aimed at eliminating inflammatory processes. It is also used to improve the condition of facial skin in the cosmetic industry. Before deciding on the procedure, you should study in more detail all its advantages and disadvantages, familiarize yourself with possible contraindications and side effects.
Contraindications to autohemotherapy
Autohemotherapy is a procedure during which a certain amount of blood is taken from a person’s vein, and then injected into the gluteal muscle intramuscularly.
Previously practiced in some cases, subcutaneous injection of blood. However, now this method is not used, since after its implementation a hematoma occurs at the injection site, and there is also a possibility of inflammation. In this case, the patient experiences pain, the skin swells a little, and the state of health may be disturbed.
Autohemotherapy has practically no contraindications. Previously, only children, pregnant women and nursing mothers were advised to refrain from the procedure.
Modern medicine prohibits injections of one’s own blood in the following cases:
Acute myocardial infarction.
Severe arrhythmias.
Cancers in the body. A person who has learned about his diagnosis can decide on any method of treatment. However, it is worth noting that in terms of getting rid of oncology, autohemotherapy is not effective and can even be harmful.
Epileptic seizures, neurosis and other mental disorders.
It is not recommended to undergo a blood transfusion procedure for those people who are characterized by increased emotional sensitivity, cannot bear the sight of blood, etc.
Before deciding on autohemotherapy, you should definitely consult with your doctor to make sure there are no contraindications.
Indications for autohemotherapy
Autohemotherapy is a procedure that has a number of therapeutic effects. Sometimes you can see information that this method heals from the human papillomavirus, from herpes, from cytomegalovirus, helps with menopause, promotes the resorption of adhesions in the pelvic area, and even treats infertility. In fact, you should not expect miracles from autohemotherapy.
This method is aimed at stimulating the body’s immune forces, as well as launching metabolic processes. Therefore, it is often used to get rid of pustular rashes on the skin. In this case, autohemotherapy really works.
In addition, autohemotherapy can be used as an auxiliary treatment for the following disorders:
Inflammatory processes of the respiratory organs, which have a chronic course.
Inflammation in the female genital area.
Skin inflammatory reactions.
Decreased immunity against the background of an injury, after surgery, after exposure to radiation, etc.
Juvenile acne, ulcers on the skin, skin rashes due to hormonal changes.
Trophic ulcers on the background of diabetes mellitus.
Herpetic infection.
Increased immunity during menopause.
Autohemotherapy is a kind of immunocorrector, which allows you to increase the body’s defenses. However, it is not always possible to predict exactly how the immune system will react to such stimulation. To assess the likely effect of the procedure, it is necessary to conduct an immunological study in advance, and only after that decide on autohemotherapy.
How is the procedure performed
2 ml of blood is injected into the gluteal muscle, which is taken from a human vein. The injection is placed in the upper-outer quadrant of the buttock.
The procedure is repeated after 1-2 days, but the amount of blood is increased to 4 ml. During the third injection, which is also performed 1-2 days later, blood volumes are adjusted to 6 ml.
The following scheme of the procedure:
The fourth injection is 8 ml of blood.
The fifth injection is 10 ml of blood.
Sixth injection of 10 ml of blood.
The seventh injection – 8 ml of blood, and so on, to decrease according to the proposed scheme.
During the procedure, it is imperative to comply with all conditions of sterility. Autohemotherapy involves the implementation of two injections – one intravenous, when blood is taken, and the second intramuscular, when it is injected into the human body. Therefore, if the procedure is carried out not in a hospital, but at home, which is highly undesirable, it is important to pay sufficient attention to compliance with all sterility standards.
An example of treatment results: before and after autohemotherapy against acne:

Varieties of autohemotherapy
Autohemotherapy, like any method of treatment, is constantly evolving and improving.
Modern medicine offers such options for its implementation as:
Hemopuncture. At the same time, blood is taken from the patient from a vein and injected in small doses into pain points throughout the body. For this purpose, both pure blood and blood enriched with homeopathic remedies can be used. This treatment method was developed by the Belgian homeopath Jan Kerschotou.
Stepwise autohemotherapy. This method involves the introduction of blood, which is enriched with homeopathic remedies. They also previously tried to inject antibiotics into the venous blood, but this procedure was quickly abandoned. Stepwise autohemotherapy was developed by homeopath Hans-Heinrich Reckeweg. He was a hereditary homeopath and took over his father’s business. Also, Hans-Heinrich had the experience of communicating with the founder of autohemotherapy – August Beer, who improved his knowledge.
The use of autologous blood for treatment. This method involves carrying out certain manipulations with blood before reintroducing it to the patient. Blood can be frozen, ozonized, treated with ultraviolet and x-rays. However, in order to perform such a procedure, not only special equipment is required, but also medical knowledge.
Combination of autohemotherapy with ozone therapy. In this case, the procedure is carried out according to the classical scheme, but at the same time ozone – O3 (triatomic oxygen) is added to the blood. This procedure is called small ozone autohemotherapy. There is also a large ozone autohemotherapy. In this case, 150 ml of blood is taken from the vein, enriched with ozone and injected back into the vein. It is believed that this procedure allows you to quickly get rid of chronic fatigue syndrome.
Combination of autohemotherapy and hirudotherapy. In this case, the patient is placed on problem areas of the body with leeches, and then his own venous blood is injected there.
All of the above procedures are unacceptable to perform at home. They have a wider list of indications and contraindications compared to classical autohemotherapy. You also need to take into account that autohemotherapy is an alternative method of treatment that has not been studied in detail and verified by official medicine. Therefore, before deciding on it, you should get medical advice.
Price of autogemotherapy
The cost of the procedure varies depending on where exactly it will be performed. So, in modern Moscow medical centers, the price can reach 28 thousand rubles for a course of autohemotherapy, consisting of 10 procedures. Far from the capital of Russia, in “simpler” institutions, the cost of a course of treatment can reach 6-7 thousand rubles. A single injection of one’s own blood costs from 400 to 1000 rubles per injection.