Autogenic state — a special state of consciousness, a specific type of activity (autogenic displacement, predrowsiness), the focus of which is transferred from the external to the internal sphere of a person; a state of being in the body.
An autogenic condition occurs when a person:
- is located in a quiet place;
- relaxed in a comfortable position;
- focuses attention on something;
- carries out concentration of attention in a special way, passively, does not strive to achieve any result.
The autogenic state differs from the drowsy state by the presence of constant conscious perception of everything that happens. The autogenic state can pass into a drowsy state and then into Sleep.
Two stages of the autogenous state
- passive stage. Calmness, relaxation, indifference to the environment increase, thinking slows down, while maintaining awareness of what is happening.
- active stage. There is an increase in awareness. The student sharply perceives and experiences what is happening to him. Logical thinking stops, the perception of the environment is almost absent. Vivid experiences are possible: vivid visual images, suddenly formulated thoughts, liberation from the oppression of previously interfering experiences.