
The first stage of autogenic training (according to Schultz) is relaxation training with the help of exercises aimed at inducing a feeling of heaviness, warmth, and mastering the rhythm of heart activity and breathing. Exercises of the lower level affect mainly the vegetative functions.

When mastering the first two standard exercises (“heaviness” and “warmth”), a special state of autogenic immersion arises, which Schultz called “switching” and defined physiologically as “a decrease in biotonus with intact consciousness.” D. Müller-Hegemann explains this state by a decrease in cortical activity in the absence of external stimuli and a reduction in thought processes due to a focus on training formulas. This state is characterized as intermediate between sleep and wakefulness; it is very close to the first stage of hypnotic sleep (somnolence). The depth of autogenic immersion is divided into three phases:

  • In the first phase, the patient feels heaviness, warmth, languor, spread throughout the body.
  • The second phase is characterized by a feeling of bodily lightness, weightlessness, and often there are violations of the body scheme.
  • The third phase can be characterized as «disappearance of the body».

The first and second phases can be differentiated electroencephalographically. Due to the significant inhibition of the cortex, repeated formulas become an effective means of self-hypnosis. In autogenic immersion, the patient proceeds to self-hypnosis directed against certain painful disorders.

Wolfgang Luthe distinguishes 5 types of intent formulas:

  • Neutralizing, using the variant of self-hypnosis “do not care”: “Swallowing is all the same” — with esophagospasm, “Flower pollen is all the same” — with allergies, etc .;
  • Reinforcing, for example: «I know that I will wake up when my bladder makes itself known» — with enuresis; «My brain speaks automatically» — with stuttering;
  • Withdrawal-oriented, for example: «I know that I will not take a single drop of alcohol, in any form, at any time, under any circumstances»;
  • Paradoxical, for example: “I want to write as badly as possible” — with writing spasm;
  • Supportive, for example: «I know that I do not depend on drugs» — with asthma; «Names are interesting» — with poor memorization of names.

Exercises AT-1

Exercises are performed by mentally repeating (5-6 times) the appropriate self-hypnosis formulas, which are prompted by the training leader. Each of the standard exercises is preceded by a goal formula: «I am completely calm.»

  • First exercise

Causing a feeling of heaviness in the arms and legs, which is accompanied by relaxation of the striated muscles.

Formulas: «Right arm is completely heavy», then «Left arm is completely heavy» and «Both arms are completely heavy». Same formula for the legs. Final formula: «Arms and legs are completely heavy.»

  • Second exercise

Causing a sensation of warmth in the arms and legs in order to master the regulation of the vascular innervation of the extremities.

Formulas: “Right (left) hand is completely warm”, then “Hands are completely warm”, the same formulas for the legs. Final formula: «Hands and feet are completely heavy and warm.»

  • Third exercise

Regulation of the rhythm of heart contractions.

Formula: «The heart beats strongly and evenly.»

  • Fourth exercise

Normalization and regulation of the respiratory rhythm.

Formula: «I breathe completely calmly.»

  • Fifth exercise

Causing a sensation of warmth in the abdominal cavity.

Formula: «My solar plexus radiates heat.»

  • Sixth exercise

Causing a feeling of coolness in the forehead in order to prevent and relieve headaches of vascular origin.

Formula: «My forehead is pleasantly cool.»

An indicator of the assimilation of the next exercise is the generalization of sensations. For example, the exercise of instilling heat in the limbs is considered learned when the heat begins to spread throughout the body.

It takes 2 weeks to complete each exercise. The entire course of autogenic training-1 lasts about three months. Usually classes are held in groups 1-2 times a week under the guidance of a psychotherapist. The duration of the lesson is 15-20 minutes. Much attention is paid to self-training of patients, which are carried out twice a day (in the morning, before getting up, and in the evening, before going to bed), and, as a rule, patients keep diaries where they describe the sensations they experience during classes.

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