
Our world daily presents many reasons for the occurrence of stress, which negatively affects not only adults, but also children. Therefore, it is important to teach the child actions that could ease the state of temporary tension that has arisen for him, by relaxing and relieving the feeling of tension in the whole body.

This effect can be achieved through the use and training of autogenic training.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of mastering the methods of autogenic training by children. Among the most necessary skills for a healthy lifestyle, they are among the first. A person who knows the methods of autogenic training is able not only to “protect” his nervous system, but also learn to regulate with their help some deviations in his health, dissatisfaction with himself, his sleep, and correct bad habits.

The process of mastering by children the methods of autogenic training has its features:

— It is offered to children in a playful way.

— Autogenic training exercises should be done at least once a day. That is why it is advisable to include them in the daily routine of children. In the daily routine of children, such training can be included in the morning, afternoon or evening. It should be remembered that it can be carried out no earlier than an hour after eating.

— An autogenic training session is best done in a darkened room.

A direct session of auto-training is possible only after pre-training:

1 stagepose. During this stage, children are taught to assume the coachman, lotus, passive and lying postures.

2 stagecontrol of breathing and the functioning of muscles, internal organs without relying on volitional efforts. It is important to teach children to surrender to the flow of ideas. This is facilitated by the effective use of images of fairy-tale characters, animals loved by children, with which they easily and with pleasure identify themselves.

3 stagemastering the whole complex of self-hypnosis formulas: «Rest — heaviness — warmth (in the upper and lower limb girdle). The heart and breath are calm. The abdomen is warm. The forehead is cool. Breathing is deep. Open eyes».

The reason for the failure in this activity can be in unsystematic and long breaks in work.

The topics of auto-training, the heroes-participants can be selected depending on the situation or the individual preferences of the children. My children are very fond of the fruit jelly dessert, so I decided to develop for them children’s auto-training «Jelly».

— You know that one of the favorite children’s desserts is jelly.

In my hands is a saucer of jelly. Imagine that you are this strawberry jelly. What is it, describe?

Now imagine that I forgot to remove the saucer of jelly and left it in the sun. And what happened to the wonderful jelly? It began to melt and spread …

Imagine that you are a wonderful jelly. Begin to melt, spread in all directions, sink to the floor, lie on your back, straighten and spread your legs a little, stretch your arms, palms up.

The body is relaxed. Her face relaxed, her mouth opened. Rest.

You are fine, you are calm. Now a ray of warm sun is shining on your right hand, it begins to “melt” and becomes heavy. The right hand is heavy. You are fine, you are calm. It gradually warms up. The right hand is warm. You are fine, you are calm. Now the sun shines on the left handle. Imagine that the left hand begins to «melt» and becomes heavy. You are fine, you are calm. The sun is getting hotter. The left hand is warm. You are fine, you are calm. A ray of the sun ran along your little body and stopped on the right leg. The right leg is heavy. You are fine, you are calm. Gradually, heat spreads over the right leg. The right leg is warm. You are fine, you are calm. The sun has moved to the left leg. The left leg is heavy. You are fine, you are calm. It «melts» more and more and becomes warm. The left leg is warm. You are fine, you are calm.

Gradually you spread like jelly on a saucer. You are happy and well. Your heart works evenly, like a good motor. You are fine, you are calm. Your breathing is calm. Now the sun is shining on your tummy. The abdomen is warm. You are fine, you are calm. Despite the bright sun, a small breeze ran over the surface of the melted jelly. He touched your forehead. The forehead is cool. You are fine, you are calm. The breeze began to blow harder, and the jelly stopped melting. It began to freeze back. Bend your arms, tighten them. Breathe deeply. Open your eyes.


1. In the methods of working with children through autogenic training, they indicate that such self-hypnosis formulas as “My right hand is heavy; The right hand is warm; The left leg is heavy, etc.” it is advisable to repeat several times, and then include the formula: “I feel good, I am calm” (1 time).

2. When exiting the state, if you first open your eyes and only then activate the muscles and breathing, the exit from the state of relaxation will slow down. A feeling of heaviness may persist, a tingling sensation may appear, similar to when the arms or legs become numb. The order to exit must be given decisively.

My children really enjoyed it. Now you need to enter these lessons into the system.

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