Autism in questions

How do you recognize an autistic baby?

Autism is characterized primarily by a deficit of interaction social. The child  avoid eye contact, is sometimes expressed in a monotonous voice. He will tend to concentrate for a long time on the same center of interest: an image, a noise …

Children with autism are often very sensitive to sensory simulations : sound, touch …  

They don’t “fit into speech” the same way other babies do. It is also often this symptom that worries parents, and urges them to consult. Of course, not all children who speak late have autism.

Warning ! None of these signs, taken in isolation, is sufficient to make a diagnosis of autism. Nothing can be “fixed” for 2 years. We are talking about “Autism spectrum disorders”, or ASD, as the manifestations can be different from one child to another.

Is it a disorder of the early relationship between the baby and his mother?

autism owes nothing to ” a missed appointment »Between the newborn and his mother. This disorder brings together a set of symptoms that belong to the family of ” pervasive developmental disorders », According to the WHO classification (1993).

The severity of the manifestations of autism is very variable from one person to another. Appropriate care is essential to help children progress.

Is autism common in children?

We think that 45 out of 100 children are affected each year by this pervasive behavioral disorder, with a proportion of 4 boys for 1 girl.

We know, for example, that it is more common in boys with “fragile X syndrome”, who do not have the other X sex chromosome that could counterbalance the effect, unlike girls.

Can Autism Be Hereditary?

If the older child has autism, the risk of the second child also having autism is 45 times greater than in the general population. At the ” real »Twins (homozygous), when one is autistic, the other is also in 60 to 90% of cases.

Much research done around the world has implicated several genes. In fact, autism has many genetic components, but which interact with various personal factors (immunological, metabolic, etc.) and environmental : infections, exposure to toxic substances, allergies, etc.

Who can be consulted if autism is suspected?

In the first place, the child’s attending physician. He can guide you to a child psychiatrist, a neurologist, in private practice, in the hospital or in a consultation of the medico-psychological center in your area.

To confirm the diagnosis, a complete review (MRI or CT scan, electroencephalogram, metabolic and genetic examinations, etc.), carried out in one of the specialized diagnostic centers closest to your home.

Are there any medications to cure autism?

No Unfortunately. On the other hand, certain drugs will be used to treat a related disorder, such as epilepsy or hyperactivity syndrome. Antipsychotics can reduce aggression or repetitive behavior, but they have many side effects. Others will reduce anxiety.

No drug treatment can be considered in isolation, without a educational and therapeutic care be associated with it (behavioral therapies, psychotherapies, etc.).

Does the autistic child have to be in boarding school?

Some children can stay at home with specialist assistance as soon as possible. It is essential for their good development. They will be able to integrate a class, at the cost of an adaptation of the school context thanks to an AVS, for example, and to be ” followed in town ».

Those with more severe disorders will be taken care of by a day hospital, even during the week, or in a medico-social establishment.

For more information:

Autisme France, 460, avenue de la Quiera,
06370 Mouans Sartoux. Phone. : 04 93 46 01 77,

Sesame Autism, 53, rue Clisson, 75013 Paris. Phone. : 01 44 24 50 00,

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