Autism: A Short Guide to PECS for Parents

Autism: the objectives of the PECS guide

1 / Define what attracts the child, what he wants (a toy, an object, a drink…), anything he can take in his hands.

2 / Create an image of this object (drawing or photo). It must be plasticized to be durable and measure 4 x 4 cm to be put, later, in a communication book. Tip: put velcro behind the image so that it can be hooked and unhooked from the communication book. The velcro also allows the image to be raised to help the child catch it. You can also modify the symbols: put the square images in a ring of the lid or on a cube, always to help the child to take them. 

3 / Make a collection of images representing what he likes, and constantly reassess their preferences.

4 / Teach the rules of communication. In the beginning, PECS is practiced with two adults: a “communication partner” and a “physical instigator”.

When the child shows an interest in an object, the communication partner presents this object to him / her.

The physical instigator then helps the child to take and give the image of this object to the communication partner, who opens his hand to receive the image and with the other hand gives him the object he wants. He must not say anything until the child has placed the image in his hand. 

5 / Gradually reduce aid. The physical instigator must become more and more insignificant and gradually decrease his incentives: the child must be able to let go of the image alone, then reach alone the hand of the communication partner and end up capturing the image alone. After several exchanges, the child therefore learns to initiate the interaction by taking the image of himself and giving it to the partner who has the object that interests him.

Initially, the child does not need to understand the picture to practice this method. It is the notion of exchange that is privileged. Moreover, often he does not even look at her, it is just a sort of “ticket” for him, and it is only later that he will look for her with his eyes.

6 / When the child has learned to use aimage, introduce other images of objects that interest him.

The PECS method is fully compatible with the Teacch method.

For more information :

Christiane Angelmann, speech therapist in Colmar, uses the PECS method for several years. “In general, children very quickly understand the system of exchange that is the basis of this method. It improves their possibility of expression. The image materializes the object of exchange which for us is the word. We make the child discover and understand what communication and reciprocity are. We also notice that with the PECS method, the behavioral disorders of some small fade after 4-5 weeks. And when PECS is practiced with young children, a number end up giving up pictures for language. But if we want the method to be effective, we must also practice it at home and at school, when possible… ”

William’s mother, 3 and a half years old, also practices PECS on a daily basis and is quite optimistic. Her little boy was diagnosed with autism just over two months ago at Robert Debré hospital in Paris. He does not speak at all but already, with PECS, he has made progress to get into communication.

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