Atypical symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

The fall in vitamin D levels is very common, especially in the fall and winter. As much as 90 percent of this vitamin is synthesized in the skin after exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Unfortunately, the deficit may affect even people who have unlimited access to the sun. What health problems are caused by vitamin D deficiency? Does too low serum concentration cause mood swings and depression? Is there an effect of this vitamin on cancer prevention?

  1. The correct concentration of vitamin D metabolites allows you to maintain health and well-being
  2. Vitamin D supply must be controlled. You should undergo regular blood tests to determine the individual’s need for this chemical
  3. Deficiencies are associated with a number of multi-dimensional health problems. Vitamin D deficiency may contribute to the development of disorders that make life difficult and lead to serious complications
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How is vitamin D delivered to the body?

Vitamin D occurs in the form of cholecalciferol (vitamin D3), which is formed in skin cells as a result of the synthesis of solar radiation, and ergocalciferol (vitamin D2), which is supplied with the food.

There is relatively little of it in food products, but you should still provide yourself with:

  1. oily sea fish,
  2. dairy products,
  3. sun-dried mushrooms,
  4. tran 

How much vitamin D is synthesized by the skin depends on several factors, including:

  1. latitude,
  2. season,
  3. time of day,
  4. skin pigmentation (dark-skinned people are less able to synthesize vitamin D),
  5. age, 
  6. use cosmetics with filters.

Vitamin D concentration serum levels lower than 20 ng / ml is called deficiency. Insufficient concentration of this vitamin has been reported in about 1 billion people!

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What causes vitamin D deficiency?

Low serum vitamin D values ​​are observed in people who:

  1. provide themselves with too little vitamin with food,
  2. show impairment of its absorption by the digestive system,
  3. do not sunbathe,
  4. they take cholesterol lowering drugs,
  5. breastfeeding (breastfeeding women have a greater need for vitamin D),
  6. suffer from nephrotic syndrome (a series of clinical symptoms and laboratory abnormalities resulting from kidney disease),
  7. have an elevated BMI and visceral (abdominal) obesity. Vitamin D is fat-soluble and therefore accumulates in adipose tissue. 

In addition, people who pass through show an increased need for vitamin D antiepileptic therapy, AIDS therapy, and also healing glucocorticoids.

Atypical symptoms of vitamin D deficiency

Among the least known symptoms of a deficit of this chemical compound, we can distinguish inhibition of keratinocyte differentiation. Disruption of the hair growth cycle results in deterioration of their condition and excessive hair loss. Specialists rarely find the source of this problem in improper vitamin D supplementation hair starts to fall out in greater amounts than before, it is worth doing blood tests for the level of this vitamin.

The same is true of skin problems. An unusual symptom of vitamin D deficiency are rashesthat he often accompanies itchy skin. The optimal supply of this beneficial chemical compound normalizes the processes taking place in the cells:

  1. eliminates dryness,
  2. has a positive effect on the regeneration of damage,
  3. inhibits inflammation,
  4. reduces allergic reactions.

Lowering the body’s immunity may be caused by a deficiency of the sun’s vitamin, which acts on white blood cells and helps them produce antimicrobial substances. Atypical symptoms of vitamin D deficiency so they can surprise you.

Do you want to check if you have the right amount of vitamin D in your body? Perform Shipment Test of Amino Acids and Vitamin D.

Vitamin D – does the deficiency affect the skeletal system?

Vitamin D deficiency affects the health of the bones and leads to many health problems that make it difficult to function. Skeletal diseases can affect both children (rickets) and adults (osteoporosis and bone softening called osteomalacia).

Rickets – causes, the definition of the disease and its symptoms

Too low concentration of vitamin D is associated with the consequences of the skeletal system, then rickets may develop – a disease consisting in lowering the level of bone mineralization. The development of this disease is based on insufficient supply vitamin D3, calcium and phosphate.

Rickets mainly develops in children under the age of two. It should be remembered that this is a period when bones change their thickness and length dramatically. During this time, their degree of calcification is formed. It is extremely important to take care of the proper diet of the child, because deficiencies in this area have a number of consequences that affect the rest of life.

The spine is also curved – it appears the hump is lopsidedwhich is a bend in the lumbar region. The growth of a child suffering from rickets is lower than that of its peers, and its teeth erupt relatively late. A soft, flattened occiput is observed, as well as enlarged fontanelles, which regrow with a delay.

Osteoporosis – causes, the definition of the disease and its symptoms

Another disease of the skeletal system resulting from insufficient supply of vitamin D is osteoporosis, associated with low bone mass and its reduced quality. Bone mineral density decreases with age, as shown by studies measuring calcium and other minerals in a specific segment of bone. When such deficiencies are observed, the mechanical strength of the skeleton decreases. This increases the risk of all kinds of fractures. Osteoporosis is a very common disease that affects as many as 2,4 million women living in Poland!

Calcium is an ingredient necessary to maintain healthy bones, and its concentration depends on the appropriate level of vitamin D. Older people have a reduced ability to synthesize this chemical from sunlight. With limited possibilities of converting UV rays into the so-called sunny vitamin additional supplementation becomes necessary.

In order to supplement vitamin D deficiencies, it is worth reaching for the right supplements. Try, for example, Omega 3 + D3 4000 IU YANGO – a dietary supplement for seniors that provides a high dose of vitamin D.

Vitamin D deficiency – autoimmune diseases

Vitamin D deficiency in the body can lead to an increased risk of MS, being a chronic disease of the spinal cord and brain. The immune system malfunctions, due to which autoimmune processes are observed. The myelin sheaths that isolate the nerve fibers and are responsible for the efficient transmission of signals in the brain and spine are attacked. After damage to the sheath, many neurological symptoms appear:

  1. motor coordination disorders,
  2. dizziness,
  3. paresis of upper and lower limbs,
  4. unilateral decrease in visual acuity,
  5. speech disorders,
  6. mental dysfunction,
  7. emotional problems. 

Vitamin D and the muscular system

Many scientific reports indicate that vitamin D deficiency is related to diseases muscle tissue and a deficit of white muscle fibers. For the proper functioning of muscles, efficient proteins are needed – actin and troponin, in the synthesis of which vitamin D plays an important role. In addition, it also affects the cellular transport of calcium ions, which is very important at the molecular and biological level. These disorders can lead to muscle wasting or muscle wasting. muscle atrophy.

Vitamin D deficiency – cancer risk

The most common forms of cancer are associated with abnormal serum vitamin D levels. This vitamin has an indirect effect on cellular processes related to the formation of changes in the body, thanks to which it has anti-carcinogenic properties. Dr. Shuji Ogino reports on the improvement of the immune system through the optimal activation of T lymphocytes, which are able to recognize and attack cancer cells.

One of the most studied cancers in terms of anti-carcinogenic effects of vitamin D is colorectal cancer. Oncological patients with a higher concentration of this vitamin in the blood showed a higher survival than patients with its deficiency.

It has been shown that people who care for the proper level of the active metabolite of vitamin D are less likely to develop breast and lung cancer.

Patients with prostate neoplasms are characterized by lower mortality, who supplement vitamin D. The same applies to the prevention of this type of cancer – optimal vitamin supply reduces the chances of getting sick. However, remember to control the level of vitamin D in the body, as too high a concentration of its metabolites may contribute to health problems and be counterproductive.

See also: Vitamin D – how to check its level and how to supplement?

Vitamin D deficiency – nervous system disorders, mental diseases

Vitamin D supplementation reduces irritability and excessive fatigue. It helps when there are mood swings, difficulty sleeping, or episodes of depression. For better mental well-being, it is worth taking care of the optimal supply of this chemical compound.

Vitamin D deficiency contributes to the abnormal development of the brain. Deficiencies in the elderly can cause cognitive decline and the development of Alzheimer’s disease.

You need to be alert to unusual symptoms of vitamin D deficiency. Caring for its proper concentration in the body is extremely important for people of all ages. You should control the supply of this chemical from an early age to fully enjoy your health!

Liquid Vitamin D from Solgar is available from the Medonet Market. Check the offers!

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