Atypical symptom of high cholesterol. You’ll notice it in the toilet

High cholesterol leads to disorders that can threaten health and life. For a long time, however, the symptoms of cholesterol disturbances are latent, and therefore it is difficult to deal with them. It turns out, however, that one of the symptoms that should attract our attention is loose stools. Why is it worth paying attention to the level of cholesterol in the blood?

  1. High cholesterol leads to diseases of the cardiovascular system
  2. Although the symptoms of high cholesterol are long latent, loose stools can be one of the symptoms
  3. Loose stools appear with inflammation of the gallbladder
  4. You can find more such stories on the TvoiLokony home page

Why is high cholesterol dangerous to health?

Cholesterol has many important functions in the body. It contributes to the construction of the cell membrane, synthesizes vitamin D3 or influences the secretion of individual hormones. We take cholesterol with food. It is also partially produced in the liver. There are two cholesterol fractions:

  1. LDL (also called “bad” cholesterol) – transports cholesterol from the liver to other organs 
  2. HDL (called “good” cholesterol) – cleans the blood plasma of cholesterol. 

While the body needs cholesterol, excess cholesterol can lead to serious health problems. Lipid deposition in the arteries is the leading cause of atherosclerosis. Elevated cholesterol (hypercholesterolaemia) also leads to stroke and heart attack.

Due to the fact that it is so difficult to notice the symptoms of high cholesterol, it is worthwhile to regularly perform a lipid profile, which includes testing the level of total cholesterol, HDL fraction, LDL fraction and triglycerides. At you can buy an e-test package for everyone – the set also includes a cholesterol test.

Loose stools a symptom of high cholesterol?

Although, as mentioned, the symptoms of lipid profile disorders are latent for a long time, it is worth paying attention to one symptom, which is loose stools. They most often appear with intestinal disorders, but Sas Parsad, the founder of the medical company The Gut Co., notes that they can also occur with high cholesterol. Loose stools are one of the symptoms of cholecystitis, which is caused by the accumulation of bile and cholesterol.

This is a rather non-specific symptom that is difficult to associate with cholesterol problems. That is why regular examinations are so important. Especially since the signals sent by the body are not obvious. In addition to loose stools, these include calf cramps, shiny skin, lumps on the tendons and chest pain.

To lower cholesterol, you can reach for one of the dietary supplements available on Medonet Market:

  1. Normal cholesterol – Panaseus dietary supplement – contains butcher’s broom and blueberry, which support the health of blood vessels and veins,
  2. CHOLESTEROL + – a dietary supplement Herbapol in Krakow – with red rice and artichoke extract. It reduces the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Diet for lowering cholesterol – what to give up?

Inadequate eating habits are primarily responsible for the increase in blood cholesterol levels. Among the products that are worth limiting in the diet are:

  1. fatty meat (bacon, sausage, lard, mutton, pate), 
  2. fatty dairy products (milk, cheese, eggs, cream), 
  3. bright bread,
  4. palm oil products, 
  5. fast-food food, 
  6. instant ready meals, 
  7. fried foods, 
  8. sweetened drinks 
  9. sweets (cakes, cookies). 

Reaching for stimulants (alcohol or cigarettes) also affects the increase in cholesterol. You must also not forget about the lack of exercise. Therefore, if we are concerned about the results of the lipid profile, we should introduce appropriate changes, starting with eating habits and ending with the introduction of physical activity. We can also try one of the herbal blends that are on the Medonet Market. We recommend tea with alfalfa, artichoke and dandelion, as well as tea with elderberry, artichoke and rowan, which will also work well with elevated cholesterol.

1 Comment

  1. Is baie moegheid en sweet ook imptome van hoe cholesyrol

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