Whatever men think about themselves, girls evaluate men as potential partners in their own way. According to your scales. What? According to Philip Bogachev, the creator of the RMES, a typical female assessment scale has 5 parameters:
- Appearance — for girls it is important when a man is well-dressed, outwardly attractive.
- Internal state — a cheerful, confident and positive man is more attractive than a lethargic, insecure and dreary one.
- Status and wealth — the higher the place of a man in the social vertical, the more interesting he is for the girl. The ability to keep oneself with dignity, position, salary (more broadly — income, capital), status friends — this attracts girls.
- What are you saying. If it’s about her, the girl likes it. If about her, the girl will get bored.
- As you say. Easy, beautiful, fun, warm and sincere — wow. Put your voice up, remove swearing and obscenities, add warm and purring intonations.
Yes, women love confident and wealthy men who look good and are interesting in communication. And the more beautiful the girls, the higher their requirements.
Aronson’s textbook of social psychology describes the following experiment. A large group of girls was taken for the test. Each girl received in turn an assessment of her attractiveness. The girls were asked to determine whether they would meet with a young man of a prestigious, average and unattractive profession from a financial point of view. So, a more attractive girl chose a representative of a prestigious profession for herself and rejected representatives of the middle and low groups. Less attractive girls also rejected representatives of the least prestigious professions, but in the case of the middle option, the factor of external attractiveness came into play! That is, more beautiful girls have unambiguously higher requirements for men. For less beautiful girls, these requirements are underestimated.
If you take 30 possible points for each parameter, then the ideal man could score 150 points. But men are real, not ideal, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. No one will score 150 points, but this is not necessary: usually, for a successful acquaintance with a fairly attractive girl, a young man needs 100 points.
And how many points do you have? Let’s count?
If you speak perfectly, you have a great voice, but the appearance of a tramp, the state of a corpse and the status of an unemployed person, then your chances are extremely small. Count yourself — 30 plus 30. Already 60, good. But this is only on the first points, which are most developed. And for the rest of the score columns, you score 5, maximum 10 points. A little bit is not enough, it’s a shame, but … «let’s remain friends.»
Now the situation is different — voice, conversation, and state are raised to 22, appearance 20, place in the pyramid 15. These are real parameters that are quite achievable by an ordinary man.
Of course, for different women, the weight of each parameter is different. For some woman, appearance will be more important, another for your solvency, for the third for your manner of speaking, but no one has canceled the general trend, and for young people this only means that you need to develop everything in yourself. If you don’t know what the girl you like especially appreciates, you just have to be okay — that’s it.