Diseases associated with impaired brain function have been known for a long time. Senile dementia, dementia, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases, amnesia of various origins — all this greatly complicates life. Patients with such disorders become less efficient, more irritable and whiny, they forget a lot and even lose the ability to independently serve themselves in everyday life.
Forewarned is forearmed?
Unfortunately, many diseases of this kind are still considered incurable, and the maximum that a person who has been diagnosed with such a diagnosis can count on is slowing down the aging process of brain cells, preserving them in the form in which they were at the time of treatment.
Nevertheless, there are a number of drugs that not only successfully inhibit the development of organic and functional disorders, but also successfully prevent any undesirable processes associated with brain function.
One of these processes is atherosclerosis of blood vessels, including the brain. The narrowing of the lumen of the vessels leads to a violation of pressure, a decrease in the volume of oxygen delivered to the cells, leading to hypoxia, and then to the death of neurons. Such a development threatens with a stroke and, of course, is one of the worst scenarios for the development of events.
We are what we eat and more
In addition to age-related changes, intoxication of the body also affects the performance of the brain. You should not console yourself with the fact that you do not eat anything frankly harmful, there are enough poisons and other toxic substances in water, and in food, and even in the air. Moreover, many deliberately poison their body by succumbing to bad habits, such as excessive drinking and smoking.
Often, our body’s natural filters, such as the lungs, liver and kidneys, simply do not have time to cope with all those harmful toxic compounds that easily overcome barriers and circulate inside, poisoning healthy cells.
Despite the fact that the mechanism that triggers the development of severe brain diseases has not yet been fully understood, it is bad habits, as well as unhealthy food and poor ecology, that are considered their unambiguous causes that provoke the degradation of the whole organism as a whole.
How to recognize anxiety symptoms?
In fact, the symptoms of most brain dysfunctions that can lead to irreparable consequences are very similar:
- insomnia;
- distraction;
- irritability;
- forgetfulness;
- migraine headaches;
- pressure fluctuations;
- hearing and vision impairment.
- At later stages, a violation of the socio-cultural foundations of behavior, loss of labor skills and other equally serious signs are possible.
The risk group automatically includes people whose daily activities are associated with stress, hard physical and mental work, a high level of responsibility and «dirty» production processes. By and large, we can conclude that we are all, one way or another, in this very risk group, which means that prevention of possible violations in the modern world is necessary for everyone.
By the way, about stress — in itself, a deterioration in mood and a state of anxiety can hardly be called a cause that can lead to complete incapacity. But! Do not underestimate stress — all of them, even the most insignificant at first glance, in one way or another affect the state of brain neurons. If we compare a person with an electrical appliance, then we can say that during stress, a short circuit occurs, which leads to the «burnout» of part of the impulse-conducting cells.