Definition of atrophy of the heart muscle
Atrophy of the heart muscle develops mainly in people in old age and is called physiological atrophy or involution. Another cause of atrophy is various diseases and adverse factors, this form is called pathological atrophy. There is another name for this disease, namely, brown atrophy, due to the accumulation of a brown pigment, lipofuscin, in the affected cells. Due to this, muscle tissues change their natural color to brown.
Causes of atrophy of the heart muscle
The reason for the development of atrophy of myocardial cells or myocardial dystrophy is a physiological or pathological decrease in the load on the heart muscle. This process can cover all or several layers of muscle tissue at once and leads to a decrease in the mass of the heart – myocarditis. As a rule, the disease is characteristic of the elderly, but it can also be observed in long-term diseases accompanied by depletion of the body. Senile atrophy is characterized by the addition of atrophy of other organs and systems.
As a result of malnutrition or malnutrition, there is an acute shortage of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and various trace elements in the body, which also leads to the development of myocardial dystrophy. In pathological processes of an infectious nature, acute food and industrial poisoning, alcohol abuse and diseases that cause metabolic disorders, tissue respiration changes, which is the main cause of pathological changes in the heart muscle.
Excessive constant physical stress is also considered an important factor in the development of myocardial atrophy, especially in young people. Due to the increased consumption of the reserve capabilities of the muscles, their rapid wear occurs. Atrophy of the heart muscle may be the result of such a common disease as cardiosclerosis. Especially in the stenosing variant, when, against the background of increasing atrophy of the heart muscle, oxygen starvation of tissues and a violation of metabolic processes are noted.
As a result, instead of muscle fibers, small scars are formed from the connective tissue, gradually replacing the myocardium, the normal blood flow and blood supply to the vessels of the heart are disrupted. Such changes lead to a weakening of the contractile function of the heart muscle and the development of heart failure.
Symptoms of the development of atrophy of the heart muscle
Atrophy of the heart muscle (myocardial dystrophy) is a non-inflammatory disease characterized by a violation of metabolic processes in cells, a decrease in myocardial contractility and a decrease in the efficiency of nutrition of the heart muscle.
Due to a violation of the contractile function, the normal blood circulation of the myocardium is disturbed. The patient begins to be disturbed by pain in the region of the heart, peripheral edema of a transient nature appears, disappearing after a night’s rest, discomfort in the chest, fatigue, drowsiness. Heart failure increases gradually: the first symptoms are peripheral edema and shortness of breath with heavy physical exertion. With the progression of the disease, symptoms increase, swelling becomes permanent, and shortness of breath and palpitations are present even at rest. Patients complain of increased cough with a large amount of sputum, especially in the evening, severe weakness, impaired performance. The clinical picture differs in different patients due to the causes of myocardial atrophy and the presence of concomitant diseases. If the process is compensated, then symptoms may not appear for several years. The onset and development of the disease can begin at any age.
Diagnosis of atrophy of the heart muscle
To evaluate the work of the myocardium, to detect scar formations, changes in the size and shape of the heart, to check the contractile function, you can use an ultrasound of the heart. An electrocardiogram shows changes in heart rate, post-infarction conditions, and complications.
Treatment of atrophy of the heart muscle
If changes in the myocardium are of an age-related nature, then the treatment is supportive and symptomatic. In the presence of a history aggravated by various diseases or factors leading to the development of atrophy of the heart muscle, first of all, therapy will be aimed at treating the underlying disease. Symptomatic therapy is carried out to improve metabolic processes in the heart muscle. Rest, restriction of physical activity and proper, nutritious nutrition are also recommended.
At the initial stage, all these processes are reversible, with timely proper treatment, it is possible to restore the normal structure and function of the myocardium.
[Video] Cardiologist – Causes of pathology of the heart muscle: