All children have conflicting feelings about school. You make a lot of good friends, play at recess and at lunchtime, but you also have to study a lot! For children with atopy, a long school day is even more difficult, as many things can cause an itchy attack, and in such a situation it is very difficult to concentrate.
Here are a few simple tips for dealing with atopy so that your child feels better at school.
Golden Rule #1: Don’t forget to pack your skin-soothing product!
Every child with atopy should have something else in their backpack besides the usual textbooks and a pencil case. You need a mini-assistant in the fight against skin discomfort – try “LIPIKAR STICK AP+”! Put it in your backpack or pocket to apply the product to the skin and soothe it if you want to comb it.
Golden Rule #2: Don’t overheat in class!
Sometimes classrooms are hot and stuffy, which can increase the itching. Be sure to wear a tank top under your sweater to take off a layer of clothing if it gets hot. For those with atopy, the ideal room temperature is 18-20 degrees. Ask your teacher for permission to use a thermometer in class.
Golden Rule #3: Don’t let atopy catch you off guard on the playground!
Recess is the best time to play with friends, but running around and pollen in the air can make your skin itch. Don’t forget to put your LIPIKAR STICK AP+ in your pocket to soothe your skin instantly.
Golden rule number 4: special attention to the lesson of physical education!
Whether you like exercise or not, heat and sweat can make your skin itchy. Wear loose clothing and bring a small towel or tissues with you to wipe off any sweat.