Atopic dermatitis – symptoms, treatment, prevention. How to relieve AD symptoms?

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Atopic dermatitis is a disease that stems from a patient’s genes. Atopy is considered a civilization disease. At the beginning of the 1th century, symptoms of this type of allergy were found in 1% of respondents. of the population, currently probably 3/XNUMX of the population suffer from atopy. The greatest number of abnormal reactions of the organism comes from organs in direct contact with external allergens: respiratory system, gastrointestinal tract and skin.

What is atopic dermatitis?

Atopic dermatitis (AD) is a chronic, itchy inflammation of the skin that usually affects the face (cheeks), neck, arms and legs, but usually spares the groin and armpits. Atopic dermatitis usually starts in early childhood but also affects a significant number of adults.

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Atopic dermatitis is commonly associated with elevated levels of immunoglobulin E (IgE). The fact that it is the first disease to occur in a series of allergic diseases – including food allergy, bronchial asthma and allergic rhinitis in turn – gave rise to the ‘atopic march’ theory, which suggests that AD is part of the progression that could lead to allergic disease later. on other surfaces of the epithelial barrier.

  1. See: How can people with bronchial asthma protect themselves against the coronavirus?

Atopic dermatitis – causes

The genetics of atopic dermatitis are not fully understood. Research suggests that several genes may be involved in the development of the disease. In very rare cases, atopic dermatitis is caused by inherited mutations in one gene. One such gene is the CARD11 gene.

The protein produced from this gene turns on signaling pathways involved in the development and function of cells in the immune system called lymphocytes. Mutations in the CARD11 gene lead to the production of an altered CARD11 protein that does not function normally. These changes interfere with pathway signaling, and as a result some lymphocytes called T cells fail to develop or function properly. The number of these cells is normal, but their response to foreign invaders such as bacteria and fungi is reduced. T-cell abnormalities lead to a weakened immune system and recurrent infections that are common in people with CARD11-related atopic dermatitis.

It is unclear how immune dysfunction caused by mutations in the CARD11 gene leads to skin rashes and allergic disorders in those affected. Atopic dermatitis is not caused initially by an allergic reaction, although substances that can cause allergic reactions (allergens) are sometimes thought to contribute to a flare-up of the rash.

  1. How to recognize an allergic rash? Causes, symptoms and treatment of skin allergies

Unlike rare cases caused by mutations in the CARD11 gene, most cases of atopic dermatitis are believed to occur due to a combination of genetic and environmental factors (such as living with a pet). Several common genetic variations may be involved, each of which contributes only slightly to the risk of developing atopic dermatitis. The strongest of these links relates to the FLG gene, which is altered in 20 to 30 percent of people with atopic dermatitis, compared with 8 to 10 percent of the general population without atopic dermatitis.

The FLG gene provides instructions for the production of a protein called profilaggrin, which is important for the structure of the outer layer of the skin. Proteins derived from propaggrin help create a strong barrier that retains water and prevents contact with foreign substances, including toxins, bacteria and allergens. These proteins are also part of the skin’s “natural moisturizing factor”, which helps to keep the outer layer of the skin moisturized.

Changes in the FLG gene lead to the production of an abnormally short protein, profilaggrin, which cannot be processed to produce other proteins related to profilagrin. The resulting deficiency can weaken the skin’s barrier function. Impairment of the skin’s barrier function contributes to the development of allergic diseases, including atopic dermatitis. Research suggests that without a properly working barrier, allergens can enter the body through the skin, causing a reaction. In addition, the lack of a natural moisturizing factor allows the skin to lose excessive water, which can lead to skin dryness.

  1. Maintaining proper hydration of atopic skin will be easier if you regularly use Bioherba Tar Soap for Atopic Skin, which is available at an attractive price on the Medonet Market.

Changes in many other genes are likely related to the development of atopic dermatitis, although most of these genes have not been identified or ultimately linked to the disease. Scientists suspect that these genes are involved in the function of the skin barrier or the function of the immune system.

However, not everyone with a mutation in the FLG or other gene associated with risk develops atopic dermatitis; exposure to certain environmental factors also contributes to the development of the disorder. Research suggests that these exposures trigger epigenetic changes in DNA. Epigenetic changes modify DNA without altering the DNA sequence. They can influence gene activity and regulate protein production, which can influence the development of allergies in susceptible individuals.

The syndromes with atopic dermatitis as one of several features are caused by mutations in other genes.

To check the overall health of your child, including IgE antibodies, perform the Child Health Check – Diagnostic Tests package, which you can purchase at Medonet Market.


Seven steps to restore skin condition and glow

According to the expert Dr. Andrzej Szmurło, MD, a dermatologist from the Nova-derm Clinic: – Atopy is a tendency to react in a specific way to environmental allergens. It is an excessive and unpredictable reaction to pollen, food allergens, animal hair and other allergens – a reaction from the respiratory system, eyes, digestive tract and skin. Within atopy, we are talking about hay fever, asthma, atopic dermatitis, atopic conjunctivitis, etc. Atopic dermatitis usually begins in early childhood and undoubtedly has a genetic basis.

If you have a problem with atopic dermatitis, use Tadé Pays du Levant 100ml Spray Oil for daily care, which strengthens the tissue and smoothes it without irritating it.

Atopic dermatitis – symptoms

The characteristic symptoms of atopic dermatitis are: redness and dryness of the skin, itching and a tendency to recurrent bacterial infections. Skin changes can cover the entire surface of the skin, but are most common at the elbows and knees, face and neck.

The skin of people with atopic inflammation requires special care. A good choice is the moisturizing Atopos milk, which, thanks to the content of shea butter, hemp oil and panthenol, intensively cares for the skin with AD symptoms. Also try the Atopos cream for atopic dermatitis and psoriasis, which nourishes and regenerates the skin while combating inflammation.

For dry and atopic skin, it is also worth using Hemp Ointment, which is available on the Medonet Market. We also recommend sea buckthorn oil for burns, frostbite, atopy and dry skin.

Atopic dermatitis is often associated with other atopic conditions: bronchial asthma, seasonal or chronic hay fever, and allergic conjunctivitis. In the acute phase of atopic dermatitis we can deal with erythema that is very clearly demarcated from the surrounding skin, and may be accompanied by erosions, vesicles and papules. During inflammation, peeling of the epidermis can be seen.

In children under 2 years of age, atopic dermatitis produces slight skin changes. The most common changes appear on the cheeks, scalp or forehead. The lesions of atopic dermatitis often affect the skin in the joint flexions (elbows, knees, wrists). Between the ages of 3 and 11, lichenization foci are largely located in the flexion surfaces of the joints, while in older children and adults, the backs of the hands may be affected. It happens that erythroderma can occur – it is the entire surface of the patient’s skin is affected.

For the care of atopic skin, we recommend the DermoACM Cosmetic Set for atopic dermatitis, which includes:

  1. DermoACM24 face and body cream for atopic skin,
  2. DermoACM relipidating face and body treatment for atopic skin,
  3. DermoACM face and body cleanser for atopic skin.

In the event of the appearance of any of the above-mentioned symptoms, you should immediately see a dermatologist. He will carry out diagnostics and prescribe appropriate treatment.

Atopic dermatitis – course

Almost half of AD cases begin in the first six months of life; by the first birthday, symptoms appear in 70-80% of children. The risk of falling ill later in life decreases significantly. At the age of 6-20, only 10% of new cases are reported, and the onset of the disease after adolescence is sporadic. In adolescence and adults, women are more likely to get sick.

The incidence of atopic dermatitis is increasing rapidly – the disease is diagnosed mainly in highly developed countries and in the white race.

The action of irritating substances (soap, washing powder, animal hair) deprives the skin of its protective barrier. Loss of the so-called the lipid coat results in inflammatory changes and itching. The psychological factor – stress also has an influence on the activation of atopic dermatitis. Atopic dermatitis is considered a psychosomatic disease. Atopic dermatitis cannot be cured, but you can reduce and relieve its symptoms. Surgras Aleppo Soap Co. Olive Laurel Sulfur Cleansing Soap will be effective. by Tadé, which has a soothing effect and can be applied to the entire body – even for sensitive skin, eczema or acne.

Atopic dermatitis can be life-long with periods of remission and exacerbation. The clinical symptoms of the disease, the nature of skin lesions and their location are conventionally divided into phases corresponding to age ranges. We present one of the most popular classifications.

Infancy – lasts from birth to the age of two. Infants have characteristic lumps, scabs, erosions, varnished cheeks, erythema covered with blisters, thin, dull, brittle hair. If the skin lesions are oozing, they often become secondary bacterial infections.

Atopic lesions most often occur on the cheeks, forehead and scalp of the child’s head and at the base of the ear lobes. In severe forms of AD, skin disorders may include the trunk, buttocks, and extensor limbs. In about half of children, skin changes disappear by the end of the second year of life, but the onset of the disease in infancy increases the risk of developing other atopic diseases, including asthma.

Late childhood period – starts at the age of 3 and lasts until the age of 11. In older children, oozing changes are less frequent, while changes in the form of lumps and plaques are more frequent. They are most visible on the hands, feet, around the wrists and ankles, on the backs of the hands and feet, and in the elbows and knees.

The characteristic and frequent location in articular flexions results from greater sweating of these areas and constant movements, i.e. mechanical irritation. Sweat, injuries and abrasions hinder the healing of skin lesions, which promotes secondary bacterial superinfections and complicates the course of the disease. The skin lesions are accompanied by enlargement of the surrounding lymph nodes. At this age, AD may resolve spontaneously, but transient discoloration of the skin occurs during the period of disappearance of the changes. For the care of skin prone to irritation, we recommend the hypoallergenic liquid soap for atopic skin Mydlarnia FOUR SPACES.

Adolescence and adulthood – it begins in adolescence and can sometimes last for the rest of your life. There are alternating periods of exacerbations and spontaneous remissions. The skin is rough, dry, slightly brown and thickened. There may be inflammatory infiltrates, abrasions of the epidermis, resulting from scratching (so-called cuts), bloody scabs and shiny, like varnished nails. The chronic nature of the disease is marked by a tendency to the formation of extensive lichenized plaques.

The skin lesions are symmetrical. They are located on the face, on the upper arms and back, on the limbs and on the dorsal surfaces of the hands and feet, and on the backs of the fingers and toes. Patients complain of a nagging feeling of itching, especially at night, which causes insomnia, fatigue, irritability and may cause depression. Dry air, excessive sun, and stress can trigger or worsen eczema symptoms.

Check out the Cannaderm cosmetics set, which, thanks to the richness of natural ingredients, is suitable for people with AD. The cosmetics contain lecithin and tea tree extract, thanks to which they moisturize and intensely care for the skin. Anka Dziedzic lanolin cream with lanolin also reduces the erythema accompanying atopic dermatitis.

Diagnosing atopic dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is sometimes difficult to diagnose and should be done by a dermatologist or allergist. Typical skin lesions are located in the joints of the elbows and knees, on the neck, in the eye sockets. They are distinguished from other allergies by their location and appearance as well as the history of atopic diseases in the family and in a given patient, explains Andrzej Szmurło, MD, PhD.

The disease is diagnosed on the basis of symptoms and an interview with the patient. The diagnostic criteria for atopic dermatitis (Hannifin-Rajka criteria) can be divided into larger and smaller.

The greater criteria are:

  1. itching
  2. typical localization of lesions,
  3. chronic and relapsing course of the disease,
  4. atopy in a patient or other family members.

The smaller criteria are:

  1. dry skin
  2. follicular keratosis and / or ichthyosis,
  3. immediate skin reactions,
  4. increased serum IgE levels,
  5. beginning in childhood,
  6. tendency to recurrent skin infections,
  7. cataract,
  8. wool intolerance,
  9. food intolerance,
  10. exacerbations after mental stress,
  11. white dermographism (vascular and motor reaction of the skin).

In order to diagnose AD, it is enough to meet 3 out of 4 main criteria; smaller criteria are of complementary importance.

Consult a dermatologist or allergist for disturbing skin changes. You can use the e-visit option and send the doctor a photo of the skin lesion. Make an online consultation with a specialist without leaving your home.

Causal and symptomatic treatment of atopic dermatitis

Incorrect ratio of omega-3 acids to omega-6 acids, linoleic acid deficiency (LA) and disturbances in the conversion of linoleic acid to gamma-linolenic acid in the body are the causes of atopic dermatitis. In order to treat this disease causally, it is necessary to maintain the appropriate proportions of omega-3 to omega-6 fatty acids, which in the human body are between 1: 1 and 1: 4.

If allergenic factors are known, they must be eliminated from the environment or the patient’s food. You can also try to desensitize.

– The treatment of atopic dermatitis consists in repairing the damage to the epidermis with the use of ointments and oiling creams, sometimes with the addition of steroid preparations. In addition, modern anti-inflammatory drugs are used: tacrolimus and pimecrolimus, and phototherapy, that is light treatment, says Andrzej Szmurło, MD, PhD.

Symptomatic treatment of atopic dermatitis is based on the use of antiallergic drugs, corticosteroids in the form of ointments during exacerbations, general and local immunosuppressants, as well as phototherapy (UVA and UVB radiation) and photochemotherapy (PUVA). It is also light treatment with additional pharmaceutical use.

– Itching is best helped by the above-mentioned local steroids, tacrolimus and intensive lubrication, and phototherapy, i.e. all of the above methods. In addition, the oldest antihistamines, such as hydroxyzine and the newest orally administered cyclosporine drugs, are also effective, explains Dr. Szumarło.

Wearing appropriate clothes is also important in the treatment of atopic dermatitis. – Clothing of a person with AD should be cotton and breathable. You can use wet wrapping, i.e. bandaging the body after a bath, after quickly lubricating the skin with emollients (oiling preparations) a few minutes after leaving the bath – adds the specialist.

It should also be remembered that the treatment methods are different for children and adults. – Treatment of children is mainly based on repairing the damaged epidermal barrier without resorting to general treatment. Antihistamines are not very helpful in treating AD. In adults, stronger topical steroids, PUVA (photochemotherapy) therapy and oral medications that reduce excessive immune response are used, says Dr. Szumarło.

For atopic skin, it is worth using INFO-FARM cosmetic hemp oil, which is available on Medonet Market at a promotional price. To care for skin prone to irritation, use RITUAL CARE Sensilis Nourishing and Moisturizing Tonic.

See: The era of food allergies

Atopic Dermatitis – Care

In the care of atopic skin, it is very important to moisturize and lubricate it systematically. You can do it while bathing, to which we add appropriate moisturizing and lubricating preparations. Bathing a person with skin atopy should meet certain conditions. It should last from a few to several minutes (on average 10-15 minutes), depending on the severity of the skin inflammation. The preferred water temperature is 33-34 ° C.

It is recommended to add emulsions, liquids, mineral and natural oils with a pH of 5,5 to the water, which – by moisturizing and lubricating the skin – help control itching and reduce the use of topical anti-inflammatory preparations. We recommend, among others Bioherba linseed oil available at a favorable price on the Medonet Market. You can also buy 2in1 gentle bath lotion and shampoo with rice proteins and Anthyllis Baby hibiscus extract, which is also safe for children.

Skin irritation is also soothed by a bath with the addition of starch.

In the case of atopic dermatitis after bathing, it is recommended to gently dry the skin with a soft towel, without rubbing it, and then (about 5 minutes after bathing) use neutral moisturizing and lubricating preparations (for the entire skin) and local anti-inflammatory drugs in the area of ​​skin lesions. You can use an ointment with an extract of sage leaves, which has a strong moisturizing effect.

Preparations intended for therapeutic baths, containing antibacterial agents, should be used only in the event of bacterial superinfection.

Perfumed soaps, bath salts and flavored cosmetic products should not be used. Gentle creams containing lanolin, paraffin, linseed oil and olive oil are suitable for oiling the skin. It is important to choose the right clothing. It should be quite loose, made of delicate natural fibers that do not irritate the skin.

We recommend Vianek moisturizing cleansing milk for dry and atopic skin. It is available on Medonet Market at an attractive price. Remember about proper skin toning. To do this, reach for the Bioherba Enchanted cleanser for oily and combination skin, which gently cleanses and soothes the skin, reducing inflammation, redness and irritation.

The scalp of people with AD also requires proper care. A good choice is the Atopos hair treatment, which thanks to sage and grapefruit seed extract has a soothing and moisturizing effect.

There are many cosmetics on the market that are suitable for atopic skin. Here are a few of them:

  1. AA Help Cleansing Milk cleansing milk for atopic skin – see offer
  2. Dermedic LINUM Soothing moisturizing cream with linseed oil – see offer
  3. FISHER-PRICE ATOPIC Soothing and protective cream for children – see offer
  4. Pharmena Allerco Bath lotion – see offer
  5. Blue Cap body spray for skin inflammation – see the offer
  6. Bioherba soap bar for sensitive and dry skin – see the offer
  7. Atopicin – an odorless liniment for allergic and atopic skin – see the offer

Oncoria cosmetics are also recommended for atopic skin, which you can buy at favorable prices on Medonet Market.

Adjunctive therapies in the treatment of atopic dermatitis

Together with conventional drugs, the doctor may recommend the use of vitamin and mineral preparations or other dietary supplements. Some of them can relieve inflammation and the itching sensation. These properties are attributed to evening primrose oil, fish oils and linseed oil. Vitamin E reduces skin dryness and itching. Zinc accelerates healing and improves the functioning of the immune system, it is also needed for the absorption of fatty acids. Grape seed extract, rich in flavonoids, inhibits an allergic reaction. Below are some of our suggestions:

  1. Cod liver oil – compare prices
  2. Evening primrose oil capsules – compare prices
  3. Linseed oil in capsules – compare prices
  4. Preparation with omega-3 acids and vitamin E – compare prices Zinc tablets – compare prices

However, it is worth remembering that complementary preparations from the group of dietary supplements bring effects only after a longer period of their use. Also, do not take them on your own without consulting your doctor.

Atopic dermatitis – can it be cured once and for all?

Atopic dermatitis is a chronic disease and it likes to come back, even after a long period of time when the disease is asymptomatic. Atopic dermatitis affects not only children but also adults, studies show that 45-60% of people struggle with AD in adulthood. In young children, atopic dermatitis goes hand in hand with food allergy, and they are often diagnosed as being allergic to environmental allergens. If left untreated, an allergy can develop into asthma very quickly.

As an auxiliary in the treatment of AD, it is worth using Atopicin – an emollient cleansing oil for atopic facial skin, which cleans thoroughly and is gentle on sensitive skin at the same time.

Do you want to do a blood test for allergens? Order shipping allergy tests with an atopic profile now, which you can do quickly and safely without leaving your home.

Atopic dermatitis – prevention

As in any disease, prophylaxis is also important in atopic dermatitis. In order to avoid falling ill, it is recommended to breastfeed infants, mothers should follow a healthy diet, limit the child’s contact with allergens, and most importantly, expand his diet with solid foods.

When early symptoms of atopic dermatitis appear, it is recommended to immediately limit the contact of patients with harmful factors. What else? Remember to properly care for your baby’s skin to avoid any unwanted infections. Inflammation in the mouth or pus on almonds can also aggravate skin lesions, so you should prevent the development of disease / colds / flu beforehand. We also encourage you to read the book “How to fight atopic dermatitis. A guide for parents and carers of atopic people”.

Read also:

  1. Skin – structure, layers, receptors. Features of the skin
  2. Living with a small atopic, or what to do to stop our child from scratching?
  3. Irritated, red and itchy skin? What do the signals he sends us mean?

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