Atopic dermatitis in children – symptoms, treatment, care of a child’s skin

In Poland, every fifth child suffers from atopic dermatitis (AD). As dermatologists emphasize, when such an allergy affects a baby, the whole family suffers, because itchy skin prevents him from sleeping at night.

The dominant symptom of atopic dermatitis is its dryness and persistent itching. In infants, it manifests as a rash on the face and abnormally red cheeks. They become rough and shiny. The rash can also appear on the bends of the elbows and knees, and behind the ears. In older children, atopic dermatitis turns into dry, red patches on the skin of the hands, wrists, elbows and knees, buttocks, and can also spread to the entire body. In young children, red lumps appear, which turn into purulent pustules over time. Persistent itching of the skin is a particularly troublesome ailment for children.

AD usually develops in infancy. More than 60% of cases are diagnosed in the first year of life. However, it may disappear in childhood, or at the end of adolescence at the latest. Relapse occurs around age 35 and sometimes even later.

Treatment of AD

In case of skin changes on the child’s skin, it is necessary to see a doctor. He must exclude other diseases with a similar course. In order to confirm the allergic background of the disease in children over four years of age, the so-called skin prick tests. If these cannot be done, a blood test from the patient may help. It checks the level of IgE antibodies. Treatment of atopic dermatitis consists primarily in proper care of the child’s skin. Bath emulsions, creams, ointments with a pH of 5,5 are recommended for atopic skin. There are many preparations available on the market. Recently, creams containing ectoine have appeared – a substance produced by bacteria living in the desert environment, able to survive in both strongly alkaline and strongly acidified hot waters. It protects cell membranes against damage caused, for example, by allergens. Its use strengthens the skin’s protective function, and as it has a unique ability to bind water, it leaves it moisturized for a long time.

In the case of inflammatory lesions, it is necessary to use anti-inflammatory preparations. Most often they are steroid ointments, which, due to their different strength and the possibility of causing side effects, should be selected individually by a dermatologist. It must be remembered that overuse of ointments with steroids to treat atopic dermatitis has the opposite effect as they destroy the epidermal barrier. Calcineurin inhibitors are a new, safer group of drugs for external use. In the case of intense itching, antihistamines are also used to prevent itching.

Excessive hygiene and allergy

Allergy is a disease that affects people in rich countries much more often. For comparison, in Great Britain as many as 36% of children are affected, while in India 2%. This is explained by the so-called hygienic theory of allergies. Prof. Marek Kulus, an allergist and pediatrician, explains that a sterile and civilized lifestyle causes the immune system to overreact to various, even neutral, environmental factors. Allergologist prof. Piotr Kuna explains that bacteria protect us against allergies. Man, since he appeared on Earth, had to learn to live with them. He has more of them in his body than his own cells. Only symbiosis ensures that both species survive. In addition, the human immune system develops thanks to bacteria. Therefore, they cannot be eliminated from our environment. Also true is the saying that frequent washing shortens life. Today it is no longer recommended to bathe a newborn baby every day. Dermatologist and allergologist prof. Roman Nowicki says that many allergies arise in these young children, whose excessively dry skin allows the penetration of allergens into the body. Meanwhile, the more bactericidal soap is used for washing, the more it dries the skin. Often, out of care for cleanliness and hygiene, we do not want to keep a dog or cat in our house. – We live in clean apartments, away from pets and therefore we are allergic to their hair. A toddler who hides in a house with animals from birth will not have such an allergy – says prof. Marten.

Text: Halina Pilonis

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