AD, or atopic dermatitis, is a common skin condition that is very troublesome. The skin of people with AD is very dry. Its abnormal structure increases its sensitivity, making it more susceptible to irritating external factors. It is manifested by persistent itching, often with skin wounds. The care of atopic skin in children, but also in adults, is very difficult due to the problem of matching the appropriate care products. Their selection on the market is very rich, but it happens that the skin does not react to many of them. If a given cosmetic or medicine is used for a long time, the skin may become resistant to it.
AD in an infant
In a small child, an important element in the care of this type of skin is bathing. You can add preparations available in pharmacies to it. You can also reach for proven, “grandmother’s” methods that are equally effective and, above all, economical.
A few little pieces of advice to start with:
- bath water should be at a temperature close to body temperature – 37-37,5 C (high temperature intensifies itching)
- the bath should be short – about 5 minutes
- we do not use a sponge or washcloth as they can carry bacteria
- after bathing, do not rub the skin, but gently dry it with a soft towel
- moisturize the skin immediately after wiping off after bathing
What is the best bath?
- Starch bath. Starch soothes, smoothes and relieves burning and itching. We need 5 tablespoons of potato flour (starch). We dissolve it in a glass of cold water so that there are no lumps and add it to a liter of boiling water. Mix thoroughly (like jelly) and pour it into the tub. A starch bath should last about 15-20 minutes and be warm (37-38 degrees). We do not use any washing preparation and after the bath you must not rinse off the starch, but gently dry it with a towel. Be careful when taking your baby out of the tub as the skin is slippery!
- Oatmeal bath. The flakes contain zinc and silica, which are very important for the proper functioning of the skin. The bath moisturizes, smoothes and soothes itching. To prepare the bath, pour a glass of petals with 3 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil and cook for about 10 minutes. Then pour it into the tub. We do not use soap and gently dry the skin.
- Linseed bath. A bath with linseed strongly moisturizes, has a soothing, smoothing and anti-pruritic effect. We need half a glass of linseeds – throw them into a large pot and add 5 liters of water. We cook for 15-20 minutes. Collect the jelly that has formed above the grains (the grains should be at the bottom of the pot) and pour it into the bathtub. The bath should be warm, short, without soap and without rinsing with water.
What to lubricate the skin with?
You can get the real one coconut oil. Stored in the refrigerator, it is a hard mass that becomes liquid at room temperature. The oil protects, moisturizes, nourishes and creates a protective filter on the skin without an oily layer and smells beautiful. Evening primrose oil can also be used as a lubricant. It brings relief to dry skin, makes it soft and smooth. Evening primrose oil you can buy in a pharmacy or herbal shop in a bottle and apply it directly to the skin or buy evening primrose oil in capsules. The capsules can be cut with scissors and the oil squeezed out as needed.