Every fifth mother in Poland struggles with the problem of atopic dermatitis in her child. This chronic allergic disease has become extremely common in recent years. According to doctors, as many as 20% of children are currently struggling with it. Unfortunately, its causes are not fully known.
Despite this, it is known to be related to the malfunctioning of the immune system, and is also genetically determined. Children whose parents suffer from AD have a 20-40% risk of inheriting the disease. In a situation where both parents suffer from this disease, the chance of AD in their offspring increases up to 60%.
How to recognize atopic dermatitis?
The diagnosis of the disease is based primarily on the medical history and clinical picture, because the symptoms can be very diverse. In order to make a diagnosis, the so-called recognition criteria, also referred to as the Hanifin and Rajka criteria. The most important symptoms of AD include:
- skin itching,
- keratosis pilaris,
- Recurrent and chronic course of dermatitis,
- Positive results of skin prick tests,
- Prone to eczema on the hands and feet,
- Lip inflammation,
- recurrent conjunctivitis,
- bad wearing of wool,
- Characteristic skin changes
- Localization of changes primarily within the flexion surfaces of the limbs,
- Early appearance of the first disease symptoms,
- Increased level of IgE in the blood serum,
- Facial pallor or erythema,
- nipple eczema,
- Intolerance to certain foods (or itching after eating them),
- Darkening of the orbital area,
- Polished nails, i.e. the appearance of varnished nails as a result of frequent rubbing and scratching.
- A paradoxical reaction of the skin in which the skin turns pale when scratched in sick people (rather than red as in healthy people).
How to treat and care for atopic skin?
It all depends on the patient’s age, severity and extent of skin lesions. If factors are established sensitizing, of course, they should be avoided, but the main treatment is proper care of the baby’s skin. Since the skin is still dry, it should be regularly moisturized and oiled with special preparations called emollients. They are usually applied 3-4 times a day. It is recommended to use topical agents that reduce itching, intended for atopic skin. It will be a very important element of baby care kąpiel. In addition to enamels, you can reach for natural ways to reduce skin dryness: bathing in oatmeal, linseed, as well as lubricating the skin with evening primrose oil or coconut oil.
If there are inflammatory foci, it will be necessary to use anti-inflammatory drugs, i.e. primarily steroids. Due to possible side effects, they should be prescribed by a dermatologist. Safer, new drugs can also be used, i.e inhibitory kalcyneuryn. It is also possible to use them prophylactically to prevent exacerbation of the disease. Some children also require treatment with antihistamines to reduce itching. Many of them also have a calming effect and help you fall asleep.
In the case of extremely troublesome atopic dermatitis, doctors also implement irradiation with ultraviolet rays. Sometimes it may be necessary to hospitalize the child. In those with documented allergies, the so-called allergen immunotherapy.