
So, it’s time to formulate everything that I thought through and suffered in my favorite sport.

Already in the first conversation with my new ward, when in the process of communication I “probe” his personality and rejoice in everything that I discover in him, all his strengths. But at the same time, and also always, a weak link is revealed, and it concerns the sphere of professional thinking.

Everything is in the thinking of a professional athlete — knowledge of the subject, that is, the essence of the training and attitude to it and to the regime. But there is no “philosophy”, that is, a “professional concept”, which will be able to secure such a difficult path for a person to a great victory.

After the last Olympic Games, where I witnessed the super-experiences of Alexei Yagudin and many others, I offered a «defensive philosophy» even to my children, who also chose a difficult path in life.

… So, we are obliged to transfer the “life credo” that we have suffered through to the guarded and beloved person in order to ensure the safety of his life. Here, one can say, there are two programs — «mandatory» (safety, psychological protection) and «arbitrary» (victory, path to victory). In no case can you change programs in places.


Man is not made for happiness. Denying this inevitably leads to disappointment. Don’t forget what the Bible says: «…by the sweat of your face you will eat bread.» And sadness, like suffering, is natural, since life is not a reward, not a holiday, but a test.

Therefore, it must be firmly and forever learned that:

— problems are normal;

— disappointment (in people, profession, life in general) — normal;

– fear, for example, in a pre-launch situation, – it’s normal, that’s why you are a person to overcome it. Remember: the first thing God said to a man in response to his words “I am afraid” is: “Do not be afraid! I’m with you»;

— loss (of loved ones, youth, and also — unfulfilled hopes) — normal;

– loneliness is normal, and the loneliness of a champion is more than natural;

— experiences (dissatisfaction with oneself and one’s life, sins and mistakes) — normal;

— a person lives in a hostile world, and you need to think about one thing — about salvation!


The secret of salvation is your victories, which fill (ideally — to the brim) «your» scales (in the other «bowl» — everything hostile in the world). In «your» cup everything that you love, that you do with love. So — you need to learn to love what you have! And as early as possible to understand:

— without love there are no victories;

Without love, a person is doomed to failure.


A mournful state is a state of salvation. To grieve (the more you grow older) is your duty, the natural, final state of your soul, which has experienced and comprehended so much. Grief is your way — through repentance — to salvation. Get ready to mourn!

And the conclusion. This time it is very short: we are not united for the sake of victories, medals and money. But you will form a superpersonality, become a superman, a psychorobot in the best sense of the word, you will live a very beautiful life in sports. She will forever decorate everything with wonderful memories. You will make friends in all parts of the world.

About the Developer

Rudolf Maksimovich Zagainov — sports psychologist, was born in 1940 in the city of Chistopol, Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. More than 35 years of experience in professional sports. Master of sports in boxing, graduate of the Leningrad Institute named after Lesgaft. In 1972, he defended his Ph.D. thesis at Leningrad University, and in 1992, his doctoral thesis.

He was the chief psychologist of the sports committee of Georgia, led the Center for Psychological Training; author of scientific papers, ten books on the psychology of professional sports, the most famous of which are Psychologist in the Team, Trust of the Soul, Defeat, Curse of the Profession.

The number of Olympic champions, whom he helped to achieve the most coveted victory, has exceeded two dozen. Of the famous athletes, Sergei Bubka, Viktor Saneev, Garry Kasparov, Maya Chiburdanidze, Nonna Gaprindashvili, Alexei Yagudin, Alexandra Bogomolova, Nikolai Valuev turned to him for help.

“… I always say: the work of a practical psychologist is simple, but the most difficult thing is to make it simple.”

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