Atheroma removal surgery: pros and cons

Atheroma removal surgery: pros and cons

The only effective way to treat atheroma is to remove it by radical methods. Spontaneously, this formation cannot dissolve under any circumstances. Surgical intervention is required with a traditional scalpel or more modern tools – a laser or radio wave knife.

Without opening the capsule, it is impossible to remove the contents of the atheroma, but even if a hole is pierced with a needle to release the contents, this will not solve the problem. The secret of the sebaceous gland may come out, but the cavity from the connective tissue in the duct will remain, and will accumulate sebum again. Thus, a recurrence of atheroma will soon occur.

To radically eliminate the formation, it is not necessary to open the atheroma, but to completely exfoliate the capsule that clogs the duct. During the operation, the walls of the cyst are separated from the surrounding tissues and removed along with the contents. A defect is formed at the site of the cavity, from which soon there is no trace, because the capsule with cells that secrete sebum is completely removed.

If a small formation undergoes destruction, it is possible to avoid the appearance of a cosmetic defect in the form of a scar. Atheroma of significant size must be removed, however, in this case, the cyst has to be husked and sutured.

When removing the inflamed atheroma, there is a high risk of incomplete excision of the tissues of the capsule and the appearance of a recurrence of the cyst. The best tactic in this case is to carry out anti-inflammatory therapy at the first stage until the process is completely stopped, and then remove the neoplasm in the “cold state”.

In the treatment of festering atheroma, a cavity should be opened to remove pus, leaving a hole for drainage. The husking of the cyst is carried out after the end of the purulent process, when the inflammation subsides. Resection of a festering cyst does not guarantee a complete cure, since in this case it is difficult to guarantee a radical removal of the capsule cells.

How is the operation to remove atheroma?

Atheroma is removed in the following ways:

  • laser knife;

  • With a traditional scalpel;

  • The method of radio wave surgery.

The surgeon selects the type of surgical intervention depending on the size and condition of the atheroma. The destruction of small formations is best done with a laser or radio wave knife. After using these methods, the postoperative scar is practically not noticeable.

Atheromas of considerable size are preferably removed in the traditional way with a scalpel. During this operation, local anesthesia is used. A highly qualified surgeon can remove even an atheroma with a purulent process inside it, which has an impressive size, using modern methods. However, in most cases, such formations are preferred to be eliminated with a conventional scalpel.

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