Atheroma, which is popularly called a wen, is quite common and safe for health, although it can cause aesthetic discomfort. We will tell you in which cases atheroma needs to be removed and why it should be done by a doctor, and not at home

What is atheroma

Atheroma (or trichodermal cyst) is a benign tumor-like formation related to epithelial cysts of the skin and is formed as a result of blockage of the excretory duct of the sebaceous gland. Atheroma is a rounded sac-capsule filled with a thick mass of white or yellow color with an unpleasant odor. The content of atheroma is a protein-keratin, which is produced by its walls. Atheromas are more prone to men (due to oilier skin) than women, and education is more common in middle-aged and older people than in young people.

As for the location, atheroma can occur anywhere on the body, but is most often found where there are especially many sebaceous glands – on the back between the shoulder blades and on the shoulders, scalp, on the back of the neck, face, buttocks or in the genital area .

Causes of atheroma in adults

Experts identify several causes of atheroma:

  • violation of the hormonal background;
  • metabolic disease;
  • defects in the structure of the sebaceous glands;
  • damage to the hair follicle, which disrupts the outflow of secretion;
  • trauma to the sebaceous gland (when squeezing a pimple, combing, attaching an infection);
  • Gardner’s syndrome (rare enough hereditary genetic disease);
  • neglect of the rules of personal hygiene.

Symptoms of atheroma in adults

Atheroma has clear boundaries, dense and elastic to the touch. It is located directly under the skin and moves freely under it, if you gently press on it with your finger. The color of the skin in the area with atheroma is usually not changed, but with rapid growth it may turn red or become ulcerated. Sometimes an enlarged duct of the sebaceous gland is visible on the atheroma, and if the atheroma communicates with the skin, then cheesy white, grayish or yellowish masses with an unpleasant odor – sebum – can be separated through this duct. The atheroma itself is absolutely painless, and if it is small and does not increase, it does not cause any physical discomfort, although from the outside it may look like a significant cosmetic defect.

The size of atheroma can also be different – from a pinhead to a chicken egg or more (and such giants grow in especially advanced cases).

But if the atheroma is injured, then severe inflammation can form, which can turn into an abscess. Then the area of ​​​​skin with atheroma turns very red, swelling and soreness appear – then you need to see a doctor.

Treatment of atheroma in adults

Atheroma is treated by a surgeon. Most importantly, never self-medicate and do not open atheroma yourself, so as not to infect.


Diagnosis of atheroma usually does not cause any difficulties. At the appointment, the doctor conducts a visual examination of the formation and surrounding areas of the skin. A distinctive feature of atheroma is its painlessness and the presence of an enlarged duct of the sebaceous gland.

However, it is important to distinguish atheroma from lipoma or hygroma, which, despite their external similarity, require completely different treatment. If necessary, after surgical removal, atheroma fragments are sent for histological examination.

Modern treatments

Modern methods of treating atheroma involve only its removal – laser or radio wave removal, or classical surgical removal with a scalpel.

Removal of atheroma is carried out under local anesthesia: the skin is carefully cut with a scalpel, after which, gently pressing, the atheroma is squeezed out along with its capsule, after which the wound is treated and a couple of sutures are applied.

If the atheroma is very inflamed, an abscess has formed, then sometimes the treatment is carried out in two stages in order to exclude the recurrence of atheroma. First, the surgeon opens the abscess and drains it, and when the inflammation decreases, the remnants of the formation are removed and sutures are applied.

Prevention of atheroma in adults at home

There are no specific methods for preventing atheroma, but since it is more often formed with oily skin, you need to pay attention to hygiene issues – take a shower more often, consult a dermatologist who can prescribe special products to reduce oily skin.

It is also necessary to wear clothes made of breathable natural fabrics, not synthetics, and monitor your diet, eliminating fatty and smoked foods, spicy spices and carbonated drinks.

Popular questions and answers

Answered common questions about atheroma surgeon of the first qualification category, excellent health worker of the Republic of Belarus Nikita Kazakov

What are the possible complications of angioma?
Atheroma is a benign formation associated with blockage of the sebaceous glands. But any benign formation can develop into a malignant one. If permanent damage to atheroma occurs, it is exposed to frequent exposure to sunlight (for example, if a person works on the street) – this can lead to cell degeneration. True, this happens very rarely.
When is it necessary to urgently consult a doctor with atheroma?
With its inflammation – the appearance of redness, soreness, swelling, a local increase in temperature in the area with atheroma and – the general body. Atheroma in case of infection can fester, develop an abscess. In this case, it is urgent to consult a surgeon to remove it surgically. It is important to note that any neoplasm must be shown to a specialist. First, you should contact the surgeon, who, if he suspects a malignant tumor, will redirect the patient to an oncologist. If something appears on the skin, on the face, starts to bother you or increases in size, you need to consult a specialist who will decide whether to remove the formation or not.
When to call a doctor at home for angioma?
The risk group for the occurrence of atheromas is mainly men, as well as people who have impaired secretion of the sebaceous glands, who suffer from acne and those who neglect personal hygiene.
What is the difference between atheroma and lipoma?
Atheroma is a benign formation that is located on the skin, and lipoma is located in the subcutaneous fat and is formed by fat cells.

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